the only problem here is that these are artificial difficulty modifiers, something more along the lines of :
Tri-Tachyon Combat AI intelligence:
Smart: goes for objectives in groups, moves around in death blobs, leaves no openings to harassers
Mediocre: goes for objectives individually, moves around in small groups, some gaps in defense.
Dumb: doesn't go for objectives, moves around individually, no concept of protecting the rear
Tri-Tachyon Fleet Composition Intelligence
Smart: builds fleet for specific purpose (EG: mostly fighters, few carriers)
Mediocre: sort of understands fleet composition (EG: some carriers, some fighters)
Dumb: doesn't know the first thing of fleet composition (EG: mostly carriers, few fighters)
Tri-Tachyon Ship Loadout Intelligence:
Smart: individual ships can handle all threats thrown at them, capacitors / vents are distributed to strength ( IE: low tech ships have mostly vents, midline have some vents and capacitors and high tech are mostly capacitors )
Mediocre: individual ships are outfitted for specifc purposes (IE: point defense ships have mostly weapons to shoot down missiles), strikes a balance for capacitors and vents (IE: if a low tech ship has 10 OP leftover, then 5 go into capacitors and 5 into vents, instead of 10 going into vents)
Dumb: random weapons are thrown on and no points are distributed for vents and capacitors.
etc etc
things like that would be more in line for making the game easier / harder without logic breaking " my ship(s) magically does next to no damage and everything dies to a tactical laser equipped buffalo "
though, it would be interesting if the sector was MOSTLY populated with captains according to the options you chose, and that there's a chance that you will come across captains who display signs of lower (or higher) intelligence, so something like:
AI intelligence variations:
Alot: 95% of the galaxy is populated with your choices.
Some: 55% of the galaxy is populated with your choices.
Sparse: very rarely (25%) will you meet a foe with a higher / lower setting than what you have chosen.
none: exactly as it says, you will never meet a more difficult / less worthy adversary.