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Messages - Euripides

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Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Interstellar Imperium 2.1.0
« on: August 10, 2019, 05:41:33 PM »
I have rc7, I will download the latest game version and check for the CTD

Okay, the latest release version does not have a CTD when viewing the Olympus.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Interstellar Imperium 2.1.0
« on: August 10, 2019, 04:46:44 PM »
42522 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipAPI.getFleetMember()Lcom/fs/starfarer/api/fleet/FleetMemberAPI;
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipAPI.getFleetMember()Lcom/fs/starfarer/api/fleet/FleetMemberAPI;
   at data.scripts.hullmods.II_TitanBombardment.updateDecoWeapons(
   at data.scripts.hullmods.II_TitanBombardment.applyEffectsAfterShipCreation(
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs._.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at<init>(Unknown Source)
   at<init>(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.codex.ui.Object.<init>(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.codex.ui.E.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.codex.ui.E.setCurrentItem(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.codex.ui.E.codexItemSelected(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.codex.ui.oOOO.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.k.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.k.processInputImpl(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.v.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.v.processInputImpl(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.e$Oo.processInputImpl(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.v.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.v.processInputImpl(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.e.processInputImpl(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.v.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.v.processInputImpl(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.v.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.v.processInputImpl(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.v.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.v.processInputImpl(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.N.processInputImpl(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.v.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.v.processInputImpl(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.processInput(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
   at Source)

I get this error when I click on the Olympus-class Siege Platform in the codex, the in-game library/wiki, which causes a CTD.

This CTD was fixed by updating Starsector from 0.9.1a-RC7 to 0.9.1a-RC8

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Scy V1.55 (2019/05/19)
« on: May 24, 2019, 03:23:31 PM »
I have a strange AI related bug to report:

I pitted a vapor against a caracotta (armor) class
The vapor engages normally while the carocotta still has its armored bow
As soon as the frontal armor is destroyed, the vapor refuses to close range and engage, instead staying perpetually at ~1500 - 2000 su and never even attempting to attack
In order to get the vapor to actually engage, I have to force it to close the distance with an eliminate order (harass, search and destroy, and engage orders do not work, the vapor will never engage the target)

I don't know if this is a bug with the vapor AI, or a bug with the scy ship and its armor.

Reproduction steps:

Vapor: 2x Banish Torpedo, 2x Scatter Beam; Safety Overrides, Hardened Subsystems; 11 Capacitor, 0 Vent
Carocotta (Armored) Class: (the standard version in the simulator)

Set the Vapor to autopilot enabled
Give an engage order on the Carocotta

Wait for the Vapor to eventually whittle down and destroy the Carocotta's bow armor
Once the vapor has accomplished this it will disengage to 1500 - 2000 su and never re-engage again

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Scy V1.55 (2019/05/19)
« on: May 23, 2019, 03:57:07 PM »
I've yet to play with the ships, but the weapons are very strong.

The new interceptor gun is significantly better than every other PD weapon I've tried using, the scatter beam is arguably a better phase lance - the extra 100su range for virtually equivalent damage is nothing to scoff at. The Orion artillery gun does significant shield damage despite apparently being HE, and has the kind of range that allows anything mounting it to dictate every engagement safely (with some range bonuses, and ECM debuffs on the enemy you can potentially triple your range advantage and the orion's damage by itself is already enough to single-handedly kill most destroyer-down ships without any other supporting fire).

I like the weapons, but from what I've seen they could probably be scaled back a little bit in performance. Each weapon I've used has generally outclassed any other weapon in its niche/category with few tradeoffs.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Diable Avionics 2.04 (2019/05/14)
« on: May 23, 2019, 03:22:50 PM »
I've attempted to use the glowtusk in combination with the HMC, here is what I've seen happening with Vapors:

- Very skittish, often refusing to get close enough to use either weapon even on isolated/weak targets (in particular I notice that when the enemy ship vents, the AI always backs off instead of pressing the attack), resulting in less offensive shield pressure than what the longer range recson V results in
- When they do get close enough, they tap and go without dealing much, if any damage
- The Glowtusk is used constantly against shields AND enemy ships are extremely good at raising shields at just the right time to deflect glowtusk shots
- The rare times the glowtusk hits armor/hull it's because the shield wasn't raised quickly enough or didn't manage to cover the area the glowtusk was aimed at, rather than because the AI can't afford to raise the shields due to high flux/disabled
- When the glowtusk does hit armor/hull it does good damage, but not amazing, and not good enough in contrast to how often it's blocked by shields or never fired by the skittish AI
- Probably one of the biggest problems: The glowtusk is extremely inaccurate when used by the AI and misses easily 50% of the shots fired due to travel time and possibly some sort of inertia inheritance from the vapors - they just completely whiff by entire ship-lengths.

I don't know if anything can (or should) be changed with the AI behaviour itself, but I will say that there's a few things a phase lance has as an advantage over a glowtusk:
- Similar range, effectively equivalent in practice
- Hits more reliably (only whiffs a lot when the flicker core is engaged mid-shot)
- Works well against shields/armor/hull
- AI doesn't like to raise shields to deflect phase lance shots, resulting in more hits on armor/hull and faster kills
- Higher alpha damage + high flux works better on the vapor because it can flicker core to safety and usually only spends a few seconds near any target regardless of its present flux level anyways

So with a Recson V + Phase Lance, what the Vapors do is skirmish at range, hitting with the Recson V on shields, and then move in close for a phase lance shot, which the opposing AI usually doesn't try to block with its shield, resulting in a lot of damage to the armor/hull (and very often an almost immediate kill on most other frigates).

While with an HMC + Glowtusk, the vapor flickers around tentatively out of range a lot doing nothing, then when it does move in, it exposes itself for much longer trying to whittle the shields down with the HMC, and either fires the glowtusk at the shields - usually maxing out its flux and forcing a disengagement - or simply doesn't fire the glowtusk at all and disengages. Half the time the glowtusk is fired it just misses completely. Without pressure from something else, it takes luck for this combo to actually kill anything.

I believe, at the very least, that the glowtusk needs a large projectile velocity buff - it is missing or being deflected by shields too often to rely on. An AI buff to get it using the glowtusk more effectively would be very nice: Less shooting at shields, and more flanking attemps (and being a little more aggressive in general, like engaging venting ships with a quick cheap shot instead of letting them go)


I also tried using the Recson V + SRAB and that was just awful. The SRAB rarely makes it through point defenses and lacks the damage/flux stats to mitigate this weakness. Yes, you can saturate PD with micromissiles if that's what you like, but now you sacrifice higher quality missiles for PD saturation... just to get a very average gun to hit in the first place.

Or you could just swap out the average SRAB for an average anything-similar and enjoy dealing damage without worrying about PD at all and being free to use whatever missiles or torpedoes you prefer.

DA weapons feel very 'balanced' (or perhaps more aptly - 'overtuned'), but to the point that it's actually a detriment: Without extremely optimized loadouts most DA stuff just isn't competitive. You have very tight fitting options, not much flux to work with, and very average (or worse) survivability. The only good thing about the DA lineup is the huge maneuverability advantage they have with flicker cores (actually not that great on the middling destroyer/cruiser hulls as they're too slow/don't travel far enough for the flicker cores to help much), and the large number of flight decks (That I unironically find better filled with non-wanzers in spite of the wanzer bonus). In general as much as I like trying to use DA weapons on DA ships, it's usually more effective to use the common pool weapons instead.

Biggest weaknesses of DA ships are EMP weapons (absolutely annihilates the wanzers) in conjunction with mass strike craft that defeat the maneuverability advantage of the ships. Most DA ships have very weak PD options/mounts and get overwhelmed without their own strikecraft cover.

The best DA weapons in my experience have been the Recson V, Burchdel laser (ONLY if you have a huge amount of spare flux and it's better as an offensive anti-ship weapon than as point defense!), and Uhlan Siege gun. The worst have been Glowtusks, the EMP laser I can't remember the name of, and IBIS (you need like 5 IBIS clumped together to do ANYTHING, it's basically semi-usable on the group of 6 small mounts on the Maelstrom and nowhere else. The IBIS could cost 0 ordnance and I still wouldn't use it).

As an aside, is there somewhere I can these starsector tournaments? I'm willing to accept that I've just been using everything the wrong way and would love to see how things are working in more competitive environments.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Diable Avionics 2.04 (2019/05/14)
« on: May 21, 2019, 03:13:13 PM »
I am not understanding the use-case of the glowtusk weapon. From experience with it so far, it feels too short range for what it offers. I think if it were between 800 - 1250 su range to be used in conjunction with Recson V's it would have a better place for the Vapors and Hayle's that DA use.

But perhaps I am not fully understanding what the weapon does or is meant for. In my eyes it's best as either a hammer after the Recson strips shields and the spacecrat approaches the target, or while the spacecraft disengages and wants some last hits while the opponent vents and before it can get shields back up. However when I try to use it right now, my craft get too aggressive, waste the flux hitting shields with it, and over-expose/kill themselves.

Right now I find that the best weapon combination on the Vapor for example is a Recson V + Phase Lance with integrated targeting. The AI will usually skirmish and strip shields with the Recson V and then, tentatively (certainly not as aggressively as it should but it may be a flux issue) try to engage with the phase lance. Integrated targeting mostly helps the AI use the phase lance more reliably, and the high alpha-strike nature of the phase lance helps ensure the vapor doesn't over-extend, unlike what I've seen with the glowtusk.

One of my favourite DA weapon designs, but I never use it because as it is right now it feels very underwhelming to me.

I had a recurring CTD in my save and the beta update solved it.

Mods / Re: [0.9.0a] Diable Avionics 2.03 (2019/02/19)
« on: May 14, 2019, 09:55:09 AM »
144450 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advanceInner(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
   at Source)

This is a CTD error that occurs consistently and repeatably in a fight with a diable avionics fleet in 0.9.1

I am not sure if this information is helpful, but I figure it's better to post it than not to.

PSA: Nexerelin 0.9.1c is not compatible with Starsector 0.9.1 (it will crash when attempting to launch a raid or invasion).

You may be able to work around this by disabling invasions (set pointsRequiredForInvasionFleet in config file to a very large value, and the invasion point generation values to zero).
I intend to release a fixed version in the near future.

Will the fix be savegame compatible, or not known yet?

300601 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advanceInner(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
   at Source)


"a_portrait", (personal portrait pack)

This crash occurs while in the title screen, maybe it has something to do with the AI combat going on in the background?

Mods / Re: [0.8a] Diable Avionics 1.82 (08/05/2017)
« on: May 14, 2017, 08:17:15 PM »
I for one don't want the cargo freighter magically becoming a tier 1 battlecruiser just because some junkrats ripped a few cargo containers out and threw on a few more guns. It's a freighter, not a ship of the line. It shouldn't even be in combat to begin with.

Mods / Re: [0.8a] Green Knight Security (v0.5b)
« on: May 06, 2017, 02:36:27 PM »
I like the ship sprites, and I like that they're added to independent fleets to help flesh them out a little more, but the mods and ships themselves are brokenly overpowered.

Mods / Re: (0.8a) Shadowyards Reconstruction Authority
« on: April 30, 2017, 12:42:23 PM »
There's two versions of the Seski class but they are both the exact same.

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