Mods / Re: [0.97a] Diable Avionics-Joestar edition v2.9.2a
« on: August 10, 2024, 10:16:10 PM »
You only need 25 rep with them to build it and to upgrade it.
Ah, I might misremembered that with the Imperium one.
Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)
You only need 25 rep with them to build it and to upgrade it.
Hi all,
Probably a stupid question but how does one unlock the Battle station for this faction?
Thanks in advance (:
Well, i've deleted the automated_ships.skill file and the CaptainsAutomatedShips.java file and still have a really bad alpha core drop rate, i destroyed 5 [redacted] ordos and no alpha cores. Any other solution?
Same applies to ChronosMrk1's question. Just remove or rename the .skill files for the regular skills from the QC /data/characters/skills folder of the mod.
I think there's a bug, Domed Cities has no effect on Perpetual Dust Storms from Unknown Skies.
EDIT: Also, is domain crafting disabled if you have Aotd installed? There's no craft options in the terraforming menu.
Has anyone found a work-around for building the hypershunt rig from DiY Planets mod? I have seen several people say that the dialogue option to build the hypershunt won't appear because of changes the IndEvo makes to star interactions. Would it be possible to add the dialogue from DiY Planets to IndEvo to resolve the issue?