« on: August 23, 2019, 09:18:57 AM »
I'm also fairly new, but I'll share what I've learned!
1. I just pick bounties based on the ships/counts. It's supposed to be kinda iffy and risky to take on a fleet.
2. Easy, press "A" or click the little 'Resume course' button above your minimap.
3. That one I'm not entirely sure yet.
4. Make them fast, and pray. Have enough combat ships handy to protect your squishy stuff. Thankfully, they're cheap.
5. Retreat is a very tactical thing, you have to be able to defend yourself long enough to get away. As above, your slower ships are gonna have a harder time of it.
6. "Attempt to Disengage" is still a battle, you just have to reach the other side OR defeat the pursuing forces to get away. Another thing to watch out for during regular battles in your "Clean Disengage" counter, it tells you how many fleet points you have to kill in order to avoid the disengagement battle if you were to retreat.
Hopefully this has been a help. A couple other tidbits I've taken to heart:
A. The AI can be fairly smart. Use this to your advantage. Pilot a smaller ship such as a frigate or destroyer class to start, and let your officers handle the cruisers. I got really good at the Shrike, before I got my Onslaught and now it's my main ship.
B. The star map is really good at telling you where to fly to avoid the worst of hyperspace cloud storms.