Greetings DR,
I'm running the latest Underworld 1.7.1, and shortly after accepting an IBB bounty for...
the smiling AI core guy (uw_in_this_moment_i_am_euphoric.png)
...I saved my session, which irreparably corrupted the save file.
---- Debugging information ----
cause-exception : java.lang.SecurityException
cause-message : File access and reflection are not allowed to scripts. (java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler)
class : com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.DynamicProxyMapper$DynamicProxy
required-type : com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.DynamicProxyMapper$DynamicProxy
converter-type : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.extended.DynamicProxyConverter
line number : 1146951
class[1] : com.fs.starfarer.ui.OoO0
converter-type[1] : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
class[2] : java.util.ArrayList
converter-type[2] : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
class[3] : com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.thissuper
class[4] : com.fs.starfarer.ui.thisnew
class[5] : com.fs.starfarer.ui.for
class[6] : com.fs.starfarer.coreui.OOO0
class[7] : com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.OO0O
class[8] : com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.a
class[9] : com.fs.starfarer.ui.v
class[10] : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState
class[11] : com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.o0Oo
class[12] : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.RuleBasedInteractionDialogPluginImpl
class[13] : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.rulecmd.missions.BarCMD
class[14] : java.util.LinkedHashMap
converter-type[3] : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter
class[15] : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
class[16] : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CustomCampaignEntity
class[17] : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
class[18] : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem
class[19] : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem$UpdateFromHyperspaceLocation
class[20] : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.BaseLocation$LocationToken
class[21] : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.Hyperspace
class[22] : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
converter-type[4] :
version : not available
At least that's the last meaningful thing I did that save that might have corrupted it, I think.
(Well, I
did engage the Helmut IBB before that and salvaged a lot of his ships, including the Royco... but that would be from the Interstellar Imperium mod...)
Haven't the first clue about anything, but any chance it could be related to
this issue that Vayra had back in 2018?
EDIT: Yeah, that log doesn't seem very helpful in hindsight. I'm gonna
devmode and make new save copies whenever I encounter an IBB rep at the bar, see if I can't find a new lead somehow.