Hey man, i love your mod! The ships look simply amazing and detailed, really nice to look at and the whole transformation thing really sells it. The ships look mean and dangerous.
But if you'll let me give you my 2 cents about this fantastic mods it's that it's ships are not mean enough! it's like a beautiful tiger whose claws have been taken away, now I do understand that you have 100+pages here of comments which i'm sure a lot of them are about balance considering the plethora of balance changes describe on the change logs, but maybe some of it it's down to simple usability!
Just little things like making the wanzer clearer on what their role is, the wall of lore is nice, i like it, but maybe a more straight to the point thing before or after that clearly specifies the actual in game use is, and making sure that it does that might be important.
I use a lot of wanzers, but mostly because they're there, i sadly don't know what they're doing, some i avoid cause i think they're bad but maybe it's just cause i'm not using them for their role, etc.
On the ships i could write a lot about what i think they should be doing and what not, but simply i'll say rule of cool.
If you add more spectacle to the bigger ships then balance can be ignored more or less. "simple" things like (the bigger offender fo the mod imo) if the daze is supposed to be a boring sort of anchor maybe let it have the same thing the capitals have with the array that trows double micro missiles for both more payload and rule of cool. Or in the same line of thought, i noticed it used to launch missiles backwards and i can see that it looks a bit odd how it's deployed right now
https://i.imgur.com/8zaULtU.png . maybe add something similar to the thrust lrm system, with a "secondary payload" that just activates fast so they're slow after the launch backwards with maybe longer ranger than usual, this will make the daze look a lot better and FEEL a bit stronger, even though realistically it doesn't fixes the core thing, it at least looks a lot cooler and increases dmg output so that's a plus! i mean you could also add visual things to the model like the shalaika frigate of dassault with it's little spinning thingy to make it "cooler" but i think that's a bit much, won't ask you to clutter your designs because i think everything needs transformation or mobile thingys.
But yeah, what's your take on it? i'm kinda hoping the implementation that i suggested to the daze is something you could consider, admit it, it would be old gundam lvls of cool wouldn't it? :D
I know this wouldn't fix balance and possible break stuff, but i'm ok with fielding the boring dazes in their current state if i can watch more fireworks!
Cheers mate and thanks for this mod, i'm enjoying it a lot and the destroyer is fire.