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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Messages - Seleukus

Pages: 1 [2]
Modding / Re: Thoughts on making a complete modpack and/or mod wiki?
« on: September 05, 2019, 02:12:40 AM »
Do you have experience managing a wiki? I've never done anything of the sort, but I'm really enjoying this game and I really like the idea of a wiki section for popular modded content.
I'm even going to have 2 weeks of vacation in October where I'll definitely have free time to contribute.

I'll keep an eye on this discussion.

It worked!!! I renamed the file as you said and I was able to restore an entire days worth of progress!
I'm extremely thankful! You're awesome!

Even if it hadn't worked out, I'd still be very thankful for the response. I didn't think the savegame could be fixed!

I wish you the best!

Bug Reports & Support (modded) / Save game loads state of many hours before
« on: September 03, 2019, 01:14:17 PM »
    Hello. I have a habit of saving very often, but I actually don't load often, specially on exploration trips.
    I spent the whole of Sunday exploring a big chunk of the sector and now, Monday, I decide to load game again and it's many hours out of date.

    In Main Menu, save game says Level 40, Cycle 210, and I remember I had more than 3 million credits.
    When I load the game, I am at a state of Level 36, Cycle 209 and I have 2,4 million credits.

    I estimate I lost game progress of 50 stars explored plus combat, trade etc.

    • Is there a known issue where the save function can stop saving the game itself, but keep updating some metadata?
    • Any idea how I can prevent this issue in future?
    • Is there even any reason to assume this is mod related?


{"enabledMods": [
  "Grand Sector",

Thank you very much the response.
From reading certain topics in this forum and reddit I was lead to believe that a ship with a D-mod would cost deploy -20% to deploy on the field, giving me a reason to collect such ships.
I understand now that is not meant to be the case.

Great game. Thoroughly enjoying it.

As title says.

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