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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - pigreko

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General Discussion / Re: First impressions of a newcommer
« on: January 10, 2015, 01:13:19 PM »
you can say that things are being tested, as it was before with weapons, shields, combat mechanics in general. You now know just know that there are events to observe or influence, markets with many commodities and planets with peculiar conditions, all wrapped and linked to factions and therefore reputations. How all this works is still in the capable hands of Factals ;)

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.65a (Released) Patch Notes
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:44:25 AM »
ok my feedback on this:
I like all the tiny bits of informations on stations and planets. Also the upgraded lore for the various factions is cool. All these new panels, the intel and various market menus, they feel very well integrated with the game.
The trade mechanics is cool even if I read about a lot of exploits, but that is something easy to fix or balance once more and more feedbacks are picked up AND an actual story settles in.
The "trade or hire personnel" and "buy and sell ships" are an an understatement now as a title name of what you get from accessing those station panels. They are of course a legacy of the past releases, nevertheless when you have so many good stuff around, nitpicking is allowed.


General Discussion / Re: I'm sorry, but this is getting ridiculous.
« on: October 15, 2014, 12:07:19 PM »
I mean, it is like the developers have any interest in delaying the releases. I can relate with you feelings DRI, I'm really frustrated by the wait. Yet, it is a so good game, and the developers are actually so much concerned with the quality of their product... I really cannot be raging about them making me wait for updates on a game on development.
Of course, should the game be released, I'm expecting bug fixes to take much less time to take place. I believe you bought the game as not completed, so relax, it is going to take its time.

Mods / Re: Neutrino Corp. (v. 1.75doubleD)
« on: September 19, 2014, 03:28:40 PM »
are you planning to update the mod with something else?/are you working on something else?

OK! lacking patience, I did reset the campaign, did used the console to give me back some of my stuff, and finally engaged the armada. Result = a crash just before finishing the Royal ship [Vatican.Mk.IV]. I recreated it, and it is generated by the use of the ship system. The actual report looks like this:

Fatal: tried to access class data.shipsystems.script.FakeEntity from class data.shipsystems.scripts.ValkyriaSystem

I'm running on a mac, just saying.

Yeah I meant I'll wait and play ;)

UHM I cannot open the, somehow... and I've checked all the 3 valkyrian space stations orbiting corvus to no avail. Mmmmmh I guess I'll reset and replay it with the 1.4 .

Mods / Re: Neutrino Corp. (v. 1.75doubleD)
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:59:43 AM »
managed to play with the rm-r ;);) the ship itself is not that beautiful, I mean the design is good but something found on all the other neutrino ships was missing, like the sleekness maybe (I've not that clear in my mind).

there are so many hard and mount points and so many ordinance points!!!!!!! I tried tons of outfits just for fun. Like the all beams, with the ZORG HANDLER RAY + LONGINUS = fu***ng Eclipse Dreadnoght from star wars. But then I just equipped pulsar beams EVERYWHERE and look at it go. So GOOD! ahahahh It even shredded a templar fleet (not in autopilot tho, it needed direct control, nevertheless it was easy).

thank you for this mod.

Hey boss, is there a way to spawn the royal armada by force? maybe with the console. Cause I cannot find it anywhere, and it was chasing me some time ago, but then suddenly stopped, and I ended up unleashing my frustration at the templars and their martyr ships. At some point of my play thru something happened, cause they are now neutral to me.
I never battled a valkyrian fleet cause until few cycles ago I was still building my weaponry to face them... and now they are gone without a fight. I searched in the forum and looks like they cannot lose to another Ai fleet, so I'm at a loss.

I was now thinking: should I check the save game file for a trace of the fleet? I'll try that, hoping it is actually code named as royal armada or similar :D
Still I was neutral without reason at some point, and I'm well over 30.

Mods / Re: [0.6.2a] The Knights Templar v0.9.1
« on: September 14, 2014, 10:54:57 AM »
But then having medium to high flux kills the shield efficiency
I think that's the whole point, it's a trade-off between letting less damage leak through shield and being able to use a more powerful AoE EMP weapon.

Of course, I understand the point, but versus a group of destroyers or versus a capital ship, I feel the system is counter productive. Well the point is: I wish for them to be even more powerful, cause I love the synergy with the pulse: absorb damage and fire your weapons, rise to a not efficient level, discharge the flux in a glorious explosion while lowering your flux level therefore keeping your shield useful.

The amount of flux lowered could also not be that big, maybe percentage based? It would just synergies soooo well.

Mods / Re: [0.6.2a] The Knights Templar v0.9.1
« on: September 13, 2014, 07:23:44 PM »
this mod is very interesting. I really love the theme, and the mechanics are also very intriguing. Here my feedback:

The Sententia and Merced sprites look somehow out of place on templar ships. I mean, when I look at them on an archbishop or a paladin, "I feel" like they almost look if they are not themed at all with the mod.

All the systems seem to work with the idea of being melee, and I found that the "flux pulse" pwnyr poweroverwhelming kamehameha signature right click spell, is an epic frigate/fighter/missile swarm counter. But then having medium to high flux kills the shield efficiency. Shouldn't the burst remove some flux? as it is now I led to believe the stock held out performs the templar shield+burst in every encounter involving big ships.

As an after thought, I would very like to see more hidden weapon mounts on those ships, like the built-in pd system. Just for all the little mounts of course, so we can appreciate the beauty of those pure and proud vessels.

Where is the crusade commander? I wish to play a capital ship sized templar ship with 2 or 3 large mounts to actually make some raw use of all those wonderful energy weapons.

Bug Reports & Support / Re: [Mac] GC overhead limit exceeded
« on: September 12, 2014, 05:12:44 PM »
I'll try to change the value where you specified, and then I'll test with the vanilla version.

I'll update with the results asap.

Tested a bit in the vanilla version without mods and everything went fine.
Changed the .sh file (value from 512 to 2048) now everything is ok even with all the mods active. I played for some hours doing mad stuff and both saving and loading worked like a charm.

As usual, great assistance Alex, please keep being awesome.

I'll change the topic nome to [SOLVED]

Bug Reports & Support / [Mac] GC overhead limit exceeded [SOLVED]
« on: September 12, 2014, 07:46:05 AM »
This looks like an old topic, but it seems to have returned to life later for me. I would like to post a log but I cannot find it anywhere so I'm a bit sad.

Events issuing the problem:
trying to save
long refitting sessions and playing with flux capacity and dissipation points
playing for some times

Symptoms before the actual crash:
in travel mode the game starts to slow down and stutter

What I have done so far:
I've tried with one mod (stasector+) and with several mods (only the S+ included and integrated). The problem persisted.
I've tried to modify the starsector.command Xmx value, moving it to 2048. The problem persisted.
I've tried to play with a vanilla ship and almost succeeded in play for around an hour. After that I bought and tried to refit a Blackrock ship and the game crashed there.

My computer should not have any problem with this, unless there is something very strange going on, I've 32 gb of ram and plentry of processing power of all kind.
I've read something about setting it go 64 bit, but that was probably about windows. On mac it should already be on 64 (not sure).
I've read something about a save game compressor (??) which should be activated (??) to help with the saving issue.
I've read something about a problem with Linux and ATI cards. Since I have them but on a Mac, it should not be a problem right?

Discussions / Re: Dear fellows of east europe
« on: August 22, 2014, 08:31:27 AM »
Of course. I'm just moved by honest curiosity. I know little from my newspapers. For instance, how russians are reacting to the embargo, or ukranians with the civil unrest... if all this is actually having an impact on the daily life of people not directly engaged.

I know it is an overloaded topic, nevertheless a polite discussion should always be possible :):) of course it is fairly easy nobody will say a thing.

Good august to all!!

Discussions / Dear fellows of east europe
« on: August 22, 2014, 05:48:07 AM »
How are things going over there? I mean in Ukraina and Russia. I know it is an awkward topic, but I only have this forum and Dota2 where I could reliantly meet with people from there. Sooooo I thought I could drop this question here.

Just to avoid misinterpretation, I'm not willing to open a political debate, I'm curious/worried about how life is changing with all that mess going around.

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