(Pirates) Plunder: Created by pirates, beloved by mercenaries, a compact dedicated Missile Destroyer refit of the Sunder brought to you by the Thulian Raiders.
(Mercenaries) Epistle: An advanced command shuttle refit of the Kite, perfect for a fleet Admiral who values their own life enough to lead from the rear.
(Independents) Gretchen: Pushed into service by desperate Polities, one of the first Phase ships ever deployed, dating back to the start of the Cruiser School revolution.
(Persean League) Shoebill: A logistics minelayer hybrid, deployed on the outskirts of Domain space to support the few manned fleets sent to crush insurrection on the frontiers.
(Hegemony) Arcubus: A conservative artillery battleship deployed simultaneously with the Legion, particularly favoured by the XIV, only the modified variant remains in the Persean Sector.
(Sindrian Diktat) Supremator: Brainchild of Andrada's inflated ego after the "success" of the Executor, an extensive refit of the Conquest to bring a full battery of firepower to bear.
(Tri-tachyon) Miridian: Military recreation of the Apogee, the development of which was funded by a nostalgic board member.
(Luddic Church) Cassius: Radical restructuring of the Legion, commissioned after the Hegemony and Church of Galactic Redemption's falling out after the first AI war.
(Luddic Path) Atlas Mk.II-LP: Atlas repurposed by Luddic Fanatics into a bombardment vessel, provides unconventional fire support with its built in unique weapon, the Cargo IED Launcher.