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Messages - Daynen

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General Discussion / Re: Hegemony Kite(A)
« on: November 25, 2019, 03:42:59 AM »
I usually skip kites, but they make absurdly cheap salamander boats.  Throw a half dozen of these guys in with your main forces and somebody IS getting a stalled engine for half the fight.

General Discussion / Re: Just Sustained Burn All The Time?
« on: November 25, 2019, 03:39:19 AM »
Solar shielding costs OP, skills don't

Solar shielding can be swapped out at will.  Skills can't.  It also provides damage reduction against energy.

Only if they catch you with both your jumps AND cloak on cooldown...otherwise it's "OMAE WA...MO SHINDEIRU..."

"NANI!?"  Boom.

When I first realized you'd swapped out the Tyrant's temporal shell for a phase jumper I was upset.

Then I figured out how it actually works.

Holy crap.  Ludd himself soils his pants when I fly this ship.  Cloak right up to the enemy, decloak, jump behind them and open up on those engines.  Boom.  Capital ship dead or out of the fight.  It's like fighting the...brilliant?  Radiant class?  The remnant capital ship that jumps.  It's like that but playable.  I honestly scare myself with this thing.

General Discussion / Re: Andromeda, oh Andromeda
« on: November 20, 2019, 04:40:53 AM »
Hey hey now, who's knocking my autopulsers?  You load up a paragon with four of those things, get some range mods and extended magazines and EVERYTHING DIES.  Sweep them across an incoming fighter swarm and enjoy the fireworks.  Frigates dance around in a cold sweat trying not to get hit by twenty shots at a time (spoilers: they usually fail.)  Destroyers are just lemmings.  Cruisers pray to Ludd they've wasted enough of your shots before dying to buy their fleet some time (more spoilers: they usually dont.)  Capital ships become the JUICIEST targets.  Armor melts away.  Shields?  You better be running some HARDCORE shields to tank four autopulsers.  Phase ships spend their entire LIVES trying to dance back out of range because you've always got a few shots ready.  Even other paragons start to back the hell off after I unload almost 200 shots into them over the course of about four seconds...of course you then have to wait to recharge but I can take down an ONSLAUGHT in a single volley and still have weapon slots and flux to spare.

RESPECT the autopulse laser...or pay your respects to your dearly departed fleet.

General Discussion / Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« on: November 20, 2019, 04:23:49 AM »
It probably makes a great point defense platform; load it up with anti-fighter weapons, configure it for missile defense and deploy it against carrier-heavy fleets for cost-effective swarm kills.  Against anything bigger than another destroyer the lack of flux begins to tell very quickly.

Holy crap this is actually happening.  You do not know what you have unleashed upon the galaxy.  MISSILE BOATS AWAY!

General Discussion / Re: Just Sustained Burn All The Time?
« on: November 12, 2019, 11:15:00 PM »
You'll love solar shielding then...

Man, merging this with Nexerelin would be pretty hardcore.  Can't wait to take my Tyrant out on a galaxy-conquering spree.

General Discussion / Re: Limited Skillpicks ruleset
« on: October 19, 2019, 03:22:38 PM »
More speed for your whole fleet is great...until they outrun your flagship, burn all their mobility cooldowns to get to engagement range, run into enemy battle lines and die alone...

I'm definitely eager to see what kind of skill reworks are coming; the current skill tree is somewhat stale.  I can't justify ever going with heavy industrial skills again, whereas the tech tree is all but automatic.  The disparate number of skills in each tree also means the aptitude points in smaller trees are objectively less valuable.

General Discussion / Re: Battle Tactics
« on: October 19, 2019, 03:17:24 PM »
I've never tried edge camping, though perhaps there might have been times I should have; I'm more interested in eliminating targets early if I can to reduce enemy coverage and firepower.

The problem with objectives in battles is that not only are they random but they don't have that much impact.  The speed bonus from a nav point is nice but I don't think it's ever been the tipping point for me.  Sensor jamming is kind of an intangible benefit in a lot of my experience and extra command points are kind of superfluous really.  If objectives provided a better variety of benefits or slightly more noticeable ones it might be worth worrying about.  for fragile ships running extreme range missiles with unlimited ammo (read: salamanders) it can work just fine; otherwise it would probably be counterproductive for most of my game time.

General Discussion / Re: Whats the best way to counter phase fleets
« on: October 12, 2019, 06:02:33 PM »
In short, weapons that have continuous fire can outlast phase ships' flux, forcing them to decloak and take armor damage.  It's all downhill from there.  Weapons with sudden burst potential are bad because they can dodge into cloak then come out and hit you during your cooldown phase.  Anything with limited ammo is foolish.  Beams are spectacular against them, as is any weapon with a regular firing rate and armor penetration.  Of course if they're not bringing too much firepower to bear, you also have the simple option of killing the rest of their fleet first while they dance around.  A lone phase ship does not fare well against a fleet of infinite cover fire.

General Discussion / Re: What's AI good and bad at?
« on: October 05, 2019, 02:24:41 AM »
Not that I'd trust a paragon to the AI...but if I did, I'd just give it four autopulse lasers with extended mags.  It doesn't HAVE to time anything; it just gets a target in its sights and unloads.  If it doesn't kill the target outright it WILL bring their shields down for me to alpha strike it.

Unless it's maybe another paragon...

General Discussion / Re: [GUIDE] When To Fully Stop Tech-Mining?
« on: October 04, 2019, 06:38:30 PM »
Once the message changes to "mostly combed through" or what not, I usually shut it down.  It's too unreliable to be worth much when you can get everything it provides more dependably from many other means.

General Discussion / Re: What's AI good and bad at?
« on: October 04, 2019, 06:33:55 PM »
The AI does what AIs usually do: fight and die.  Ships with turreted weapons, replenishing missiles like the pilum or salamander, and ships with strong flux stats and wide shields are good for your fleet AI.  Any ships that require timing to fire weapons at full effectiveness will be lost on the AI; it just doesn't get them.  Phase ships in my experience love to just wobble around in phase space thumbing their nose at the enemy until their flux is full..and then die.  Any cooldowns that are best saved for any reason are wasted; the AI burns everything it can at the first opportunity.  Ever start a battle with a row of ships that have movement abilities?  All their charges are gone before first contact, leaving me double facepalming as they get surrounded and stuck.  God help you if you use reapers and one of your officers decides NOW is the best time to dodge in front your ship to PrOtEcT yOoOoOoOu!  Boom.  I swear to god they wait for it too.  It's the reason I stopped using torpedoes and they still try their damndest to get in front of my guns and beams.

The best use I've found for the fleet AI is tanks.  Heavy, durable, well-shielded ships with tons of point defense so they can just stride up to the enemy, go "OOGA BOOGA," float off to a corner somewhere and stick their chest out without dying while I alpha strike the dog$#*^ out of the enemy's juiciest targets.  It's also why I always give my officers defensive skills over any sort of weapon enhancements.  Anyone can flicker a shield; the AI can't fight itself worth a damn.

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