Hi! SWP's current version has a piece of code that causes automated droneship carriers (such as the Scintilla, Shimmer and all mod-added automated carriers) to behave more aggressively than intended and that may override other mods' attempts to affect the AI of automated ships.
I've recompiled SWP's 1.14.0 .jar with a fixed version, which can be downloaded here:
GitHub download. It's a .zip file containing a .jar that should be swapped out with the one in SWP's jars folder. It just removes most of the code involved in SWP's AI changes and a couple of unused references to Dynasector (just because I didn't want to bother setting that up as a library). It should work all fine but as always I'd recommend keeping a backup (or just redownloading the mod for the original .jar if things get weird).
A deeper wall-of-text explanation in the spoiler below, for those interested:
TL;DR for Dark.Revenant: clear out the pickShipAI in your ModPlugin, the only part that is necessary is the bit that makes the Nightwalker more aggressive - vanilla will give the Wall the correct AI on its own
Vanilla has a special AI configuration that's applied to automated ships and Ziggurats that don't belong to the player. This "fearless" config causes the ship to automatically become Reckless and triggers a few special AI flags - "always strafe offensively", "never back off unless venting", "don't turn undamaged armor towards enemies" and "ignore enemies when using Burn Drive". If the ship is a carrier, the same changes apply except that the ship is instead Aggressive and it's not restricting from backing off. This AI config is applied at the highest priority level for vanilla (there's a higher level designated for modded use)
For whatever reason, vanilla also sets out a redundant list of Domain derelict droneships to apply the config to. It's redundant because these ships already receive the config because they're automated - the Rampart and Guardian aren't even on the list (maybe because it had already become redundant by the time Alex implemented them). DR does similar for the Wall and its left/right modules, which is again redundant because the Wall is automated and AI configs don't matter for modules (AI personality/flags exclusively affect movement, and modules don't move).
This code isn't structured correctly, though, and it ends up applying the intended AI config to all automated ships, including carriers, and it doesn't tone down the aggressiveness for carriers. This is why the Shimmer always seems so eager to fly into the frontlines despite being tagged as a non-combat carrier.
Besides that, it's also applied at the previously mentioned priority level reserved for mods, which means that depending on which is applied first, SWP may override another mod's attempts to change automated ship behaviour (for example, Secrets of the Frontier overrides the behavior of ships piloted by some AIs to have a normal AI config rather than the hyper-aggressive one)
SWP also modifies the AI of its Nightwalker phase cruiser to act as if it's one step more aggressive than usual (unless already reckless or the AI battle tournament mod is installed). Besides the if statement it's contained within causing the previously mentioned carrier AI bug, this is all fine and it's kept in my fixed version.
EDIT: if you get an error re: console commands, redownload