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Messages - Dread Pirate Robots

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Suggestions / Re: SO nerf/rebalance
« on: April 05, 2021, 01:11:56 PM »
I feel that instead of all these charades, SO just straight up shouldn't be possible to build in.

I agree, why put so much effort into making a choice so annoying that players "decide" not to take it? If it's too powerful, then just don't let the player use it, or make it less powerful. 

I'm also not necessarily convinced that it is too powerful? My experience with SO this patch has been more or less the same as previous patches, I used SO on my flagship in the early game, and stopped using it in the later game when fights started taking long enough that PPT issues become annoying, and when long ranged attacks from multiple enemies becomes a hassle to deal with (I still keep my SO ship around for smaller fights though!). The biggest difference is it's just nice to be able to actually have some decisions to make for a SO build instead of barely being able to fit weapons and vents, it didn't actually have a huge effect on me killing stuff.

Now that said, I haven't tried making a whole fleet of SO ships, which may be overtuned, but isn't that sort of balanced out by the huge story point cost? You could make that even less viable by, for example, just making SO take 2 story points to build in.

General Discussion / Re: Essay and thoughs on missions.
« on: April 04, 2021, 11:30:16 PM »
I didn't have any more trouble keeping afloat in this version compared to previous ones, but I definitely agree that bounties pay too little, and the fleets get too big. I did some bounties early on, but many of the mid and high end difficulty bounties, both the random intel screen ones and the contact ones, simply do not pay enough money to be worth it. It's strangely inconsistent though, sometimes you will see very weak pirate fleets paying around 150,000 and on the other hand one of my contacts offered me a bounty against a fleet of eight guardians in the very farthest corner of the map, for 220,000.

I honestly think a lot of these issues come down to the simple fact that bounty fleets just shouldn't get to 5+ capital ships. I think gigantic fleets like that should only exist with more substantial context and build up, like pirate armadas. First of all it feels really weird in-universe. Why are all these random deserters flying around in fleets way more powerful than anything you see in the core worlds?  I don't think the bounties fleets should ever get bigger than system fleets or remnant ordos - one, maybe two capitals and a handful of cruisers. Then you can top off payments where they are and they'll feel worth it. This means to some extent bounty hunting might stop being a very good way to make money in the very late game, but I think that's already the case, and players are expected to do fewer missions and rely more on colonies for your income for the late game (when there's eventually a use for that money).

Now how do you deal with end game combat missions against big fleets if bounties top out? Ideally I think you have them be more rare, pay much better, and have more narrative context than a regular bounty. For example, if you wanted to get the player to fight that eight guardian fleet, you could have something like your contact gets word a colony is going to be attacked by it, launching from some outer system, and you can stop it along the way or fight it in the system like a pirate armada, and you get paid better if you kill it before it gets in-system. Here it feels like a major event: it's going to take a little while to complete, and so you could justify something like a temporary monthly payment (letting the player prepare for the fight without worrying about money) until the fleet is killed, with bonuses depending on how you complete it, and no bonus if you fail. You could have similar versions of this for different factions with something like a Hegemony contact getting you to fight against a TT fleet (if they are currently in conflict) that's trying to raid a Hegemony station or something. This is a bunch more work of course but I figured using the already implemented pirate raids as a framework shows that it's possible.

The spy satellite missions are often just brutally hard, but sometimes incredibly easy, so I'm not sure how to manage those.

Suggestions / Re: SO nerf/rebalance
« on: April 03, 2021, 07:12:16 PM »
I think putting in ill-advised modifications is an awful idea. I can't think of a worse way to balance something than to make it randomly unfun. I really like safety overrides and I would never even think about using it ever again if it made my ship randomly turn off. I don't think it's a good idea to make it a "trap" even if you put a warning.

The original suggestion of decreasing the flux bonus and CR penalty is much better IMO. It's by far the most drastic hull mod and it doesn't necessarily need to be that way. I also think that one of the biggest issues is that currently the enemy officer and ECM systems are broken. SO's other big disadvantage that is especially noticeable in the late game is that the short range when you're up against a big fleet is extra risky, but that doesn't matter as much anymore since the broken ECM system means you're at -20% range no matter what you do so you may as well get up super close and get some flux out of it.

General Discussion / Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« on: April 01, 2021, 04:31:54 PM »
No, I got two shunts within the first couple of hours in my game.

General Discussion / Re: How to combat Phase Ships?
« on: March 29, 2021, 07:30:54 PM »
I did it with a phase ship of my own, the Harbinger's system is a pretty good counter against phase ships (it is extremely annoying to fight other Harbinger's however!).

Suggestions / Re: Make contact notification stick until it expires
« on: March 29, 2021, 09:05:14 AM »
I figured out how contacts worked and I have I think 4 (2 or 3 or whom are story contacts) and I have done a bunch of missions for them. I agree they seem easy to miss, and the odds of getting a contact from a bar mission seem too low, I have done maybe 15 bar missions and only have 1 or 2 contacts from them. I also agree that contact missions should pay better, they're barely worth the fuel as it is. I was recently offered a contact bounty against eight guardians + 20 ships that was in the farthest corner of the map, for only 220k.

General Discussion / Re: Is it the end of system override?
« on: March 24, 2021, 12:28:35 PM »
IIRC I think you get 4 story points per level (one every 25%), and because of the bonus xp system, you will end up with significantly more than 60 points by the time you get to level 15, assuming you've been spending them. Also you can keep getting them after you max out your skills. I don't get the impression building in hull mods on your flagship is going to be something you agonize over (whereas you probably aren't going to do it for every ship in your fleet).

I might be wrong about how story points and bonus experience work but I just checked out the blog again and I think I got it right.

Edit: Now I'm actually not sure about the "more than 60 story points by level 15" thing, I was thinking that your level and story points were sort of on different tracks, so the bonus exp only applied to story points, but it may be that the bonus exp just lets you hit max level faster.

General Discussion / Re: Is it the end of system override?
« on: March 24, 2021, 10:42:01 AM »
I definitely agree with others that this patch is a significant buff, not nerf, to safety override builds. For the first time, SO builds will not be OP starved and there will actually be multiple possible builds instead of just SO + maybe hardened subsystems + as many vents as possible. A dominator with SO, hardened subsystems, heavy armor and hardened shields? Or maybe expanded missiles racks and unstable injectors? Now possible without sacrificing too many vents, or leaving weapon slots empty!

Suggestions / Re: Make our actions/effort matter
« on: March 23, 2021, 07:40:44 AM »
Lets see what the game's website has to say about this...

Current Features

Pilot your ship in top-down 2D combat
Command your fleet in tactical battles
Gain experience to level up your skills
Detailed space combat mechanics
Customize your ship’s loadout before battle
Hire officers to give skill bonuses, pilot auxiliary ships, and oversee your operations
Explore war-torn star systems
Exploit events to trade goods for profit
Win the favor or scorn of powerful factions
Discover new worlds and salvage lost derelicts
Mod support for diverse user-made content
Claim new worlds, build outposts and industry

Upcoming Features

Determine the fate of the Sector by your actions

Suggestions / Re: Weapon Hotkeys
« on: March 19, 2021, 04:20:07 PM »
It's come up before, and I strongly agree! Currently I toggle autofire but it would be much better to be able to actually control the firing.

Suggestions / Re: Storm Needler Brainstorming
« on: March 09, 2021, 07:55:11 AM »
The gun currently works well on a SO dominator. The large DPS is great, the shortish range is irrelevant, and the high flux cost is manageable.  It's OP heavy, which is rough on a SO build, but that won't really be an issue next patch with the ability to build in hull mods. I like it as a SO weapon on some other mod ships too, but in vanilla the dominator is the only one I use it on.

I'm not sure if niche SO weapon is ideal, so you could make it more like the other needle weapons by extending its range and doing burst damage.

Suggestions / Re: Weapon group modes - Fire vs Select
« on: November 04, 2020, 06:39:17 AM »
I definitely agree, this is actually one of the changes I'd like to see most in the game. The way I currently do it is I put the "toggle auto-fire" buttons on my mouse's thumb buttons, then you can double click it to fire those groups, but this is fairly awkward when you're managing more than 2 groups of weapons. A way to assign a button for "fire group 2" and "fire group 3" etc would be much better. They could be left unassigned as a default, but just having that as an option would make manual combat with big ships a lot smoother. Even with smaller ships I think it would make a big difference in supporting a high "skill ceiling" in the combat. Currently it's too much of a hassle for me to try to control missiles/kinetic/HE separately, so I just put kinetic on autofire, but I think I'd be able to manually control every weapon group if I could assign a firing button to each one on my thumb buttons. For example this would make it a lot easier to sneak in heavy mauler/hellbore shots when the ai drops shields to avoid a light/heavy needler burst, while simultaneously managing missiles.

General Discussion / Re: Anyone else check the website everyday??
« on: July 08, 2020, 05:30:00 PM »
Not the website specifically but I come here every day and see if there's anything new on Alex's twitter (he hasn't posted anything in a while so that gives me false hope, or maybe he's just working on super secret stuff he doesn't want to share). One thing I keep doing is to play a few runs after each update but when I have the slightest hunch a new version may come up, I immediately tell myself not to play the game just so I don't get burned out in a bad time when the updates comes. And since we have no idea what that time will be you can already guess I usually spend half a year holding back my urges just so I can be set free on patch day.

Yeah I do the exact same thing. I ended up not playing Mount & Blade: Warband for like 5 years because of this!

Suggestions / Re: Option to forbid blueprints.
« on: June 24, 2020, 09:05:13 AM »
I definitely agree, a way of banning certain ships and weapons would help making strongly themed patrols.

I definitely don't recommend an AMD card, my pretty good PC (Ryzen 7 3800x and Radeon 5700 XT) slows down to 25-30 FPS in full, fighter-heavy fights, which I feel like it really shouldn't. It has the same performance as my dad's Surface Pro! (Although the Surface starts chugging as soon as graphicslib is turned on, which has no effect on my PC's performance.)

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