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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Messages - DownTheDrain

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 19
Yeah, given the lore I'd rather expect the Hegemony to break an alliance due to AI use than look the other way.
Still wish I could order the player faction defense fleets to engage all those technically-not-hostile harassers instead of having to deal with all of them myself.

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Console Commands v2023.05.05
« on: June 08, 2024, 12:50:15 AM »
Does Anyone know a command where it shows every single Ship/Weapon/Mods/Blueprint in a menu? Or is it a different mod? I haven't played this since back in Ver.94 or 95. But I remember there was a command that showed every single ship or Item available in-game.

The list command should do that.
list ships
list weapons
list hullmods
list specials
list items

Most mods also have their own tag in the name, so list ships swp should only show you ships from the Ships And Weapons pack or list specials blueprint only shows special items with blueprint in the name.
If you need a proper menu or pictures you can also do that with LunaLib (press F3) but I think that only shows a certain number of entries so you have to be more specific with the name you're searching for.

Mod do not work with Starsector 0.97a-RC11 without LunaLib and LunaLib do not work without any reason, have no log in starsectore-core

LunaLib isn't listed as a requirement in the OP.
Even if it was, shouldn't you report this in the LunaLib thread?

What I'm saying is it's no Excelsior (from the Ship/Weapon Pack 1.15.1 mod).

Is that the super broken bounty frigate that can take on a fleet by itself?
Because if yes then that's not much of a qualifier, no faction ship should be anywhere close to that.

I made a tongue in cheek comment. I made several counterstatements as to why it's not OP. Those are the qualifiers, not the silly comment you clipped by itself. I agree it's strong. An officered/player piloted Pirate Falcon set up right with either charge launchers or a sabot+harpoon combo is offensively stronger and it costs slightly less. Although the P Falcon is not as much of a pest with its agility. Should you be running wolfpack strategies, then the Miko might indeed be OP. I haven't experienced any other time except my first few fights with the Gensoukyou Manufacture. Where it presents a credible threat. It get's completely owned by capitals with long range weaponry, mass fighters, and or mass fast missile (not torpedo) attacks. Try and pilot it yourself. It is not as strong as people make it out to be. Strong yes, not OP.

I didn't call it OP although it seems very strong to me, especially early on. Since I do run wolfpacks quite a bit that might be part of the reason.
Other faction fleets seem to have less issues with Gensoukyou in general, probably because they just drown them in cheaper capitals.

What I'm saying is it's no Excelsior (from the Ship/Weapon Pack 1.15.1 mod).

Is that the super broken bounty frigate that can take on a fleet by itself?
Because if yes then that's not much of a qualifier, no faction ship should be anywhere close to that.

If anyone has other ideas for nerfing them (without making them completely ineffectual, e.g. if they become too small to outmatch defenders) I could try those too.

You could always go the opposite route and make them a big deal with massive fleets, like it works for the crisis, but only trigger them under very specific circumstances.

Then again, I already feel that way about invasions. It looks a bit silly how often they spawn, especially when the same planets get invaded 4 or 5 times a year. Maybe that's different without modded factions, or maybe I'm to blame for coming to the aid of defenders too often, but for my next playthrough I'll set "pointsRequiredForInvasionFleet" much, much higher. Already doubled it and I honestly don't feel a difference.

Mods / Re: [0.96/0.97] Galactic Constellate [Eng Translation]
« on: May 27, 2024, 04:12:15 PM »
Ok, that wasn't actually too bad, some of the earlier fights felt harder than the last.

I don't know how much I'll use any of the ships as most are quite specific. Probably shouldn't leave it to the AI to figure them out, except for the frigates of course.
The custom pilots you get are a nice idea too, only problem is that by the time you can beat most of these bounties your roster is likely to be full already.

General Discussion / Re: Ignore Slipstreams
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:24:58 PM »
Is there any way to bypass or ignore the Slipstreams? They get annoying when you are traveling along and then hit a big one in the opposite direction and lose like two days of travel.

How do you suddenly hit a massive slipstream going in the opposite direction?

Happens to me every once in a while, usually when a storm pushes me into it and I can't hit emergency burn fast enough.

Mods / Re: [0.96/0.97] Galactic Constellate [Eng Translation]
« on: May 26, 2024, 05:36:33 PM »
Not sure how I feel about the Pleiades class. That retreat mechanic is straight up cheating.
Beautiful ships, but now I dread what the highest bounties will do to my fleet.

Mods / Re: [0.96/0.97] Galactic Constellate [Eng Translation]
« on: May 25, 2024, 07:29:46 PM »
Getting a fatal error when trying to open the included mission.

246548 [Thread-2] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Slot id [WS0007] not found on hull [gr_Hyades]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Slot id [WS0007] not found on hull [gr_Hyades]

Just checked and gr_Haydes.ship indeed doesn't list a slot WS0007, so yeah, makes sense.

Mods / Re: [0.96/0.97] Galactic Constellate [Eng Translation]
« on: May 25, 2024, 09:15:29 AM »
Damn, these look amazing.
Probably a bit too detailed to fit with most vanilla ships but as unique bounties they sure are beautiful.

Haven't really run into any blockades myself but I see them in the log quite a bit.
If that screenshot is indicative of how they usually turn out then yeah, that could do with some adjustments.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] RotcesRats v0.3.3
« on: May 23, 2024, 04:49:21 AM »
Your ship look really dumb.

A lot of them look cursed, which is clearly the point...

KEKW Sure of course.
Below is stupid stuff I made with paint in 2 minutes so my reply don't get deleted for lack of content.
Edited it a little bit more so it is no longer a 2 minutes work.
Added fighter bay from Heron because that two armpit are just asking for it.

Good for you, so what?

If you want to put up your own collection of kitbashed ships nobody is stopping you.
No need to talk sh!t about other people's work. If you don't like it, don't use it.

I am sorry you feel that way, I don't really understand why you are so angry about this.
This is obvious a meme mod, it is the mod's point that they look cursed.
I saw them, I think they are dumb, I had my laugh. That is meant as a compliments as this mean the mod's author did a good job.
Because of that I am inspired and want to try my hand on making my own dumb ship, which I did, and I like what I did.
I'm sorry you're upset, but there really no reason to be angry about such trivial matter.

I know this is a meme mod, that's exactly what I said in my first reply.
After that you came back with some weird KEKW look what I did in 2 minutes comment that didn't sound complimentary in any way. Quite the opposite in fact.

I'm not angry or upset, but your tone is hard to read.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] RotcesRats v0.3.3
« on: May 23, 2024, 04:22:59 AM »
Your ship look really dumb.

A lot of them look cursed, which is clearly the point...

KEKW Sure of course.
Below is stupid stuff I made with paint in 2 minutes so my reply don't get deleted for lack of content.
Edited it a little bit more so it is no longer a 2 minutes work.
Added fighter bay from Heron because that two armpit are just asking for it.

Good for you, so what?

If you want to put up your own collection of kitbashed ships nobody is stopping you.
No need to talk sh!t about other people's work. If you don't like it, don't use it.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] RotcesRats v0.3.3
« on: May 22, 2024, 09:01:22 PM »
Your ship look really dumb.

A lot of them look cursed, which is clearly the point...

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