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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Messages - Daynen

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Suggestions / Re: An idea for relative ship size based weapon pass-over
« on: January 23, 2020, 04:02:23 PM »
I would be interested in seeing what such a game would look like.  I'm no modder but I'd be keen to try this out.

Perhaps if it were a hullmod?

Suggestions / Re: Cryosleeper
« on: January 23, 2020, 03:46:34 PM »
My main puzzle with cryosleepers is that they have one purpose and one purpose only.  They boost your pop growth IF you colonize in system.  There's nothing else we can do with them.  When you find a derelict ship you can claim it or turn it into more salvage.  When you meet a fleet you can fight them or run.  When you land at a colony you can do a bunch of things.  When you find a do nothing.  Even if you colonize the system you're just getting a passive bonus to a thing that ultimately is just another string of passive bonuses.  There's nothing really engaging about sleepers.

A wise pirate once said: "The best kind of treasure is the kind that leads to more treasure!"

The really cool stuff is stuff that lets us DO cool things and leads us to more cool things.  Cryosleepers just kind of...sit there.  They're a bit of a dead end.  It'd be interesting if things were happening with cryosleepers that we had to get involved with.  Say you find one...and it's malfunctioning, risking the population's lives if you don't bring stuff to repair it or something...and when you do you awaken officers with unique talents or the like...and one of those officers suggests you explore some system somewhere for some other kind of secret...and so on.  Or maybe you say screw 'em and it becomes a source of organs and other materials for several months until it breaks down into a debris field...and the humanitarians of the sector are not happy with you for what you've done.

What if cryosleepers could be utilized as a source of crew or marines?  What if, upon activating it, the populace wakes up and forms a new faction...which then proceeds to either befriend you or make war on the rest of the sector?  Tons of possibilities and plot hooks are available.  Sleepers just need a little more dimension and choice to be interesting.  Moving them to a better system sounds like a bit of a worthwhile undertaking but again, if it's just population growth then it just becomes another funnel towards the unlimited cash endgame.  Advantageous, but not very exciting.

Suggestions / Re: Tuning levers
« on: January 23, 2020, 03:30:07 PM »
I dunno; I'm not sure officers would have to be much more numerous.  If the idea is to put tighter controls on combat size then maybe officers would be more or less okay as they are.  I wouldn't be all that opposed to having most battles come down to a generally smaller number of ships, with massive naval wars being the exception rather than the rule.  There would still BE huge fights, but they'd be a lot more special.

Hmmm...maybe we need to move away from the sheer ship limit and tie it closer to the value and relative size of the fleet, like with total ordnance points or something.  Managing 30 frigates would realistically be a logistical pain because that's thirty ships, but three capital ships would be an equal but different chore because that's still hundreds if not thousands of crew and massive vessels to maintain.  Making players find their sweet spot on the bell curve seems like a good design choice, no?

Can't wait to see the skill rework next update.  It's supposed to affect fleet sizes in a way so DO WANT.

Suggestions / Re: Megastructures and additional terrain
« on: January 23, 2020, 03:22:33 PM »
I think this would be a lot of fun but also a lot of work. I'd like to see objects and terrain added to the battle map, and potentially the capability to add something like this as well.

Bear in mind that the AI does not do collision detection very well with inanimate objects (there hasn't ever been much need for that). Adding a close-confines mission would make that a necessity, and that sounds like a big old chunk of work.

Orrrrrr...a chance for single-ship shenanigans!  Imagine an installation style mission where you need to tell your fleet to chill while you explore the inside of a derelict in your personal frigate.  What kind of fun could we have in THAT kind of scenario?

Suggestions / Re: Mljonir Cannon requires better projectiles
« on: January 23, 2020, 03:18:25 PM »
This is a fair point.  I don't find Mjolnir shots THAT hard to track but then again I'm used to things like this.  Making the projectile a little more..."flashy" wouldn't be so bad, especially considering the name of the gun and just how big a threat it really is.  Don't want to make the visual just flat out bigger because then we risk a disconnect between visual and hitbox.  Maybe just a little bit of a tracer effect or weapon trail?  Something a bit sparky, perhaps?  Maybe the gun itself needs a bit more muzzle flash of some sort?

Suggestions / Re: Balancing fighter swarms with out nerfing fighters
« on: January 23, 2020, 03:14:51 PM »
Point defence weapons are not anti fighter weapons. PD weapons are anti-missile, many non-PD weapons are good antifighter weapons like Pulse Laser, Railgun and all the beam weapons. Against bombers, large ballistic turreted weapons do well against them.

Well the reason you equip PD weapons is to deal with ordnance that gets close, which fighters are going to bring.  You either want to shoot down their torps or blow them up directly, for which some PD is incidentally decent.  While small and midsize weapons are good at knocking out fighters, it's AREA weapons that are intuitively meant to be the answer to swarms.  You don't use a slingshot on a swarm of mosquitoes; you get the bug spray.  Fighters are fast; far faster than most frigates; ballistics can only keep up with so many.  There's plenty of room for PD weapons to also serve as fighter deterrents and I feel like flak ought to be the premier anti-air weapon.  It just feels purposely terrible, like it's TRYING not to hit its targets; I think just trimming off a wee bit of the delta of randomness on its detonation might close the gap on fighter swarms a bit without ruining everything else.

I mean think about it.  Why are swarms even a problem in the first place?  Because current defense weapons can generally only hit one at a time.  We have to rely on our offensive weaponry like autopulsers, ballistics and missiles to combat them, none of which have anything resembling reliable area damage.  Flak and its cousins wouldn't even need a damage buff or HE type, either; just a little reliability on WHERE they pop.  At the very least it would make flak weapons worth the ordnance points, whereas now they're an auto-sell for me.

Suggestions / Re: Tuning levers
« on: January 23, 2020, 02:55:29 PM »
Not being able to deploy everything you have is more a result of the total battle size being a tug-of-war between sides than anything.  If deployment was literally just tied to your fleet, character build and such and independent of the enemy we'd have a very different dynamic, especially regarding reinforcements mid battle. The performance issue is an important point, however.  The total battle size DOES add a measure of sanity to the performance hit on our machines and I would NOT want to see a battle size of, say, 1000 on the machine I was running a few days ago (RIP my hard drive, you will be missed.)

I do want to brainstorm on this though.  I like setting a random train of thought loose from the station and seeing what it picks up along the way.

Speaking of random thoughts: what if you could only deploy ships with an officer in command?  Like a ship needed a captain to go into battle?  What would THAT look like?  What changes would it require and what new strategies would it open up?  Maybe a ship with an officer in charge wouldn't count towards our currently-hypothetical lower fleet size, allowing you to exceed the cap, but only during noncombat?  Has the game ever required officers to deploy ships in previous versions?

Suggestions / Tuning levers
« on: January 23, 2020, 12:59:13 AM »
A phrase I heard years ago while following the development of League of Legends was "tuning levers."  Riot used this phrase to describe a tool they create when they change something from binary to a more variable state.  An example was taking an ability that was formerly simply point and click and making it require aim instead.  This gave them new "levers" like projectile speed and hitbox that could then be adjusted, rather than just the final damage numbers or duration of crowd control.  This concept opens up great avenues of gameplay and development alike by allowing finer tuning and asking more impactful player choices.  Starsector could probably use a few more levers.  One in particular springs to mind at the moment: maximum fleet size.

You can have a fleet of up to 30 ships, full stop.  Why?  I haven't been here since the starfarer days so I have to wonder how we settled on this number and more importantly...why is it static?  What would the game look like if fleet cap was something that we could affect?  What if the starting maximum fleet size was a much more humble number like, say...4 or 5?  What if a size 30 fleet was a grandiose, almost unreachable plateau that required us to commit to our build and make sacrifices for it?  It would open up options not only for progression but for balance, optimization (both fleets AND system requirements) and give us a meaningful choice to make, whereas now a size 30 fleet is basically inevitable.  It would require a bit of algorithmic adjustment for the AI (who already basically ignores the fleet cap anyway) to compensate, but would that be such a bad thing in the end?

Suggestions / Re: Balancing fighter swarms with out nerfing fighters
« on: January 23, 2020, 12:37:33 AM »
I feel like part of the reason fighter spam gets so powerful is because point defense weapons don't.  Flak cannons and all their variants including the devastator suck, period.  They miss 90% of their rounds in my experience thanks to their HIGHLY random detonation range.  Other PD weapons have such painfully short range they can do nothing against any sort of real bombing run either.  Integrated point defense AI and some skills help with this...but beyond a point it's meaningless as well.  It's just an arms race and the fighters win.

My preferred anti-fighter weapon is the Locust.  One volley is almost guaranteed to wipe out half a dozen fighters, even more if they're unshielded.  Highly likely to clear a lot of torps and bombs on the way too.  Unfortunately they're missiles so you'll probably run dry before the carriers do...but that just means you need to get in there and get the job done before you're out of locusts.  An Atlas mkII makes a fantastic bugsprayer with extended racks and ECCM.  For 24 DP one atlas can kill a LOT of fighters very quickly...

General Discussion / Re: I miss environmental effects in combat
« on: January 23, 2020, 12:25:49 AM »
The number of times I've seen debris from ships I've destroyed drift RIGHT into my firing arc RIGHT when I need it not to is maddening, but then again I've gotten pretty good at shieldkicking said debris right at the enemy to block at least as many of their shots so...tit for tat as they say.

Would be fascinating to see some kind of gravity gun ship that can grab asteroids and fling them hard enough to deal damage though  ;D


General Discussion / Re: What is the nascent gravity well?
« on: January 23, 2020, 12:19:54 AM »
I only figured it out when I noticed the transverse jump button light up randomly when passing systems.  A closer look revealed the wells and I went "ohhhhh..."

General Discussion / Re: a good frigate / small ship
« on: January 22, 2020, 11:58:43 PM »
I'll admit for a long time I seriously underestimated frigates.  The omen changed my mind.  It's the most tenacious little point-defense boat I've ever seen and if it gets behind shields that lightning can do some serious damage.  They may be small and fragile but if you want maximum weapon slots for your deployment points frigates can provide.  Load up a bunch of kites with atropos torps and extended racks, then bring one good shield-buster flagship and WATCH THE CARNAGE.

General Discussion / Re: Custom building your own patrol fleets.
« on: January 22, 2020, 11:51:42 PM »
At the moment your officers are exclusively for your own fleet.  You can dismiss them and find new ones if their skills are no longer to your liking but currently that's their purpose.  As for building ships, you'll have to settle your own colony first and build heavy industry...AFTER you've found some sets of blueprints to build.  Also bring lots of cash.

It WOULD be interesting to be able to assign them to a patrol HQ or the like though.  Perhaps when the skill rework hits there might be other ways to utilize for modding?  Well with enough patience, ingenuity and improvisational skills I suppose almost anything is possible...

General Discussion / Re: Would you colonize this system?
« on: January 22, 2020, 11:45:36 PM »
You found a world with 75% hazard rating.  That's where the question was answered in my mind.  The other two planets are just gravy; get that terran world settled, build up some economy and the other two planets can just be extra patrols to defend.  Having lots of low hazard planets is nice but even just ONE 75% is a golden goose.  It'll grow with startling speed and be a pittance to upkeep.  Once you get some AI cores running that world you'll be SWIMMING in cash.

The value of a comm sniffer depends on the number of colonies in a system and their needs.  In a safe, remote system you've colonized and well supplied, they probably won't need much.  In a high traffic system with colonies embroiled in conflict, raids and economic upheaval, the missions just never seem to stop.  Find a multi-faction system with a high number of planets and drop a sniffer there instead.

Of course, you could simply make some enemies and neglect your colonies' defenses just a little...I'll bet that'd generate some missions.

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