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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - Daynen

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General Discussion / Re: Favorite tech level?
« on: September 16, 2019, 03:20:19 PM »
I find things to like about every tech level.  It's really just about the specific ship.

Low-tech:  I love me an Atlas Mk II.  Not many ships can field two large missiles AND two large ballistics, especially for the cost.  Ammo feed means a pair of mjolnirs becomes a literal thunderstorm.  It's slow, both in combat and out, but it will WRECK YOUR S*$&.

Midline: Gotta hand it to the Gryphon.  So many missiles, so little time.  Set it in the backline, fire and forget.

High-tech: I fell in love with the Sunder early on.  Two gravitons and a high-intensity beam can get some INSANE range, shoot all day and the active just makes it even better.  A rear guard of these means it's NEVER safe to drop shields.

There are plenty of ships I've never used, mostly because I was never forced into choosing them.  Due to the way fleet size and deployment works I've mostly ended up skipping a lot of destroyers and frigates.  I found the mudskipper mkII hilarious but it can't handle more than a couple shots of most large guns, making it a gimmick at best in my book.

General Discussion / Re: Difficulty Scaling
« on: September 16, 2019, 03:04:16 PM »
Can't confirm this myself, but I believe selling things to factions can also buff them by making their colonies more prosperous.  I THINK they can learn to use whatever blueprints you sell them but that could be just my imagination.

General Discussion / Re: Getting targeted for market expansions
« on: September 16, 2019, 03:02:51 PM »
The simple truth is that your colonies will be targeted.  Period.  The more successful you are, the more factions will feel threatened by you.  Doesn't matter how friendly or how far away; they WILL send whatever they've got all the way across the sector to wreck your s*$&.  I'm paying 400,000 to bribe off the odd "expedition" with my size 7 colonies currently and that's only because I want to remain on friendly terms while I explore the rest of the sector.  The trick is to remember a simple truth: the AI is not your friend.  Doesn't matter if you have 100 reputation with literally everyone; they WILL come for your colonies.  It's like a game of monopoly: no matter who you make deals with and no matter how the AI pretends to be "at war" with itself, the cold hard truth is that it's still them against you.  Build defenses, build patrol HQ's and stations and if you happen to find a system with more than one desirable planet, double up on the patrols.  I found an incredible system with a terran eccentric world--with ANOTHER terran eccentric world orbiting it!  Two class V planets, not only in the same system but practically colliding with each other?  When you find a system like that, you don't ask questions; you TAKE IT.  There was also a barren world that made a convenient third colony.  I fortified the hell out of all three and now NO ONE succeeds on a raid.

OKAY! So!  After a little more time and trial and error, I figured out the problem.  Their destroyers have an absolutely incredible damage to flux ratio...aaaaaaaand fleet AI is generally stupid when not specifically ordered around.  My missile ships were shoving their way to the front while my bulwarks were just chilling at fire support range.  Even had the right officers for them.  Probably just Vanilla coding.  Anyway once the destroyers shields overload they pop like balloons.  Apparently I just got hit by the mother of all ambushes back there so...I guess your mileage may vary.

Now though?  I have a new love: the Tyrant.  A PHASE BATTLESHIP is absolute madness and the hardpoints allow for alpha strike potential like the galaxy has never seen.  It's the beefiest backstabber in the sector.  On a related note, you seem to have felt the same way about Tachyon Lances as I do: they were underwhelming.  Yours, however, are GODLIKE.  The range, the destructive power and the SOUND--my god that SOUND.  You feel that thunder in your BONES, man.  It's especially awesome when you hear one go off while phasing.  I F*$&ING LOVE IT.  On a good day my flagship leaves graveyards behind.

Loving the mod overall.  Lots of options, lots of niches filled, lots more need for specialization AND generalist ships.  Good stuff.  Fighters don't completely suck, lots of weapons are far more usable, fair AND fun and the diversity in factions means choices kinda matter now.  Thumbs up.  I gotta ask though:

WHAT THE F#*^ IS WITH THOSE REMNANTS?  Their FRIGATES have better shields than most CAPITAL SHIPS!  I load up, for example, an atlas mkII with rapiers, firestorms and hammer barrages and unload on their destroyers...and the volley gets their flux up to about HALF.  I can alpha strike a CONQUEST with a volley like that!  I can 1v1 a PARAGON with similarly armed ships!  Remnants just go "meh, no big deal."  Also their awareness feels downright cheaty.  Jumped into a nascent well thinking "ok this is nowhere NEAR any jump points so I should be able to safely have a look and burn off if they see me...right?"


Three armadas right on top of me.  Couldn't even emergency burn before they made contact.  It was ugly.  Over a dozen ships, easily 3 million credits worth of highly tuned, heavily armed capitals, cruisers and escorts just ground into paste like they were unarmed cargo ships.  Just...holy crap.  I'mma have to bring like 20 megaliths loaded with apocalypse cannons or something because those things are a half step away from unbreakable, man.

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