It's kind of annoying to have to deal with the little niggles that pop out every now and then in Starsector, especially in that small moment where you wish there was an active ability for a certain situation or a bit of extra information to help you out. That kind of thing. I'm hoping that people would pitch in their thoughts about how to improve the little things in Starsector. So here are some of my thoughts:
As it is right now, waiting in ambush within a ring is a tedious job of constant clicking. Maybe an ability that toggles an "anchor" so that you'd stay in place relative to celestial bodies? Give us some way to make a proper ambush!
What's also annoying is during trading. Essentially, you'd need to guess how much credits you're actually earning because you don't know at what price you're selling your junk. Maybe some sort of price per unit indicator?
Checking out new ships in the market. Buying and selling ships in the vanilla game is relatively simple. You end up playing so much Starsector, you essentially memorize whatever ship is better and whatever ship is crap. But when you start putting in mods, comparing ships against each other basically means you have to physically jot down notes of which ship has better armor, flux capacity and all that jazz. Can we have a proper way to compare ships in game, in their manner of stats? Sort of like the codex but for ships in the market.