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Messages - Kohlenstoff

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General Discussion / Re: Remnant fleets Cuddling
« on: November 06, 2023, 08:42:07 AM »
This is why being able to kill multiple Ordos is handy.  It can take a while to separate huge clumps like that.  Peeling off only one out of a clump is tedious.  Two less so, and three is even better.  The more the player can kill at once, the easier it is to peel off some and kill them.

You can separate them by approaching from outside their sensor range (going dark helps). Just touch slowly and carefully the sensor range of one of the Ordos and it will come to you. They want to keep your fleet for themselves and won't call another Ordo to help.

General Discussion / Re: Arbalest Appreciatiton Post
« on: November 05, 2023, 03:21:48 PM »
Arbalests are pretty decent. On a eagle together with heavy Blasters they help to convince the enemies to keep the shield down... one way or another.

General Discussion / Re: Remnant fleets Cuddling
« on: November 05, 2023, 01:35:16 PM »
I see the nexus on the radar. When you enter a Remnant System the Ordos often orbit the Nexus for a while before they start going to their patrols. Especially when you enter via gate. In some systems the Ordos are small and in others the Ordos are fat. Seeing 10 fat Ordos orbiting around a Nexus is a sight to behold. Like watching a hornet nest while already holding a stick to poke. The most extreme case is, when fat Ordos and a really small white or red dwarf system come together.

I actually like it. So i can see fast whats there and pick out the ones i want to get done.

Suggestions / Re: Rework spysat missions
« on: November 05, 2023, 12:27:35 PM »
..... The terrain slowdown penalty is largely negated by navigation which everyone already runs anyway,.....

Not everyone runs it. I use only sensors skill to get a burn rate of 7 during dark mode and slow. I use another combat skill instead of navigation. When i have to choose between navigation and sensors skill i'd always favor sensors because burn rate of 7 during dark mode and slow feels not as painfully slow. It actually has proven to be faster through hyperstorms when i use fleets of only a few capitals. And it helps of course also while being stealthy.

..... The terrain slowdown penalty is largely negated by navigation which everyone already runs anyway,..... unless you want to run said stealth optimized fleets for prolonged periods of time, which most people probably don't, the benefits of constantly reorganizing your fleet are questionable and it gets annoying fast.

There is no need to adapt the fleet every mission. As i said. No one forces to do the mission when it is given. I change fleet compositions. But i when i do, change it only once in a few hours of playtime. And then i accept and do things which fit my current fleet.

What is so bad about having the chance to get some easy money early game or during some bad times in the midgame?

Modding / Re: Mod request (joke topic)
« on: November 05, 2023, 03:11:12 AM »
We need symmetrical high tech ships, e.g. Apogee Mk. II with 2 Large Energy and 2 Large Missile slots.

There is one. I's called Executor.

Suggestions / Re: Rework spysat missions
« on: November 05, 2023, 02:10:31 AM »
Increasing cargo and combat capacity of your fleet is just natural part of progression, these two variables are also not only correlated, since bigger and tougher ships require more supplies thus more cargo space, but they also don't hinder each other. Throwing in another Atlas into your highly capable late-game armada does not make your combat ships perform worse, but optimizing for stealth often does.

Actually not totally correct. Adding more ships makes your ships in nebulas slower. They turn and accelerate more sluggish. You have a harder time to catch enemies or or escape from them. And adding too much combat ships does actually make them perform worse. Having more combat ships reduces also experience outcome so that you get less storypoints when you have more combat ships. If you want to get the best out of your playtime you have to adapt your fleet from time to time.

We should buff surveying...

If you survey early on with a ship with surveying equipment you can already flush in quite alot of money. Surveying is a fast way to get your money in the very beginning of a playthrough. But only if you adapt your fleet.

Suggestions / Re: Rework spysat missions
« on: November 04, 2023, 02:46:01 PM »
You can increase missions by increasing number of contacts. Doing even some undesirable missions and buying even some undesirable ships from the people of the bar helps increasing the number of contacts. Just look for the missions offered by people who are also listed on the contacts list of the station or planet. These become potential contacts quite often. Doing more favors to them or giving them with some AI cores to increases standing before accepting missions can increase chance of making them a contact.

Suggestions / Re: Why is "Ground Support Package" a unremovable modifcation
« on: November 04, 2023, 09:18:30 AM »
You still have to go a bit closer than you do in a space battle. And do you really want to have half of weapon slots and a quarter of flux less because you could maybe use this ship once in a while for ground raids?

Yeah, such weapons are small but they cannot shoot through existing guns, ammo feeders and other ship logistics. And you don't want thinner Armor with extra holes due this. There is a reason for specialized units in military.

Suggestions / Re: Why is "Ground Support Package" a unremovable modifcation
« on: November 04, 2023, 09:11:34 AM »
Id say ground operations with marines requires precision which cannot be matched with weapons meant to destroy whole ships. Hitting a building with a heavy bomb or shredding it with a space battle "machine gun" will surely remove the resistance at the 9th floor but there will also nothing of the building left to be searched for valuable stuff.

Suggestions / Re: Show built-in d-mods as red instead of orange.
« on: November 04, 2023, 05:49:14 AM »
The D-Mod on Executor is not persistent. Here is one of a full vanilla Playthrough where i removed it.

Suggestions / Re: Show built-in d-mods as red instead of orange.
« on: November 04, 2023, 04:48:22 AM »
I don't know any non removable D-Mod in Vanilla. During any playthrough i had accumulated tons of ships of any kind at the end. I restored all of them when the colonies were rolling out enough cash. No D-Mod was persistent. Even all built in D-Mods can still be removed.

Suggestions / Re: Rework spysat missions
« on: November 03, 2023, 05:06:51 PM »
Oh, yeah. I forgot u can do that...

Speed and stealth. If you skilled and equipped your fleet correctly it is easy enough. But if you got the wrong skills it is wrong. You would not take a Formular 1 car for offroad right?  Bringing the wrong fleet is the same.

If you use a fat fleet with civilian grade hulls you can be seen from quite a distance. Fat fleets are not fast and turn slowly.

A single Revenant phase ship can be seen only if the enemy fleets almost sits on it. Combined with a burn level of 7 when going dark and the increased mobility of a single ship (compared to sluggish movement of larger fleets) it is enough to do it with ease. Try it. It requires no real skill.

This gets old really fast. I don't want to travel back and forth to deposit my entire fleet and cargo, do the spysat, now pick up my fleet and cargo, place every single ship in desired order in the fleet sheet, assign every single officer, then do it again every time new spysat comes up. The reward is virtually a spare change late-game and there are better things to do specifically for relationships points.

If you use a small fleet its easy money otherwise you are free to choose missions which fit your current fleet. Why complain about the possibility to choose a mission which could be done with 1 ship when no one even forces you to do this?

Suggestions / Re: Rework spysat missions
« on: November 03, 2023, 03:53:45 PM »
Spysat missions are easy if done right. This includes all core worlds. Deposit your fleet in an abandoned station and bring only a single phase ship. Do it and pick up your fleet again.

Having to change and adapt is what makes this game so good.

Due the lack of retry i always save directly before a battle. I like hard battles and bringing my ships to the limits. This causes sometimes fails. But even without this sometimes due pure bad luck a easy battle can end my ship.

Im a perfectionist and i usually reload every time when i lost a ship. I try again and again until it works. It would be much easier for me when i would accept losses of ships. Especially during late game where i can literally harvest whole fleets in a short time while my colonies could produce some more ships too.

I like the sound and think it's cool and informs me always about the current status of the shield even if i have too look somewhere else or explosions cover the field of view.

So maybe only a option to switch it off would do. Could be placed right to the place where you can switch off the flashes during ship explosions (Actually i like the flashes too. The effect adds drama and gives the advantage of knowing that a ship detonates while im already shooting and looking on some other ship).

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