This will probably be a bit long winded, and hopefully not sound too much like a rant. My intention isn't to yell at anyone or call anyone else out specifically. Given what just happened, though, I do feel a little frustrated at the moment, so I apologize in advance if this comes off as rantish or feels like a personal attack against the author of this mod. It totally isn't meant to be, I swear!
So I decided to do a new faction play through and chose Diable Avionics as I'd never done a faction play through with them. I have used Diable fighters before, just never their ships. When I do faction play throughs, I generally try to stick exclusively to that factions ships and weapon systems. I've always loved the way Diable ships look and the current story behind them is pretty neat. The Versant is probably my favorite Diable ship looks wise. The way it transforms is just frigin' sweet. I'm using Nexrelin and Dynasector of course because yes. I've never actually flown a Diable ship until last night, though. Maybe I am doing something horribly wrong and I am just not "getting" these ships, but these ships feel incredibly paper thin and weak to me. Perhaps this is just how the faction was designed and its supposed to be this way, I don't know, but I am losing even sided fights against things I wouldn't be losing too if I was flying vanilla ships or the other faction ship mods I am using. It seems to me that unless I out number my enemy at least two to one, I lose. Very badly. Completely and utterly. Going down in flames because you shot your own tail off Indiana Jone's style kind of losing. Like, I'm losing so bad that I'll kill maybe one ship before all mine are dead. This is happening in under two minutes as I'm not even going into CR loss by the time this happens.
My current fleet is 3 Vapors (with me flying one), a Draft, and a Fractus using 2 Frost wings. I managed to build this up by getting super lucky and capturing an Atlas filled with supplies and machinery early in my play through. It was only being guarded by a single Wolf and Cerberus, which I have to admit took me WAY longer to kill as a solo Vapor than I feel it should have. The supplies and machinery it was carrying sold for a good 200k to Pirates which allowed me to build up what I have now.
For three hours (what can I say, I'm a stubborn bastard) I was banging my head against a merchant fleet of 2 Lashers, a Wolf and a Brawler guarding a juicy buffalo that might be carrying some Organics that they're keeping in reserve. They kept completely wiping the floor with me, and I honestly wasn't understanding why. I out numbered them. I have a destroyer sized light-carrier that should be deleting at least one frigate right away with its fighters, or at the very least distracting it long enough to turn the fight 5v3. Instead, the Vapors are getting themselves blown up over and over, and then the Fractus, with its paper thin defenses, was getting wrecked in half a second. Finally I took a hard look at why the Fractus itself is dying so fast. In a lot of these fights the Fractus was the first to explode.
After looking at stats and comparing them to other ships, I was beginning to understand why I was having this problem. Seriously, statistics wise, the Fractus is possibly the weakest light-carrier and probably weakest combat focused destroyer sized ship in existence right now. Its seriously weaker defensively than quite a few frigates and that shouldn't be happening. Especially compared to the Vapors, and they're already having trouble as it is! Even the Shadowyards Sargasso isn't this bad, and the Sargasso is kinda fragile too. But the Sargasso is at least fast enough to stay out of the fight and let its fighters do the job. Or maybe this is an AI thing, and the Fractus is considered a combat ship, while the Sargasso a "pure" carrier and avoids direct confrontations entirely. Either way, the Fractus does not have the defensive capability to deal with front line combat. I'm not talking about fire power here. Fire power on carrier type ships comes from their fighters, not their guns. I'm talking strictly about its ability to survive. 1.1 shield flux damage ratio and only 3500 flux capacity? Ouch. That is pretty bad. Thats what I would expect a freighter to have, not a combat focused ship. The Vapors are better than this (just barely) and they're frigates! The Fractus does have decent hull HP and armor, but this isn't enough to save it. I have to say that the Fractus is a pretty bad carrier. I noticed someone above made a similar comment about Diable carriers not quite being up to snuff and I'm going to have to agree. At least in regard to the Fractus, anyway. The Fractus is a bad ship, and I'm starting to hate the Vapors. Surprisingly, the Draft tends to out live the other AI controlled ships and ends up one of the last to go down.
So just to prove a point to myself, I stopped chasing that merchant, flew to a close by pirate base. It was really close by where I had been trying to deal with this merchant fleet. I grabbed a Lasher (D) that had 3 D-mods on it. Compromised Engines (because its always Compromised Engines :x), Glitched Sensors, and Faulty Powergrid. It was the only thing for sale that I could afford and felt was combat worthy. Put a pair of machine guns (singles, not the duals) and a pair of light mortars, and a single rack of Hornet missiles. I hate light mortars, and they only had that one missile rack for sale, so this is what I had to work with. I chased that same merchant fleet down again (It hadn't gone very far.) to see if I couldn't make this work some how. I like fighting up hill as a way to challenge myself, so I deployed myself in the Lasher (D) and a single Vapor as a distraction this time around against their 4 frigates. It was a completely different fight this time. 2 vs 4, I wiped the floor with THEM in under two minutes. Unfortunately, the Vapor managed to get itself killed 1vs1 with the enemy Brawler mid way into the fight.
So at this point I was just like, whatever. I loaded my last save to before I bought the Lasher and gave up trying to kill that merchant fleet. I've been flying around for the last two hours or so trying to find fights that do work for me with what I have, and unfortunately I keep running into the same problems. Fights where things are even, or I slightly out number my opponents and still losing horribly. I love the design of the ships and the lore behind this faction, but I really don't know if I can make this work. These ships just feel too weak to me and I can't seem to get any where doing what I'm doing. I've never had this problem before while doing an exclusive faction play through using vanilla ships or other mod factions. Again, maybe the problem is that I don't understand these ships, but I do feel like this faction is on the weak side of things. Now that I mention it, I honestly can't remember ever having a fight against Diable not being me just steam rolling them. That is to say that Diable can't be dangerous. A wave of Diable fighters is very much scary as hell, but more so when I'm the one fielding them.
I want to make this work, but I feel that this isn't going to go well for me in the long run. Tips? Tricks? Anything? How do YOU get Diable ships to work for you?