Change LogVersion 1.14.0- Updated for Starsector 0.96a
- Ships:
* New Zeus, Boxer, Apex, and Gorgon IBB sprites (thanks Alfonzo, Selkie, and MesoTroniK!)
* New Beholder sprite (thanks SleepyFish/Foxer!)
* Would have added a Falcon (LG) (thanks BigBeans!), but vanilla already added it...

* Removed Brawler (LG), Eagle (LG), and Hammerhead (LG) because they're in vanilla now
* Removed Heron (LG) because it is effectively useless in the Sindrian Diktat / Lion's Guard fleet doctrine
* Buffalo (LG) is now the Buffalo (SD): a generic Sindrian Diktat skin, which replaces the Buffalo for the Diktat
* Various stats changes for all skins to keep in-line with vanilla expectations
* Nightwalker CR/deploy increased to 40% from 20%
* Liberator:
- OP increased to 270 from 265
- Flux dissipation increased to 600 from 500 (shield upkeep is now 180)
- Flux capacity increased to 18000 from 14000
- Top speed increased to 45 from 35, maneuverability improved
* Zenith shield efficiency improved to 0.6 from 0.7
* Cathedral minimum and maximum crew doubled
* Hold Fire now works properly for the Cathedral and Wall
* Nautilus no longer has Civilian-grade Hull
* Reduced Nebula (LP) DP (supplies/deploy) to 6 from 7
* Circe speed reduced to 80 from 90; turn rate slightly reduced (still very fast due to Plasma Jets)
* Excelsior:
- Improved behavior when sucking up missiles (should fix Termination Sequence bug)
- A single Excelsior wreck will spawn somewhere in the Persean Sector... Good luck finding it!
* Alastor hull reduced to 2000 from 2250, armor increased to 250 from 225, OP increased to 60 from 55
- XIV skin has 63 OP
* Shimmer is now tagged as a carrier for AI and fleet sorting purposes
* Albatross DP (supplies/deploy) reduced to 7 from 8, OP reduced to 65 from 70
* Archon Heavy Destroyer:
- Ship system is now Fortress Shield instead of Plasma Jets
- Now has built-in Flux Shunt
- Shield upkeep increased to 240 flux/sec from 135 flux/sec
- Flux dissipation decreased to 400/sec from 450/sec
- Flux capacity increased to 9000 from 7000
- Top speed reduced to 80 from 100; acceleration, deceleration, and turn acceleration reduced
* Striker:
- OP reduced to 80 from 85
- Center small ballistic turret is now a small missile turret
- Inner small composite hardpoints are now small ballistic hardpoints
- Now has built-in Missile Autoloader (benefits the small missile turret only; gives it 9 reload-points)
- Flux dissipation increased to 250 from 200
* Victory's rear large ballistic slots are now composite slots
* Rebalanced all of the IBB ships, various IBB names changed
* Reworked or recreated nearly every ship variant, tailoring them to their expected vanilla factions
- Weapons:
* Lightning Gun:
- Damage reduced to 150 from 250, EMP increased to 400 from 250, flux cost reduced to 225 from 350
- No longer incorrectly impacts other modules when it shouldn't
- Should have more accurate (lack of) target leading when fired by the AI
- Won't fire on shields as vigorously
* Light Phase Lance:
- New sprite (thanks Demto!)
- Increased range to 600 from 500
- Burst damage is now 650, DPS is now 144
- Flux cost is now 750 burst, 167/sec overall
- Beam speed increased to 4200 from 3200 to help avoid wasting some damage in transit
* Reduced Plasma Flamer OP to 8 from 9
* Heavy Ion Blaster:
- New sprite (thanks Demto!)
- Increased range to 600 from 550
- Energy damage doubled, EMP arcing tripled
- Flux cost increased to 1200 from 900
* Mini-Blaster / Mini-Blaster Array turn speed increased to 90 (from 40-45), flux cost reduced to 5 (from 20)
- Mini-Blaster Array range increased to 500 from 450
* Trebuchet LRM hitpoints increased to 400 from 300
- Better AOE spread
* Inferno MIRV:
- Submunition damage increased to 100 from 75
- Submunition hitpoints increased to 50 from 25
- Cooldown reduced to 10 from 15 seconds
- Now has 15 ammo and regenerates 1 per 20 seconds
* Ion Torpedo:
- No longer pierces through shields
- Now does large AOE damage (1000 energy / 4500 EMP spread over 4x arcs) regardless of target flux level
- Still raises the target's flux directly (not part of the AOE effect)
- Slightly better AI targeting behavior
- Hitpoints increased to 400 from 300
* Flare Burst Launcher:
- No longer uses ammo; instead costs 800 flux
- Cooldown increased to 13 seconds from 10 seconds
- OP increased to 13 from 12
* Certain weapons now pass through missiles/fighters
- Fighters:
* Hexblade Heavy Fighter
- Flux capacity increased to 600 from 400
- OP reduced to 12 from 14
- Invocation system no longer disables shields
- Accelerated Shields removed in favor of Hex Shields
* Shield unfolds instantly
* Instead of overloading at max hard flux, the shield is disabled for 10 seconds
* Shield stays on as long as possible; fighter doesn't feather it
* Partisan Escort
- Now a Support-type wing with 0 range; stays in front of the host ship
- Armor increased to 150 from 125
- Now has built-in ECCM Package and Automated Repair Unit
- Refit time reduced to 10 from 12
- Swarmers no longer use ammo; fixed 10-second cooldown instead of starting at 5 seconds and ending at 20 seconds
- Hullmods:
* PD Assault Conversion has an S-Mod bonus: +5% weapon damage across the board
- New icon; thanks SleepyFish/Foxer!
* Extreme Modifications no longer causes engine malfunctions until CR is below 40%; afterwards, the chance is 3% (up from 1.5%)
- Doctrines:
* Lion's Guard has access to:
- Champion (LG) (rare), Conquest (LG) (rare), and Vigilance (LG) (rare)
- Aegis Flak Cannon, Heavy Ion Blaster, Hornet MRM, Inferno MIRV Launcher, Ion Torpedo Rack, Light Phase Lance, Lightning Gun, Tornado Hornet Launcher, and Trebuchet LRM Launcher
* Sindrian Diktat has access to:
- Alastor (uncommon) and Vulture (uncommon)
- Aegis Flak Cannon, Hornet MRM, Inferno MIRV Launcher, Light Phase Lance, Tornado Hornet Launcher, and Trebuchet LRM Launcher
* Hegemony has access to:
- Alastor (XIV) (rare), Brawler (H) (uncommon), Caliber, Conquest (XIV) (very rare), Gryphon (XIV) (very rare), Hammerhead (XIV) (rare), Lasher (XIV) (rare), Liberator (uncommon), Sunder (XIV) (very rare), Vindicator, and Vindicator (S) (very rare)
- Drake Assault Interceptor Wing
- Aegis Flak Cannon, Ion Torpedo Rack, and Light Phase Lance
* Tri-Tachyon doctrine is dynamically modified such that non-capital carriers can spawn for capital-sized fleets
* Tri-Tachyon doctrine is statically modified to allow combat freighters in place of standard freighters (25% rate)
* Tri-Tachyon has access to:
- Arachne (uncommon), Archon (uncommon), Beholder (uncommon), Chronos, Circe (effectively rare), Eos (effectively rare), Hecate (uncommon), Nautilus (effectively rare), Nightwalker (rare), Sunder (U) (rare), Vortex (effectively rare), and Zenith
- Falx Interceptor Wing and Hexblade Heavy Fighter Wing
- Flare Burst Launcher, Heavy Ion Blaster, Hornet MRM, Ion Torpedo Rack, Light Phase Lance, Lightning Gun, Tornado Hornet Launcher, and Trebuchet LRM Launcher
* Luddic Church has access to:
- Cathedral (rare), Liberator (LC), Punisher, and Striker (LC)
- Contender Cannon, Flare Gun, Hornet MRM, Inferno MIRV Launcher, Plasma Flamer, and Tornado Hornet Launcher
* Luddic Path has access to:
- Buffalo (LP) (uncommon), Caliber (uncommon), Condor (LP), Dram (LP), Enforcer (LP) (split rarity with non-LP Enforcer), Nebula (LP), Punisher (uncommon), Striker (uncommon), and Wolf (LP)
- Drake Assault Interceptor Wing
- Contender Cannon, Flare Gun, Inferno MIRV Launcher, Mini-Blaster, Mini-Blaster Array, Plasma Flamer, and Reliant HMG
* Persean League has access to:
- Alastor, Albatross (uncommon), Archer (uncommon), Victory, and Vulture
- Partisan Escort Interceptor Wing
- Contender Cannon, Light Phase Lance, and Lightning Gun
* Independents/Scavengers have access to:
- Alastor, Albatross, Arachne, Archer, Archon (uncommon), Beholder, Caliber, Circe, Eos, Hecate, Nautilus, Punisher, Striker, Sunder (U) (rare), Vindicator, Vulture, and Zenith (uncommon)
- Drake Assault Interceptor Wing, Falx Interceptor Wing, Hexblade Heavy Fighter Wing, and Partisan Escort Interceptor Wing
- Aegis Flak Cannon, Contender Cannon, Flare Burst Launcher, Flare Gun, Heavy Ion Blaster, Hornet MRM, Inferno MIRV Launcher, Ion Torpedo Rack, Light Phase Lance, Lightning Gun, Mini-Blaster, Mini-Blaster Array, Plasma Flamer, Reliant HMG, Tornado Hornet Launcher, and Trebuchet LRM Launcher
* Mercenaries have access to:
- Alastor, Albatross, Arachne, Archer, Archon, Beholder, Caliber, Chronos, Eos, Liberator, Nightwalker, Punisher, Striker, Sunder (U), Victory, Vindicator, Vindicator (S) (rare), Vortex, Vulture, and Zenith
- Drake Assault Interceptor Wing, Falx Interceptor Wing, Hexblade Heavy Fighter Wing, and Partisan Escort Interceptor Wing
- Aegis Flak Cannon, Flare Burst Launcher, Heavy Ion Blaster, Hornet MRM, Inferno MIRV Launcher, Ion Torpedo Rack, Light Phase Lance, Lightning Gun, Plasma Flamer, Tornado Hornet Launcher, and Trebuchet LRM Launcher
* Pirates have access to:
- Vulture (P)
- Contender Cannon, Flare Gun, Inferno MIRV Launcher, Mini-Blaster, Mini-Blaster Array, Plasma Flamer, and Reliant HMG
* Derelicts have access to:
- Wall
- Aegis Flak Cannon, Contender Cannon, Flare Gun, Hornet MRM, Inferno MIRV Launcher, Ion Torpedo Rack, Mini-Blaster, Mini-Blaster Array, Plasma Flamer, Reliant HMG, and Tornado Hornet Launcher
* Remnants have access to:
- Shimmer and Solar
- Aegis Flak Cannon, Contender Cannon, Flare Burst Launcher, Flare Gun, Heavy Ion Blaster, Hornet MRM, Inferno MIRV Launcher, Ion Torpedo Rack, Light Phase Lance, Lightning Gun, Mini-Blaster, Mini-Blaster Array, Plasma Flamer, Reliant HMG, Tornado Hornet Launcher, and Trebuchet LRM Launcher
- Updated Duel of the Century mission
* HARD MODE if you already got 100%
* Fixed crash on non-Nex games
- Updated numerous descriptions
- Rearranged and rebalanced IBB fights
- LunaLib support