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Messages - Kohlenstoff

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Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Re: Casual Gameplay Videos
« on: July 20, 2017, 11:09:58 AM »
I buy when its cheap. I get anything i buy as investment to a central planet. Nortia is a good choice. When i see an interesting procurement contract, i know where to get the stuff and how much there is. It requires a bit of patience until the stock amount grows in diversity and volume to pay off so well but when it does it does pay off really good!

Either one completely changes the battlefield but the Paragon is in a class of its own.

The paragon is not so extremely strong. When you equip the onslaught correctly, it can almost take one single paragon out... almost!!! If you use it as flagship while having some skills, you can take a paragon without officer out. And its not that hard.

The difference, which makes the paragon too hard for a single onslaught is the fortress shield. But it makes the paragon not invincible. The lack of burn drive makes the paragon more vulnerable against swarming. Just one other destroyer on your onslaughts side makes the paragon beatable.

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Re: Casual Gameplay Videos
« on: July 19, 2017, 09:30:00 AM »
The trading is normal market run. I buy only less than 5 % of goods from black market. Mostly rare things like luxury and lobster and ships + equipment which is not or too rarely available legally.

Actually the PD seems not to pay off very well. It draws way too often much more flux than it saves and the OP it costs don't make it better in any way. When i actually need the PD like when torpedoes are coming, it does usually not do its job.

Here you can see how and why the PD fails, when i need it. It fires on any ship and draws flux without doing any effect. But when the torpedoes come while my ship is venting, the PD is as offline as everything else. In this battle i could have performed way better without the PD, which took continously about 200 flux per second (about 20% - 30% of the amount i don't use on weapons!!!).

I would use PD only to secure undefended backs of ships. There should be an option to let the PD shoot only on rockets and fighters!

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Re: Casual Gameplay Videos
« on: July 16, 2017, 04:25:45 AM »
One hour of trading and fighting compressed into 5:30 minutes.

During this hour i earned 2+ millions of credits, lost 1 million of these on a scanning patrol and fought 4 fleets of pirates. No mods are used.


Due the saving problem (which occurs even without mods) i began early to save allways a copy of my game.

While playing independent i was able to get almost any big ship in the military store. Only the Legion did not appear in their store. But luckily i found one in the outer star systems. Being independent pays off quite well because i can trade with anyone. Ok, i made the pirates, luddic path and especially the remnants to vengeful enemies.

My Flagship is a odyssey. I have stacked my skills on fighting and defense abilities and used almost every OP on maxing dissipation, shield and speed attribute to absolute maximum. It has on the left side one tachyon lance and one high intensity laser and it got 2 swadrons of sparks or lux. Nothing more. Yes, just these 2 weapons and 2 squadrons.

While using the forward and backward drive and frequent venting for 0 flux (even while close to enemys) it is way better than it ever was while equipped with more or other weapons. In this configuration it can fight alone against most pirate fleets even when they come with allies (the exceptions are only some of the larger Bounty fleets (most of the 200.000+ Cr. fleets during later game), which may require retreats or are even too hard for a single odyssey). Frequent venting and downing shields is a must in bigger fights and despite the sometimes occuring heavy hits its actually not that dangerous!

The weakness are too many strong shielded ships. In this case i use my odyssey as assist for 2-3 officer flown dominators. With these i farm the fleets spawned in the system of the maximum battlestation for drone fighter LPCs, Cores and Mod Specs. I use larger fleets with 6+ dominators and 3 odysseys for replacement (while replenishing CR and repairing) and some other capital ships to be able to deploy my ships.  I don't attack the station itself. It pays much more off to farm the fleets.

The single odyssey can handle up to 6 squadrons of fighters without taking noticable damage to the shields when the weapons are used as point defense. This is one of the reasons why a high intensity laser is a "must" and not just a "budget" weapon on this ship.

Here i show my dominator and odyssey fleet fighting a high tech fleet. You can see clearly the limits of this odyssey build. Strong shields are a problem. I could install plasma cannons but the problem would just become another. In this case fighters and small ships would be the weakness. Combined weapons require too much flux (or OP which would save flux in different ways) so that larger fleets and continously incoming fire would become the new weakness. Thats why this is my favorite build.

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