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Messages - Mr_8000

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Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Neutrino Corp. (v. 1.86-RC3)
« on: April 21, 2022, 05:23:38 PM »
I wonder if anyone agrees too, probably, but will never say it.

To answer that question, yes, I also feel that way. I felt the same way when Diable received its sprite rework as well. It's not that the new look is bad or anything, but I've personally always preferred the sleek, angular look over a lumpy vanilla-like one. At any rate, just wanted to let you know you aren't the only one.

Was this on a new game?

No it isn't, this save was started just after v2.00 released. If that could potentially be the issue then I'll just live with it until I start a fresh one.

Edit: As for the elite skills, isElite seems to check whether or not the skill can be elite, not whether or not it is elite. Seems to be defined in the .skill file ""elite":true,". You might be better off checking with getLevel, since elite skills return level 2 instead of 1.

What's the logic behind wingcom's rep and leveling? Sometimes I get a decent rep boost post-combat, for seemingly an easy, small engagement. Other times the fight grants be upwards of 200k xp and the rep doesn't change on any pilot, despite this being the harder battle (neither combat caused the ship to be disabled).
As for the levels/elite skills I'm assuming it's a roll post combat at a certain rep level? Since they don't seem to correlate directly to rep.

Never mind, I missed that bit under the info tab. Instead I'd like to recommend that the random gain should at least be non-zero, it feels pretty bad to not make any progress for potentially several combats in a row.

Edit: There might be something else at play here, since after having 5 combats with no change I restarted the game and gains were possible again. Afterwards I repeated this experiment, when I seemed to stop gaining any rep restarting once again fixed it.

While looking at this more closely I've also noticed that elite skills don't display properly in the management UI, they all seem to be elite (I'm assuming that's what the "+" means, if I'm wrong then ignore this), after promoting however it appears to just be a display issue.



This is just a bug report of stuff I noticed in 2.05

-Various things are missing descriptions, the ones I noticed specifically are (by id):
armaa_leynos_minigun_right (despite the id this is actually an aleste weapon)
There's also various fightercraft (LPC only) weapons that are missing descriptions, but personally I'm not the type to mind those.

armaa_variableRifle (this might be intended, still gonna list it)

armaa_flare_decoy (system) seems to have been copied improperly, the text repeats twice and lists ",Defensive,"

The watchdog has a typo in its tags, armaa_mobilearmo (missing "r").
The watchdog's weapon switching isn't functioning properly, it only swaps guns when both hullmods are missing. You cannot use both hellbores or guass unless stripping the hull until desired results. Most likely stems from having both switchers (LEFTSWITCH,RIGHTSWITCH) look for the same hullmods, unlike other craft where left/right gun hullmods are distinct.
Since I've listed the watchdog twice now, I don't like the AI's use of the system, it cannot properly chase ships since it leaves the system on even when the enemy is backing off.

Valkazard counter shield body incorrectly states shield arc is decreased by 0%.

Leynos right arm crusher hullmod sorts differently than the other switcher hullmods, it always favors the bottom of the list (of installed hullmods) instead of the top as the others do.

Wingcom suite has an extra percent symbol under the details tab ("skills over time%").

Now a bit of balance feedback, the Leynos left arm railgun is terrible. Compared to a standard railgun all it has is non-arcing EMP (worth very little) and worse DPS, and yet it costs more than double the flux per damage (efficiency 2.25 vs 0.9)

Finally a question, since the baseline altagrave has a "laser sword" in its left arm slot, are the (C) and (G) variants supposed to have nothing there? The (G) variant especially, since it alone has a movement system allowing for easier use of a melee weapon.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Everybody Loves KoC
« on: April 01, 2022, 10:20:50 AM »
Had a crash while raiding for blueprints, though the crash doesn't point specifically to KoC, I searched my directory for where the thing came from and it was from KoC.

The image attached, however does point this way, the wing is only found within the KoC files. Dunno if you removed this, but just forgot or something.

Interesting, I've yet to encounter this in the wild. None of the wings in KoC are set to drop as blueprints so I'm not sure why SS is trying to drop it as one. Adding all blueprints with the console doesn't unlock it either so it's not registering as a bp through there... There's a WING_NO_DROP tag I can add that "should" remove it from the fighter bp drop table and fix the issue but that still doesn't answer why it is there to begin with.

Any chance you're running a mod that alters the drops? If not perhaps someone else can shed some light on the why of this one.

To shed some light on this, wing id's that don't end in exactly "_wing" crash when having their blueprints raided. Xhan had a similar crash a while back when the only difference was capitalization ("_Wing"). As for why it's dropping, "pulse_wing_civ" is tagged as "independent" (and KoC), so it's known by the indies and any modded faction that also draws from that pool. BP Raids draw from a faction's known blueprints so it's possible to raid a blueprint that is otherwise not available elsewhere (the 14th legion blueprints are like this, bar the legion).

I'm also pretty sure "no_drop" only applies to salvage, to deal with raided blueprints you might want "no_bp_drop" or just never give them to any faction to begin with.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] QoL Pack 1.0.1
« on: February 08, 2022, 08:09:27 AM »
Lots of great functions here, definitely improved my QoL. But I've got a couple suggestions regarding way shield/phase deployment interacts with the ship system.

First off, I'd suggest a functionality similar to how overloading handles it, meaning if I input right click while my system is active, only then would the shield reactivate after the system expires (otherwise remaining off). A lot of the time I'd prefer my defenses stay down after the system expires.

Secondly, and this feels like a bug, if your shields are active when activating a ship system with a duration (that does not disable shields), manually disabling them while the system is active still causes them to come back up after the system expires. Often this leaves you with the feeling that you're fighting against the controls.

Edit: unrelated, but "OffTextColor" is misspelled in the ini file and qolp_systemNotify.init() is causing a non-fatal exception

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Modern Carriers 1.8.0a "RTB"
« on: February 04, 2022, 06:57:12 PM »
I didn't mean any offense my guy, it's just my way of saying "alright, I have nothing else to say". At the end of the day all I wanted to hear was your reasoning and leave my thoughts, and you've gone and overreacted.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Modern Carriers 1.8.0a "RTB"
« on: February 04, 2022, 06:11:09 PM »
Balancing around AI flaws and an assumed S-mod seems questionable if you ask me, but if you've opted to go that route then so be it.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Modern Carriers 1.8.0a "RTB"
« on: February 04, 2022, 05:24:47 PM »
This may come off as rude, but that addresses none of my points. The same thing I said last post will still hold true even with the coming change.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Modern Carriers 1.8.0a "RTB"
« on: February 04, 2022, 04:48:26 PM »
I feel like the recent swarm core changes don't make sense. What's my incentive for using OP to add 2 decks (and nerf them all) when the ship's DP also increases? Putting another carrier into battle would add the same decks, un-nerfed, for a similar DP cost (and no additional OP cost).

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a-RC6] Fast Engine Rendering v1.1.1 - Combat FPS Booster
« on: December 26, 2021, 05:13:26 PM »
After enabling this mod, engine plumes seem to have grown in both size and brightness, has anyone else had this? It ends up being quite distracting.
Here are a few images for comparison:


FER again, except in combat, the large remnant vessel is almost half engine plume

Mods / Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.47
« on: October 28, 2021, 10:41:49 PM »
Thanks for taking my feedback into consideration. Though I do still have to inform you that whatever changes were made to the Reiterpallasch didn't make it into the hotfix (stats appear unchanged). You also didn't comment on the gepard (I'm assuming this means you thinks it's fine, but just checking in case you skimmed over it). I do apologize for the continued nitpicking.

Mods / Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.47
« on: October 28, 2021, 11:03:03 AM »
I've been using (and enjoying) this mod for a while now, and I figure with the recent update now's a good time as any for some feedback. I'm not usually one to call things too strong, but there are several outliers that really stick out to me:

First off, the weapon that inspired me to make this post, the brand new Type 63. Supposedly a budget version of the HVD, a much better comparison can be made to the heavy needler. It has the same efficiency, similar hit strength and mimicks the burst fire of the HN with its magazine. The main difference is the significant gain of 250 range and the loss of 70 sustained dps. So far it sounds like a great sidegrade to the needler, if their OP cost was the same. At 9 OP there's simply no good reason to not use this every time, in place of not just the HN but basically any other medium kinetic. The price/performance is just that good.

Next up we've got the Gepard CIWS. This is just an upgraded heavy machine gun, except now that its range is 600 you can slap it on any ship that is slightly faster than average and do incredibly efficient kinetic dps, instead of being limited to PD usage or on Safety Overrides fits. It's actually a better choice even on SO fits, despite the extra range. This isn't even factoring in the additional frag on-hit effect.

Continuing in the same family of guns we've got the Saturation Coil CIWS. Comparing this to the storm needler isn't exactly fair, since the SN itself is quite lackluster. So I dug into my modlist, to try and find something comparable. Despite my best effort I can confidently say this is the most efficent large kinetic "PD" (since you're usually mounting this with the intent to use it as a direct combat weapon) I've ever seen. On top of all this, it's also got a DPS advantage and EMP on hit.

Last on this list we have the Particle Caliver. Already incredibly efficient compared to its vanilla counterpart (at the cost of hit strength and range), that isn't even the main reason I've listed it. The issue is what isn't on the stat card, the fact that this causes EMP arcs and not just EMP on hit (this should really be listed, the particle scatterblaster lists it but in the description instead of at the bottom like the ion cannon). Not nearly as much as an ion cannon, but more than enough to fry small weapon mounts and small engines, which is what you're going to be shooting at with this weapon (after easily suppressing their shield).

Now for a few extra (non-balance) nitpicks:

The stab wing is missing a type.

The Cainhurst's built in weapons claim to be more efficient than the TPC (in the description), but aren't. Even assuming 0.91 values they still wouldn't be more flux efficient. They are also missing a sprite in the stat card.

Some ships have a strange non-rounded value for their shield efficiency. Namely the Cainhurst (0.93), the new battlecruiser (0.88) and several frigates. Is this intentional or an oversight?

I had something weird happen recently
I went to their system to see if it was a bounty-only issue, but it isn't. Turns out Tolp IV was taken by another faction and so P9 lost access to heavy industry. Within their faction file they have "hightech_bp" as a fallback when importing, but they don't actually know those blueprints. While I was fixing it on my end I noticed something else however, "pn_ship_bp" (the one seen in the faction file) isn't a tag used by their ship blueprints ("pn_bp" and "pn_adv_bp" are), so anything not explicitly listed in the "hulls" portion won't be known by the faction.
Afterwards I also checked a few other files and it looks like the raala rayblaster isn't part of their weapon blueprint package, though this might be intentional.

While I'm at it, a couple of the issues I reported earlier persist. Namely, phase ships with a custom phase system still lack the "PHASE" hint meaning they aren't sorted properly in the blueprint tab nor do they interact properly with certain phase skills. P9 also still uses the same image for both their crest and logo, making their intel in the feed on the bottom left appear wide and out of place.

Finally, I can also vouch for the unreliability of the DSI Tachyon Ray that was brought up. At first I thought it was just shield flickering that was causing it, but sometimes it just doesn't feel like working.

Edit: Almost forgot, as of 0.95a phase cloak can no longer overload your ship, it just turns off. You may want to make that change to your custom phase system variations.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Weapon Arcs 1.6.0
« on: October 07, 2021, 08:09:22 PM »
The added toggle workaround seems to be affecting the standard alt key as well, I can no long hold alt+number, instead I press alt and toggle with the number keys then press it again. This wouldn't be much of an issue except that every time I tab out and then in again the moment I swap weapon groups the arcs start appearing.

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