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Topics - Locklave

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General Discussion / Ill-Advised Modifications > Field repairs?
« on: May 15, 2021, 09:15:14 AM »
Does the skill not remove this one d mod? I get that luck is involved when you got tons of junk ships. Has anyone seen it happen?

General Discussion / Best Skill Tree 0.95
« on: May 10, 2021, 03:48:29 PM »
Technology is my pick because it's the most functional and gives solid bonuses to any playstyle.

General Discussion / Auxiliary Support skill
« on: April 28, 2021, 02:09:47 PM »
Is this a serious skill or a meme Alex included? A Buffalo Mk.II thing?

1 Venture brings the bonus to +300% alone. Which is good for sure but not a skill point against Weapon Drills good. Is someone Kite (A) spamming this skill or something?

Also the Assault and Escort packages seem grossly overpriced without the skill backing it up. Shouldn't they be viable stand alone?

Someone who know the strats or math help me out here, my instincts tell me this is a dud skill.

General Discussion / Automated Ships skill sucks
« on: April 21, 2021, 03:18:55 PM »
It gives you exactly enough for 1 single Radiant with a Gamma core before the absurd 30 point cap is exceeded destroying CR.

So the choice is Special modifications giving your fleet a huge buff and unlocking a 3rd mod slot or 1 Good ship with the worst AI core.

Is this a joke or something? How does anyone pick this and not feel ripped off? Minimum it should be 2 Radiants with 2 Alpha cores for 70% CR. This skill currently isn't even in the same galaxy as Special modifications.

This feels like a placeholder or something. I'm glad a can spec outta this garbage.

General Discussion / Is the Industry tree dead?
« on: April 11, 2021, 07:27:56 AM »
I've played so much I got in the habit of picking the Industry tree pre .95a. I'm now truly looking at the tree and can't justify the points spend in an environment were 15 is everything.

Field repairs and Damage control are the only parts of the tree I feel are justified now and damage control doesn't even fit the tree.

This isn't a industry/logistics tree anymore. "Skills that improve salvaging, colonization, and the overall resilience of your fleet in and out of combat." It's the "Random good ideas with no synergy that didn't have space in other trees tree"

Bulk transport - Merchant skill I guess and since black market trades are the only viable ones because of giant tariffs you don't need the space. It's a QoL upgrade only. Also strange limitations attached to how much increase because we need to apply new nerf game mechanics to an already weak skill.
Salvaging - Complete garbage and a total waste of a point. I have no clue why the rare find rate was removed as it justified the investment which is larger now with less points...

Both wastes of points.

Damage control - see bellow
Reliable engineering - see bellow

These personal ship only skills do not fit this tree or it's playstyle. They have no secondary elements that support the playstyle.


2 points into the tree and nothing meaningful is gained towards the goal of the tree.

Containment Procedures - Okay industry skill
Makeshift Equipment - Okay industry skill

These wouldn't be overpowered if they were folding into a single skill. Considering we are 3 points into the tree and this is the first meaningful Industry related improvement they should be folded 1 skill.

T4, special notes...

Field Repairs - Great industry skill, high general functionality. A bit slow on repairs but still a great pick.
Derelict Contingent - This is exactly what people, me specifically, don't want from the Industry tree. What happened to reduced operational costs for d mods? What happened to reduced penalties for taking d mods? This mutant skill doesn't belong in this tree at all.

Special notes: Can't go 10 points into this tree without getting both of these one actively negating the other. We get 15 points total and we are forced to waste 1 on the other half of this tier.


Industrial Planning - Totally useless if you plan on using AIs, way too weak even if you do go no AI
Colony Management - Totally useless if you plan on using AIs, way too weak even if you do go no AI

This entire tier is worth 1 point if they were folded into each other. The Idea that I'd have to waste 10 points in this basically do nothing tree to get the other one is absurd.

Conclusion -

This tree doesn't do it's intended job at all. Both T3 and T5 have no right being separate skills and T4 is completely broken if you go 10 points into this tree. T1 are super weak, T2 doesn't fit the tree at all.

I feel like this tree was an after though. 10 points in this tree has barely any impact on your playstyle because nothing in this tree fits together for an arching build.

General Discussion / Commission welfare
« on: April 03, 2021, 05:20:24 PM »
After fairly extensive play in .95a with fleet and colonies the only conclusion I have reached is that the changes have made commission income a borderline requirement early to midgame till you reach the unlimited cash point. More so then in the last version as colonies allowed you to become money independent more quickly. I'd also argue that even early game is balanced around commissions but people don't notice because of the 3 years of free pay.

Playing as neutral or working to be allies with the pirates now is damn near impossible long term. Your fleet needs keep getting stronger and the scaling for missions sucks. The only way these missions are viable is if you are receiving commission welfare, which scales well and requires nothing.

I feel like this is why crew costs are so brutal, why massive supplies need to get used up and why 30% tariffs are in the game.

The economy and costs are built around having a commission making it a requirement and not truly optional. Yes it's still possible to play without it but we are talking sub optimal playstyles. I'm willing to bet that commissions are the largest sources of income we take in likely in the range of 10 times everything else.

Playing without a commission isn't hard mode, it's unrewarding mode. I feel like it's a massive playstyle limiter.


I'm level 15, let me sit in orbit of a safe world afk in a Shepherd till I have millions.

Suggestions / Military refit for civilian ships
« on: December 17, 2020, 01:56:37 AM »
Not the module, an actual military refit. Like the hound and it's military counterpart. Something to fiddle with civilian ships and make their use life longer, not just fodder, something that would be make them meaningful considering the incoming SP changes. Help justify SP use on lesser ships.

I'd also like to see more military version of ships for sale. Venture for example screams for a military version because that would resolve the speed problem as well as free up space. Venture for all my complaining about it, I want to love, would be a solid ship if it had a militarized version. The same is true for many other civilian ships.

Think about it, more viable ship options. Make the junkier civ ships a good catch when you find that rarer military version, just like the military Hegemony Hound.

General Discussion / 0.95a Pirate/LP player alliance
« on: November 22, 2020, 05:06:50 PM »
In the current version being allies doesn't stop them doing events against you, they won't attack you but the stability and such take full effect.

Will this be the case in 0.95a? Unlike every major faction in the game these factions take lots of work over time to build, requires dodging fights with them and doesn't result in monthly payouts.

General Discussion / Alex pet bear
« on: October 16, 2020, 03:21:58 AM »
I have captured your beloved pet 900lbs black bear Alex and demand to know when the next patch is coming.

On a side note what is the command to get the bear to stop biting my leg? I'm asking for a friend.

Is anyone else going nuts waiting? I know the answer is gonna be it's done when it's ready.

Suggestions / QoL Auto Pilot/Sustained Burn Drive
« on: August 04, 2020, 05:58:40 AM »
Is it possible to improve these elements?

Auto pilot flies you into a sun/black hole/ect costing supplies. It should avoid these things by default, which it sort of tries to do when you get super close. In cases where the jump point is in a system inside the corona the AI fleets are unable to enter the jump point and bounce off the invisible bubble auto pilot creates when close to the Sun. Hope your colony wasn't counting on those shipments. 

Increase the avoidance distance and modify spawn locations for jump points to account for the corona range for the AI fleets. Would that work or create new problems?

Sustained Burn Drive in combination with Auto Pilot causes dumb wastes of fuel and at times major annoyances, including problems for the AI fleets. Spinning around in circles endlessly missing the jump point in hyperspace because of storms.

Give auto pilot the ability to shut off and restart Sustained Burn if it overshoots the destination. Could that work?

Yes, I know the player can just take control personally. Manually avoiding Suns and having to restart Sustained Burn aren't enthralling game play and QoL improvements are good for the entire playerbase.

Increasing turning control while in Sustained burn might also help, maybe 10-20% more turning sharpness.

General Discussion / Colony management skills and leaders/AI cores
« on: July 31, 2020, 08:17:41 AM »
I've been thinking about the disparity between AI vs. Person run colonies and how it interacts with current endgame in a disappointing manner. AI should be better, but how and when they are better is problematic.

Elements of this span a wide number of smaller topics.

The basics
- Inability to assign leadership positions to run industries that are non AI.
- Player personal skills requiring many points across more then 1 skill tree being completely overshadowed.
- Player personal skills for more administrators being limited and costing points.
- Lack of goals endgame aside from farming Alpha cores for colonies.
- Non AI colony leaders rarely having more then 2 skills and costing too much, can they even level up?

All colony skills are a complete waste of points in the long term unless you plan to stop building after a handful of Planets. The skill points for more administrators being the worst outlier.

I feel like we need a way to compete with the AI core playstyle even if it's weaker, all it does mechanically is create an earlier productive cap time for non AI user end game. I don't feel like administrators should have a cap when with AI cores even gamma you could literally colonize the entire map.

When I first saw the industry skill tree I fell in love. A game where I'm a captain and can build to be a logistical genius. Then I got to end game and realized I was inferior completely to a single Alpha core and slowly I phased out all my leaders only to look at my skills and ask why I bothered.

Non AI core colonies and growing more colonies needs without using AI cores needs to be viable. Colony leaders need to be cheaper and better. Players who invest 9-15 points for colony skills shouldn't have that massive investment overshadowed by a farmable item. I'm not asking for crazy buffs just more viability.

Scavenging skill > All colony skills combined. Because it can get you extra AI cores.

General Discussion / Withdrawing and stations
« on: June 04, 2020, 08:07:40 AM »
Have I just been getting dumb luck or do ships withdrawing from combat vs a station to recover flux withdraw in the direction the station is rotating leaving it open to more attacks the entire time?

General Discussion / T3 Orbital stations
« on: May 25, 2020, 09:06:35 PM »
Are they balanced or is 1 or 2 clear winners with the right weapons?

General Discussion / Low Tech ship non viablility
« on: May 14, 2020, 08:49:13 PM »
So I've been watching the development over the last year and I'm seeing lots of Midline/High Tech. It feels and it's just a feeling that Low tech is slowly becoming less viable in terms of the next update. Although I'll point out that every test showing of the new weapons/ships is blowing a Low Tech ship to bits.

Or is low tech just terrible and people are fine with that?

General Discussion / Any chance?
« on: April 18, 2020, 08:02:35 AM »
Any chance we will get an update during this lockdown? I get if it's not ready or w/e, but if it's possible it'd be new and shiney to play with during this boring and stressful time.

If not that's cool I get that it might not be reasonable or even possible.

Also, stay safe to anyone reading this.

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