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Author Topic: Nomadic Survival Addon - Wonders from Beyond (V1.0.2)  (Read 2989 times)


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Nomadic Survival Addon - Wonders from Beyond (V1.0.2)
« on: October 11, 2024, 09:11:42 PM »


Wonders From Beyond is an addon mod that adds 25+ New Plantetary Operations, all of which are very profitable. They encourage a play style where hauling all sorts of resources is rewarded. That 4k heavy machinery you have collected over time from battles? Or those 40k metals lying around in your storage? Or hey, look, Cruor is selling transplutonic ores at half the price due to an excess! You can now put all those resources to profitable use if you have found the right planetary operations.

(Requires A New Save to Generate the New Operations)

This mod was made mainly for those who want to roleplay a more 'peaceful' playthrough centered around exploration and mining. While Nomadic Survival adds a couple of new ways to make some side hustle at the early game, Wonders from Beyond aims to add gigantic operations that WILL require a massive cargo fleet full of Atlas-es, for the captains who want to make serious money. Some of special operations will offer as much as 40,000 Ore to be extracted, and it's up to you to make the best use of it. With how much (potential) profit you can make, you may as well take the 'Survival' part of Nomadic away.

Forge Production and/or Nijigen Extend is reccomended with this mod. It is way more profitable to turn your fleet into a mobile factory than to buy them from markets. Pair it with Nexerelin for the mining function, and you will be living the greatest miner's dream.

Asides from commodities, this mod also adds operations to acquire a couple of nice items that no doubt a space captain looking to expand his empire will appreciate...

There is something far more impressive than an Alpha Core somewhere, waiting to be awakened... There is a price, but the power it promises is worth it.


There are now 3 new custom commodities added into the game, and 9 New Operations to get them.
Currently only available through certain planetary operations. For now, they work the same way as nomadic survival's research data works: You can sell them anywhere at base (full) price.
While these commodities are currently a little boring, I intend to make industries in the future that will require supply and demand, and make trade of these goods a lot more dynamic.
But for now, their function remains as something rather humble. I hope you enjoy!
To be honest, I just wanted to add my pixel art to the game.

This is my first mod, so if you encounter anything if you find strange, or have any cool ideas to share for new planet ops, then please do tell!

V1.0.2 - Save Compatible from V1.0.1, requires new save to generate new operations
-Added 3 New Commodities: Panacea Produce, Catalytic Ore and Phase Crystals. Currently, they do nothing, but can always be sold at any market at full base price.
-Added 9 New Planetary Operations to get said commodities.

V1.0.1 - May not be save compatible, requires new save to generate new operations
-Added 2 New Operations: One for a replenishable source of profitable ores, and another for organics.
-Adjusted the descriptions of every operation to be easier to read.
-Most operations that yield a high number of low cost materials (such as ores) are now more profitable. The idea being that things that take lots of cargo space should be more valuable.
-Operations that require crew now require less crew
-Adjusted the values of most operations. Overall made them more profitable.
-Rampant AI Core and Flesh Caverns give less of their resources when destroyed.
-The Alchemist is now more profitable. You can also kill him now. For no particularly good reason.
-Increased the maximum number of operations with an 'limited abundance' of resources that can spawn. Also made them more profitable.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2024, 10:07:50 AM by Akii »


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Re: Nomadic Survival Addon - Wonders from Beyond
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2024, 10:30:42 PM »

These look like great new planet ops! I'll be using this mod for my next playthrough for sure  ;D


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Re: Nomadic Survival Addon - Wonders from Beyond
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2024, 10:20:19 AM »

Yay!  These look great!

Also, of much lesser importance... boooo.... I just started a new run last week and I have a nice set up of cruisers I like, I don't wanna restart...

Edit: Just a quick edit to point out you can and -should- call it modding, it's data entry, it's all the work you put into thinking these up and presumably testing they work.  Making 20 of anything that work with a game someone else wrote is a solid chunk of work, please don't undervalue your contribution here!
« Last Edit: October 12, 2024, 10:23:24 AM by Darloth »


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Re: Nomadic Survival Addon - Wonders from Beyond
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2024, 11:37:42 AM »

Yay!  These look great!

Also, of much lesser importance... boooo.... I just started a new run last week and I have a nice set up of cruisers I like, I don't wanna restart...

Edit: Just a quick edit to point out you can and -should- call it modding, it's data entry, it's all the work you put into thinking these up and presumably testing they work.  Making 20 of anything that work with a game someone else wrote is a solid chunk of work, please don't undervalue your contribution here!

Aww, thank you!! Alright, I'll be a little more confident!
Though you may not see the operations for now, I hope you have a fun run!  ;D


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Re: Nomadic Survival Addon - Wonders from Beyond
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2024, 01:41:52 PM »

Convenient timing, I was meaning to start a new save. I've never done a miner playthrough but this mod might be the push I need to try.


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Re: Nomadic Survival Addon - Wonders from Beyond (V1.0.2)
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2024, 08:30:06 PM »

this stuff is cool, but the catalytic rock does ... not seem to be worth it at all, especially given how they only sell for 80 creds and take up 2 space per singular one