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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - pigreko

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General Discussion / Re: No New blog post November...
« on: December 21, 2013, 03:36:55 PM »
Having been there for a long time, I know the soon™ mechanic very well, and I'm nowhere near saying that I want stuff done right now. I was simply too much accustomed reading "bloodposts" for the latest news. I 'm a bit detached from the forums right now (plus the amount of mods is too much high for me now... I feel the urge to play them all BUT I HAVE NOT THE TIME TO)

General Discussion / No New blog post November...
« on: December 20, 2013, 09:55:30 AM »
into a no new blog post December. Every moth without a blog post instills in me a fear for this game to be fading into the void.
Luckily I know this is not true, since there are still updates to the announcement threads... but ffs I'm starving for any words from the devs. L

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« on: December 17, 2013, 06:47:02 PM »
I've never been a fan of plateauing the leveling at latter levels. I'd rather progress not slow or stop even at the cost of shrinking down the rewards to continue the sense of progression, and putting in elements that can give a high end player a run for their money or better yet some system where the top few powers in the game are constantly engaged in an arms race that the player can nudge into.
The last two is probably an impossible load of work though, and the first one is probably going to need a lot of rebalancing that might be too late for this stage of the game.

I do not agree with you that much on this point.  A slow progression rate with small improvements is just sad. It is like never accomplishing a thing. I hate those rpg games where you almost always get +% of something instead of new abilities, talents and stuff like that. when you get to use a cool subsystem, when you get to  be in zero flux mode even with some percentage of flux being already up, when you can finally put burst lasers everywhere cause you have lot of op... it is rewarding. To stop the sense of progression you really need to play many ours and cap every skill, I really do not see from where your observation is coming about the progression.

The last 2 are just elements that could easily be part of the game campaign. This combat sandbox is not just the whole starsector state of affair.

Blog Posts / Re: Combat sound effects in 0.6a
« on: September 01, 2013, 11:10:01 AM »
@rookie10276: Every futuristic ship would ofcourse have a device that would capture the radio waves and other forms of waves and rays from enemy weapons to let you know someone is opening up a can of whoopass with your name on it. And this device converts the waves into sounds so an experienced pilot knows what sort of weapon is digging its way through the hull.

That's pretty much the explanation EVE uses. It was something along the lines of "Pilots are confused from the lack of sound, so they installed speakers to give audible feedback."
And the best part about this is that its plausible... humans have amazing pattern recognition abilities through sound. Just look at submarine sonar operators.

On Topic: I like. I absolutely love the after death noises :P.

It is known that hearing is our most important sense, having the highest priority in our mind. So yes we are amazing at recognizing sounds.

BTW watch Planetes if you like anime with no space sound ;P

Blog Posts / Re: Combat sound effects in 0.6a
« on: September 01, 2013, 06:24:47 AM »
New sounds!! I was waiting for it, and I'm still very curious about the rest of them.
So now the damage report.

Antimatter Blasters feels very much like firing an inert shell. Lets forget about the physics hand weaving on how the weapon works, it is just that this sound doesn't speak of "energy".

Plasma Cannons... really? way way underwhelming. ship1:Oh darling what your firing there? I hear cute little popping sounds!... ship2: nothing my dear, just 3 white sphere OF MASS DESTRUCTION.

Now the shields. Not liking the solid matter feeling, the shell or egg. I loved the fortress shield half muting the surrounding, I've always believed shields should always work in a similar fashion.
Or maybe I'm not liking it just cause of the vulcans...

General Discussion / Re: KickStarter Campaign!
« on: May 02, 2013, 08:54:53 AM »
I think starsector would rise a ginormus amount of money for you of Fractalsoftwork. I mean, I know the KGB is already backing you, but more money is always good. Even at the price of some months wasted in PRs.

General Discussion / Re: The Sensor Dish
« on: March 08, 2013, 03:47:43 PM »
It is actually a very good idea. you can put decorative or marginally-supportive stuff in the mounts you do not need, or you cannot equip with actual weapons cause you do not have them - cannot afford the ordinance cost. IT is also another way to personalize your ship in a different way... plus who knows... there could be a lot of functions for those non-combat mounts in the campaign of starf.. sector.

General Discussion / Re: Any sound teasers for Mr. StianStark to share? :D
« on: February 20, 2013, 10:49:30 AM »
there are 2 energy weapons with a sensible charin' up: the plasma cannon and the high intensity laser.
I imagine this free space sound with the T.lance, cause it is actually sorta of a powerhouse beam projectile... I'm not seing it as a beam sound, cause they fire continuously

I'm dying of curiosity about the new sounds.

General Discussion / Re: Effect of the Gunnery Implants final bonus
« on: February 15, 2013, 06:20:27 AM »
uhm this matter about "gunnery implants" not aiding beam weapons is not nice :( My beams do not receive love anywhere you look.

Suggestions / Re: About weapon types
« on: February 05, 2013, 05:57:12 PM »
Ok ok I messed up a bit my arguments. But your response was very interesting.

For starter, on the old ships there were no shield at all. It got installed and bluprinted much later, for 1000 possible reasonable reasons.

The actual armor killer is a combination of kinetic and he, like the new tank shells, or the bunkerkiller bombs. Which could be our HE. But the point is not to blast the armor... But to bypass it! Oh well lets suppose it is a mix which explode mid perforation, cause we want to expose the hull!! Ok!
Surely only kinetic would just punch a hole in the structure or be deflected, it is actually right. No real damage would be done... But the same goes for the hull. I understand a "100%" value had to stay there, lets say it is ok this time... cause there could be good reasons for kinetics to do damage if fired into the bare hull.

Now what about beams? Beams should cut thru armor like butter!! Well the shield mechanic is still good: no burst no stress, it is ok! But no armor bonus?
Really, Why does energy weapons are so average against shields? Just one beam with kinetic properties, we are in the shield era, and an arbalest autocannon is better than my high intensity laser... I understand ballistic having a sweet spot with the shield weakness and stuff, but the high tech world requires some ideas fight their own kind.

Last argument: In a conventional closed space, you have a minigun, a load of C4, a bunch of frag granades, and an enhanced diamond cutter... They do nor deal the same amount of damage.

I mean I know this is a game, but when you throw in a lot of details and specifications, it easy to start reasoning about them... find interesting stuff or strange one.
In general i think the combat is well balanced, but the weapons need some general tuning and revisioning...

And please make beam weapons a damage type per se... It is really another world of play style.


Suggestions / About weapon types
« on: February 03, 2013, 10:32:45 AM »
Hello friends.

Recently I'm thinking about the weapons bonuses versus shield/armor/hull.
What strucks me is the fact many "old" weapons are kinetic. I cannot understand why, since shields are really a recent intriduction. Then I thought that, usually, high impact kinetic slugs are used to destroy armor plating. But instead here kinetic do half damage to armors! Isn't it strange?

On the otherside, explosions are easy deflected by layers of armor or shields, since most of the brute force would go into space. But explosives are deadly in closed spaces, so hitting the bare hull with explosive projectiles would likely put explosions right inside the hull for maximum damage. It seems logical for them to do more damage to the hull, more then a simple high speed slug of bare metal.

In the end, energy weapons should be the perfect anti shield / good versus the rest.
After all they are designed in the era of shields. Beams could even work as subtype, doing good damage versus armor cause of concentrated fire, while being less effective vs hull (and still being partly absorbed by shields as soft flux)

What do you think?

Suggestions / Re: The weekly teaser
« on: December 08, 2012, 07:44:50 AM »
lol at the idea


Discussions / Re: Forum and community praise
« on: December 07, 2012, 03:45:58 PM »
Ill stop hijacking the thread.
I am glad this community works so well.
this is probaply also because its quiet small.
This thread is a microcosm of the form in general.
the starfarer biome

Discussions / Re: elements of this forum
« on: December 07, 2012, 03:41:09 PM »
Damn! Today's young, no respect to fear!  :P
Um... I'm not sure he's alright with it for some good reasons

the godfather citations are always epic.

General Discussion / Re: starfarer community map
« on: December 07, 2012, 03:32:39 PM »
there was some misunderstanding :D

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