As far as the player being friendly with pirates, I don't know. In theory the code should handle it, but game-design-wise, that possibility is becoming more and more troublesome. Frankly, I could see just hard-locking the player-pirate reputation to -50 at some point. You don't need to be friendly with pirates to be a pirate yourself - or to deal with pirates - and since pirates cover *such* a huge range of possibilities, it doesn't make a lot of sense to be friendly with them in the first place.
(Also: I may or may not have plans to do something mechanically related with the Luddic Path.)
the player is -incapable- of being on good terms with local rebels opposing the rule of law? Even if the player is on said rule of law's ***-list??? It just seems weird that the pirates would be a broad variety of different factions rolled into one label, and -all- of them are permanently hostile to players.
What if pirate relations are locked to -50 if you're on good terms with the local rule of law, and opening hostilities with the faction that they by-default are opposing unlocks the possibility of becoming on good terms with them?
Orrr what if the pirate factions relations with the player are fluid and change on a system-by-system basis? This is the solution I like the idea of the most, where there isn't a sector-wide "pirate relations" but a system-by-system system, where a player who lives in Magec could be on good terms with Magec Pirates but once you leave Magec all of the relation boosts you've gotten thru goodwill there cease to be a help. I don't know if the game already keeps track of a fleet's system of origin but I think that'd be the only real gameplay change that'd be needed to accommodate that, and if the pirate factions -did- respond to a player's affiliations with the primary factions it'd give consequences and complications to declarations of war-- a player with a commission for faction x but who has worked to be on the good side of pirates who are on good terms with faction y because faction y opposes faction x's rule in their sector (I'm imagining a dynamic like the Valhalla system...) could be given pause at the call of war bc they've gone out of their way to get on the good graces of local pirates to get the "pirate activity" debuff removed from their colony ("Oh, don't raid convoys from that new colony, they make hefty donations to the coffers of our Pirate Lord and you don't want to be the one to cause their leader to make an angry call to our Pirate Lord about why they're bothering with these donations, while you're in the same station as the Pirate Lord and easily executable in front of the videoconference") and if they go to war with the primary opponent of the local rule of law then it'd make the pirates' job harder
also, I'm a huge fan of the idea of a pirate base with no external affiliation (IE they aren't rebels or anyone with a goal associated with other factions, just regular ol pirates) flipping relations with the player if the player reduces their stability to 0 and keeps it there long enough.
All of these systems would work excellently with the character system the game has in-place and currently barely uses. With the last idea of flipping pirate factions, you could run into Independent-aligned Deposed Pirate Lord characters whose goal is to reduce the local pirate faction's stability to 0 and keep it there until the current Pirate Lord character gets changed to Independent-aligned and the current Deposed Pirate Lord becomes pirate-aligned and becomes the current pirate lord, with that character's personal relations with the player populating into the local pirates' general relations with the player
that system would also give players the opportunity to recognize that a Deposed Pirate Lord who -hates- the player (like, if they helped topple an already-instable pirate regime early on for easy coin) is nearing reclaiming power and would give the player a reason to set aside what they're doing to aide the local pirates in restoring stability and resisting the coup to keep on their good side