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Topics - CrashToDesktop

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Bug Reports & Support / "Unknown" Fleets Exploit
« on: November 19, 2015, 08:25:20 PM »
So, apparently you can tell what kind of fleet an undetected fleet is if you open up the sector / system map and click on it, where it'll tell you the name of it despite it being only detected and not identified.

Suggestions / A Re-Design of Ship Destruction, Boarding, and Salvage
« on: October 04, 2015, 09:22:46 PM »
So, first off, this is an amalgamation of a couple of posts I've seen around the forum (some with their own dedicated threads, others just briefly mentioned on a blog post thread) as well as ideas of my own.  People whose ideas I'm using, you know who you are. ;)

Alright, with the series of campaign updates rolling along, I feel like the next step should be to make some changes to the salvage mechanic as a whole (which includes the loot you get at the end of the battle, the ships that become boardable, and everything intertwined with those).  I guess I should start at the very beginning of this: ship destruction.  I'll be making a couple of real-life connections to this issue, so turn away if you don't like that kind of thing. ;) So, most of the time when ships and tanks are sunk or knocked out, the base structure itself remains operational.  Concerning tanks - most tanks are abandoned when the hull gets penetrated a single time and causes catastrophic damage to the crew (which is reasonable), and thereby causes the tank to be combat-ineffective by lack of crew.  Concerning ships - most of the time, the only reason ships are abandoned and left to sink are when there have been holes blasted through the hull underneath the waterline and sinks the ship that way.  Very few times in both cases does the tank or ship blow up in a spectacular way.  Hits to the magazine are usually the case where this happens.  In Starsector, every disabled ship, big or small, goes off with a tremendous boom when the hull has been ground down to 0.  My suggestion for this is to make ships become "combat-ineffective" once a couple of criteria have been meet.

"Combat-Ineffective" is the name of the game here, a new status for ships that have taken too much of a beating in battle.  Now, the criteria for combat-ineffectiveness can be broken down into three separate categories as follows: Engine Damage, Weapon Damage, and Crew Loss.  At least two of these criteria must be meet before the ship becomes combat-ineffecitve.  The first two relate to damage to specific areas of the ship - the first being engines, the second being the weapons.  EMP damage is not taken into account, only raw damage done from HE, Kinetic, Energy, or Fragmentation.  Both use somewhat-hidden numbers to determine when that criteria has been meet, but will be translated to the player via combat effects on the left-hand side of the screen (where things like the Sensor Bouy with +10% damage is shown).  If you hit the engines enough times, an effect will show up on the left side of the screen saying "Heavily Damaged Engines" with a hit to mobility and top speed, maybe 15% (number subject to change).  If you've gotten your weapons hit a few too many times, a "Heavily Damage Weapon Mounts" debuff will appear and have a penalty to the recoil of weapons, maybe +15% increase weapon recoil (number and effect subject to change).  Loss of too much crew will have an overall -10% hit to all weapons and maneuverability with "Insufficient Crew" debuff (numbers subject to change).  Crew loss is a bit special compared to the other two - Fragmentation damage done against the hull has a massive bonus against it (since bits of metal and spall flying at supersonic speed and bouncing around in metal boxes tends to shred people).  Once a ship becomes "combat-ineffective", all control of the ship will be lost (for both the AI and the player), no engines, shields, or weapons will be active.  If there are any ambient lights on the ship, those will go out.  The ship will appear as a grey circle on the combat map, and orders cannot be given to it.

Once a single one of these debuffs appears, the AI will report it to you in the top-left corner of the screen where the regular combat messages appear, with the same audible alert message as CR loss.  Same goes if two criteria are met and the ship becomes combat ineffective.  Vanilla ship destruction mechanics are still in here, not to be forgotten - if the hull of the ship reaches 0 at any point in the battle, then the ship's reactor will have taken too much damage, and the standard explosion will take place.

Onto the boarding mechanics - they will stay mostly the same, with the exception of the ship's condition after battle and how difficult the boarding is.  The first step is to determine the victor of the battle.  All of your ships made combat-ineffective during the battle will be recovered if you win the battle (that's the beauty of this mechanic - they've only been made combat-ineffecitve, and thus can be recovered without much effort, and also have a much lower tendency to blow up).  You will also get the option to board or destroy any combat-ineffective enemy ships.  The standard procedure with destroyed ships (ships that have exploded) will take place here as well, with the regular small chance of boarding enemy ones or recovering your own.  If you loose the battle, then the enemy will have the option to board your own combat-ineffective ships, as per usual.  Once you've found a combat-ineffective enemy ship, the standard options are still there - board, blow it up, or let it go.  However, some extra information is given - the two criteria that the ship meet when it was made combat ineffective.  The two latter options function the same, but the boarding mechanic is vastly different.

When boarding, you will have to take into account what parts of the ship have been knocked and double-check the single other, still-effective aspect of the ship.  If the ship's engines and weapons have been taken out, then it won't be going anywhere soon, but still has a sizable amount of crew milling about inside willing to defend it to the death (and maybe even counter-board your own ship and take it out from under you).  This might make an assault team going through space a viable option, to prevent the enemy crew from counter-boarding your own ship, but there will be casualties.  If the ship's weapons and crew have been knocked out, direct docking is fine, but if you don't take the ship fast enough, the enemy crew can repair the engines and escape with your marines and crew still on it - a slight problem, depending on how many crew you invested into boarding it.  If the engines and crew have been knocked out, then docking might not be a good idea - the enemy ship's weapons can wreck havoc on your own ship, possibly destroying it during the boarding process and loosing everything you invested, possibly including the ship you were trying to board.  It's a game of rock-paper-scissor that, if not played correctly, can result in some considerable losses.  However, this system is much more predicable than the current system of boarding that is a complete game of dice.

Once (if) you take the ship, the condition that the ship was in when it was made ineffective will determine the shape it's in when you bring it into your own fleet.  A ship captured with the crew and engine knocked out will have all the weapons mounted on it when it was in battle, but the engines will have some massive debuffs in burn speed until repaired.  Weapons and engines knocked out (the easiest way of making a ship boardable) will have no weapons mounted when captured and have the same engine debuff.  Ships captured with crew and weapons knocked out will have no weapons, but have a functioning engine with normal burn speed.  In all cases, the ship will be in a 0-CR state with whatever hull left by the end of the battle (damage is kept track of even after the ship is made combat ineffective) and must be repaired quickly.  Now, I've given this next part some thought - the engine debuff is rated as a removable hull mod (costs 0 OP and can't be put on a ship normally by a player).  However, if you choose to remove this hull mod while in space and the ship is at low CR, the impacts will be obvious - with the next update, removing hull mods while in space gives a massive CR hit.  If you remove that while in space, there's a very good chance that the ship in question will suffer an accident while in space and destroy itself.  So, do you want to suffer the lowered burn speed for a while until you get to a space port to remove it (or repair the ship to a high enough degree that you can safely remove the hull mod) or take a chance to escape with the ship at top burn speed but have a chance of blowing up the ship via accident?

Once the boarding is over, the salvage operation begins.  The salvage operation is changed greatly - there are two options for salvage, a "Quick" and a "Thorough".  Quick is the current system - the crew scoops up any leftovers strewn across the battlefield and gets back to their own ships ASAP.  Thorough is different - choosing this option, all destroyed ships (blown up) can be recovered as hulks and much more loot is recovered (as the crew searches all the nooks ans crannies of the destroyed ships), but this process takes time on the campaign map, maybe an in-game day.  You will not be given any option to pick up loot until the operation completes on the campaign map.  However, you can interrupt the salvage operation at any time for no return, but can let you escape if you get into a tight situation.  If you do interrupt a Thorough salvage operation, then you will only be awarded the credits from a Quick salvage operation, no loot pick up will be available.

The new mechanic here are hulks - hulks are ships beyond recovery that can be sold for scrap at an orbital station with the right market condition - Shipbreaking Center (which is currently in Starsector at the Agreus port in the Arcadia system).  There they can be sold for any number of resources, be it credits or commodities depending on what fits the game better.  These destroyed hulks will appear as ships in your fleet, but will take up no logistics or crew (in terms of code needed, they're just skins of ships with no weapon slots, no crew needed, and 0 OP - a bit like the D-variants of ships, just even worse).  However, since they have no crew or engines, they must be towed.  All ships can tow a hulk at no negative modifier to it in combat or CR, but unless it's got the Monofillament Tow Cable hull mod, it will suffer a burn speed penalty (numbers to be decided).  The game should automatically default towing hulks to the fastest ship in the fleet, with the Monofillament Tow Cable and maximum burn speed taken into account for best logistics (and take a lot of numbers off of the player's shoulders).

This system of salvage is meant to mesh in nicely with the eventual kind of dystopian view that Starsector is supposed to have - ships are rare and expensive, and as are the autofac blueprints that make then, and this every single part of it is saved or reused in any way possible.

Other Possibilities:
Only just got to adding this bit once I finally woke up and re-organized my brain about this.  With these new features, a variety of other possibilities involving hull mods and character skills can modify the numbers greatly.  I'll give one example of each as not to ruin any creative processes too much. ;) The "Reinforced Bulkheads" hull mod might also reduce the fragmentation damage bonus by 50% (bringing it in line with the other ways to kill off the crew), due to installed spall liners.  For characters skills, the "Advanced Tactics" skill under the "Leadership" aptitude could increase the speed of a Thorough salvage operation by some percent per level.

That pretty much concludes my suggestion list.  If you've been one of the brave souls to read the entire thing, bravo my friend.  You deserve a cookie and a pat on the back. :D

Bug Reports & Support / Forum "Code"
« on: February 17, 2015, 07:00:48 PM »
I really have no idea where to post this, so I suppose Bugs & Support will have to do.  If a mod comes by, feel free to move this to a more proper forum section.

So, back to the topic at hand.  Whenever someone uses the {code} (with brackets, otherwise the forum does it's thing) inside of a spoiler, I get somethings that shows up like this:

(no harm meant by the plug, Tartflette;)

And by the way, this only happens in Google Chrome.  I vaguely remember this being brought up a while back, but I can't find the thread and I don't know what came of it.  I suppose it's something that Alex can't fix (a browser-based problem, maybe?), since it works perfectly fine on Firefox and IE, but maybe something can be done?

Suggestions / Bounties - Money pinatas?
« on: October 20, 2014, 06:47:31 PM »
Anyone getting huge bounties?  I'm finding this is really making the game too easy - even easier than before.  Right off the bat (although I'm not sure if this is because of sheer luck with the economy generation at the beginning of the game) I got a 3,000 Credit general bounty for all Pirate frigates that I destroyed.  I capitalized on this, and before the week was over I raked in about 40,000 credits, enough to get me 2 new frigates and outfit them both with weapons and crew.  After that, I got a couple 20,000 Credit fleet bounties and one almighty 60,000 Credit bounty just a few minutes ago (which consisted of about two Buffalo Mk.IIs and couple of Cerberus's - either the Hegemony is getting really, REALLY weak or they're just throwing me freebies).

I might tone down the general bounties, and make the fleet bounties at least either have more ships or have more experienced crew, because as of late, all of them have had Green crew - and with the descriptions of the bounties saying that the commander was experienced, I'd expect a bit more from their crew as well.

(as an added side note, now after editing this post's title, there's a rather odd scroll bar at the bottom that does nothing but flicker the screen - might want to check on that)

Bug Reports & Support / Purchasing Military Ships
« on: October 20, 2014, 04:40:16 PM »
Found a bug (I think).  In the Jangala station, where I tested it, I was able to access the Military section and purchase ships.  Destroyers and above had markers saying that I needed "Welcoming" status or higher to purchase those ships, but I was still able to purchase them regardless.  Got a military-grade Enforcer for 29 thousand (which, by the way, was incredibly easy to acquire due to a 3,000 credit bounty on all Pirate frigates) even though I only had 7 out of 100 relationship with the Hegemony.

(screenshot to follow)

Discussions / Gun Nuts
« on: July 17, 2014, 02:14:31 PM »
So, I might be one of the few people here to actually own a gun.  I've got a 20 gauge shotgun, Remington 870 - I'll use this as a reference point later on. (note - I've fired 12 guage shotguns as well from friendly range buddies, using slugs, buckshot, and birdshot, and the recoil wasn't too much more than the 20 gauge)

I went to a shooting range with my friend, he brought a rifle and two pistols, I brought my shotgun.  The rifle was the Mosin-Nagant 91/30.  I shouldered the beast, fired it, and there went my shoulder.  I probably went through 50 or 60 rounds of 7.62x54r that day, and my shoulders still hurt form that experience two days after. o.O

So, my question - why does this Mosin-Nagant seem to recoil a helluva lot more than what I've seen around the web, and why does it recoil more than a shotgun?  Shotguns in general have pretty hefty recoil, but this Mosin just blew apart my left shoulder on the first shot.  I know how to hold rifles and shotguns, it comes after hard-earned experience skeet-shooting.  The rifle was 1943 vintage, and the ammunition was mil surp, still in the can when we took it out on the field - might the massive recoil have to do with that?

Or is it just me, and the Mosin-Nagant somehow has more kick than a shotgun?  I want to know if it's the rifle or the ammunition (or something mechanical and not just my imagination), in case something's wrong with it, maybe it can get fixed.

Suggestions / Weapon Groups and Resolution
« on: June 11, 2014, 06:49:59 PM »
So, as a laptop user, I pretty much stick to 1024 or 1280 resolution.  And with that, the sides of the screen come very much closer to the center.  When you've got a lot of weapons on a ship, especially lots of weapons groups, all that text can blot out about half the screen.  I'd suggest the ability to simply name weapons groups.  Give the weapon group a short name in the window where you assign your weapons.  I'd make the screen a lot less cluttered.

Just a screenshot so people know that pain:

It has cost me my flagship a few times, where I can't see something that comes up from behind me, especially missiles.

Bug Reports & Support / Carriers & Retreating Fighters
« on: September 18, 2013, 04:16:53 PM »
If you have a carrier and a fighter wing on the field at the same time, and you order a retreat for both of them, after the fighter retreats off the field, the carrier will start producing fighters even though the wing has already retreated.

Bug Reports & Support / Startsector Icon
« on: September 16, 2013, 02:43:40 PM »
Not sure if this deems it's own bug thread, being so small and all, but nonetheless.  With RC4, Startsector seems to be me missing it's icon for the shortcut and the .exe.

General Discussion / How did you come about Starfarer?
« on: July 13, 2013, 09:38:39 AM »
So, how did you come across Starsector?  Or, back in the old days, when it was called "Starfarer."  So, how did you? ;) Vote above!

Discussions / Good bye, for now...
« on: May 02, 2013, 02:42:14 PM »
Yea...I've sort of fallen out of Starsector in the past few months or so.  Guess I over-played this excellent game, kind of burned myself out. :P Maybe when something happens (although I do feel partly responsible for slow progress, mentally at least.  Whenever I'm here, progress is good.  When I'm gone, it slows down), I'll return.

But for now, good bye.

General Discussion / Astral
« on: January 20, 2013, 07:56:46 AM »
If you look at the astral, it seems to have a large weapon on the right pylon of the ship.  Might this be another build-in weapon akin to the TPC? :D

Discussions / CoH: Nam 69'
« on: January 19, 2013, 06:03:24 PM »
Just something for people to chew on, I've been working on a mod for Company of Heroes called Nam 67' (self-explanatory :)).  Been making a few weapons, notably the M60.
So, whatdya think of my work? :D

Suggestions / MIRV-style suggestions
« on: January 17, 2013, 12:31:44 PM »
OK, I've got three suggestions to make modding a bit easier (and add more options)

1. Add the ability to make a MIRV-style projectile a shot instead of a missile.  This would make the weapon immune to PD (which is needed for some weapons) and adds more possibilities for guided ordance.

2. Add the ability for MIRV-style missiles to spawn shots instead of just missiles.  Once again, opens up more opportunities to mod, such as making a missile explode into a stream of fragments.

3. If all else fails above, make a line of code that makes PD ignore a certain projetile.  This is more of a general solution to those above.

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Hastaeus Prime, 127
« on: January 16, 2013, 05:35:05 PM »
Just asking the general forumers, what would anyone think about a story on the Battle of Hastaeus Prime (events right before the mission Forlorn Hope)?  I'm trying to include some of the characters from other stories, like the Steiner family from Hope and Duty (albiet a very early ancestor of the current Mark Stiener :)) and Sam from the Rat of Ito Station.  Might include more as I dig up the forum "Stories and Fan Fiction" section. :)

Anyways, I've been writing this thing in my free time at school (don't worry - my study hall class ;)) and I've got 8 pages, front-back and double spaced worth of writing.  Anyone up for this?

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