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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - Inventor Raccoon

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Mods / Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2c) - indev campaign mod
« on: February 04, 2025, 10:22:11 AM »
Hello, I get a crash when after summoning Courser, I meet a fleet (just when the menu with the options to engage, disengage etc should appear). Couldn't find anyone else having the same issue.

Anyone know what could cause this ? I attached the log and error message to this message.
Update Starsector, this bug is caused by missing one of the 0.97a hotfixes.

Hello, sorry if this has already been answered, but I get a CTD upon updating the mod. I'm currently on Prerelease 14 and I guess it's not possible to update mid-save from that?
Yeah, I think there was a save breaking update around that time. My apologies.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2c) - indev campaign mod
« on: September 29, 2024, 08:17:50 AM »
Bug report: attempting to hack a terminator drone while it is under the effects of Termination Sequence crashes the game. This appears to be because getWing() returns null for that drone. A null check for should fix things.
Thanks, moving about the nullchecks to fix this.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« on: September 11, 2024, 10:24:45 AM »
Erm... what? Every mod has to be configurable, do i to need explain this?  ;D
Is there any justification to gatekeeping players from accessing basic settings (something that literally every other mod creator allows) and going powertrip mode?
"Every mod has to be configurable"

No, they don't. It's okay for mod authors to have a vision of how their mod functions or is balanced and refuse to add configuration options that stray from what they want it to be. It's also quite rude to make those kinds of demands of someone providing a free mod for a game.

I've noticed that after colonizing the Mia's star system the Dust Keepers and basically every faction to visit for one reason or another pick fights with eachother
Dustkeepers are hostile to most major factions. Can be handy since they'll attempt to murder fleets spawned by impending colony crises. Colonies in Mia's Star don't spawn trade fleets to avoid this causing any issues with disruptions.

New update out now! It's mostly tweaks and minor fixes for Hope for Hallowhall and Guilt content. Notes below, and hopefully the next update should be 0.15 though it'll be a long enough while.

Version 0.14.3c:
- Hope for Hallowhall: event points for Pather/Diktat kills increased (was 0.125 per FP, now 0.2)
- Seraph and Blithe's personal fleets will now return to Holdout Forgeship to despawn and await respawn if their flagship is destroyed in a battle
- Giving the PK to Inadvertent for free now gives -1 Guilt
- Dear Dotty: Dotty is now banished upon her summoner's retreat
- Hatred Beyond Death: now gives large damage resistance instead of full damage immunity when the ship decays to 0, as to prevent possible immortality if it doesn't actually die
- A Trickster's Calling and Leviathan's Bane have additional checks to not work on fighters and modules
- A Trickster's Calling: removed "Skedaddle" emergency phase because it's janky and I don't like it, will replace with something else sometime, in the meanwhile increased % of missile ammo stolen from 50% to 60%
- Sources of Guilt reduction (excluding those related to giving away the planetkiller) no longer apply during The Haunted (i.e Alviss wave & making fun of TT scientist - Killa shrine already was this way), effectively limits min guilt to 6

- Fixed Hallowhall Astropolis clearing its storage when restored while there is stuff stored there
- Fixed Sierra text purplification during Legacy of Hypnos lab dialogue

One weird feature I found while experimenting was that giving a Military Base to the Holdout Forgeship allowed access to otherwise more restricted ships such as the Remnant Class types when having a high relationship. Could be useful for additional quest/mission to further assist the DustKeepers late game ? [Potentially salvaging from a domain mothership or remnant battlestation to further enhance the Holdout ie:expand colony size = larger defensive fleet].
I've some plans in the area but the next major update is likely to be more Sierra-focused - I do have an important Dustkeeper quest iceboxed, though. That the colony sells only Proxies openly is intentionally to give the impression it's a band of isolated holdouts with limited resources, but you can source most Remnant ships from Inadvertent via his custom production contracts.

Re: Dustkeeper colonies - Transferring colonies is intentionally turned off because I think a Dustkeeper-controlled but human-occupied colony would need to be some kind of special event with special mechanics.

Re the rest: yes they're hostile to Derelicts and Remnants, there's not a breadcrumb leading to Mia's Star yet, and beta cores mostly don't do anything in Holdout and are there as a fun lore thing (canonically, gammas get sent to war, betas go in logistics processing, and alphas get to sit in a nice comfy box). AFAIK it does not affect Colony Crisis activity in any way, as Hegemony crisis only counts player colonies for AI point progress

- snip -
This is really cool! I'm happy I was able to inspire you in that way, and thanks for sharing it.

Secrets of the Frontier now has an official wiki! It's not content-complete yet but it contains enough to guide a player through Sierra's questline and the major Dustkeeper quests/encounters and I'll be working on it going forwards.

Visit it here!

Teensy update that:

- Rebalances the Keeper somewhat (tankier, slower)
- Buffs most Dustkeeper Proxy drones... a lot. No more % bonuses from the hullmod. Instead, they're just really, really angry (and much better-statted - more durable, faster, better flux, etc)
- One word of Sierra dialogue is fixed to be purple

Notes below:
VERSION 0.14.2b:
- Renamed both Proxy Assault Package and Escort Package to "Dustkeeper Proxy" with new icon and removed all stat boosts
- Proxy hullmod is cosmetic on ships that used to have Assault Package
- Ships that used to have Proxy Escort Package still have its old AI adjustment
- Removed Proxy Shock Package stat boosts, renamed to "Shock Package", icon is now blue
- Majorly buffed most Proxy drones' stats (beyond what the packages gave them)

- Warden (PROX): much more hull (~1650 > 2000) and armor (~330 > 450) and top speed (120 > 160) and dissipation (~110 > 120)
- Defender (PROX): MUCH more flux capacity (750 > 1750) and more dissipation (~110 > 120) and speed (100 > 120), shield efficiency improved (1.2 > 1.0), built-in IPDAI
- Sentry (PROX): MUCH more flux capacity (750 > 1500), top speed (110 > 135), shield efficiency improved (1.2 > 1.0)
- Picket (PROX): roughly neutral with previous stats

- Bastillon (PROX): greatly increased hull (4500 > 6000) and armor (550 > 800), increased OP (70 > 75), built-in IPDAI
- Berserker (PROX): increased hull (~5000 to 7000), dissipation (~250 > 300)
- Keeper (PROX): improved hull (4250 > 5250) and armor (550 > 750), reduced top speed (65 to 50), increased ordnance points (45 to 55), autofit variants have capacitors replaced by autorepair unit and remainder in vents

- Cavalier (PROX): increased speed (60 > 75), armor (~1100 > 1250)
- Rampart (PROX): roughly neutral with previous stats, reduced burn speed to 8

- Keeper (and PROX variant): increased hull (4250 to 4750), armor (550 to 650), reduced top speed (65 to 45), fixed description "air superiority" > "space superiority"

- Fixed a single word of Sierra dialogue which was not purple

New update out now! It's mostly minor fixes and tweaks to 0.14.2 content but also adds the ability to hand a weapon of mass destruction to Inadvertent and to reclaim stable locations from built outposts. Patch notes below.

VERSION 0.14.2a
- Concord - Soulbond: now negates phase cloak upkeep (no overloading while travelling), using Soulbond can no longer overload Sierra (will leave her with max flux, less 100)
- Sierra now calls you "captain" initially (was "Commander")
- Rewrites to post-satbomb bar event to be a bit less sarcastic
- Minor rewrites to high-rep convo
- Changed Sierra combat freighter spinout thought to refer to the Shepherd (was: Mudskipper, for some unexplainable reason)

- Can now hand in planetkiller to Inadvertent for money, an Anamnesis or story points
- Anamnesis side large mounts visually face sideways (was: backwards, actual arcs unchanged)
- Picket (PROX) designation is now "IED Drone", "Attack" variant renamed to "Sacrificial", now forcibly accelerates during shock sequence
- Recruiting Seraph now also sets a flag that prevents her fleet from respawning (alongside deleting the script that does so)
- Can now ask Nightingale or Barrow to "deploy street cred" while being hassled by Seraph
- Inadvertent now always namedrops Seraph and suggests the player meet with her if they make it to Holdout without being intercepted and hassled
- Hallowhall now has Poor Light on new campaign start (sorry, all terran-eccentrics are supposed to! Get that lamp going!)

- Abandoning an outpost colony now causes the station to disappear and spawn a stable location in its place
- Added a warning that upgrading a makeshift habitat into a colony will lose the hazard reduction
- Reduced maximum size of white dwarfs in the background (to avoid Discord Light Mode-esque flashbang effect)
- Reinforcement drones from objectives now automatically receive a Search and Destroy command if not player-controllable

- Added some support for Second in Command mod to Banshee's Lost Thread: changed text to mention the executive officer gained and give standard 1 skillpoint

- Fix some checks for "player can use automated ships" requiring specific AS skill, now allow any means of autoship recovery (e.g SiC mod's autoships aptitude)
- Fix eroneous "turn on transponder" text in Seraph initial hassle if transponder already on
- Fix non-purple text in Sierra's Remnant station kill thought, post-satbomb bar event, A Memory hint popup

Noticed a few typos(?) in the soulbond convo,
Thanks, fixing these up.

This mod could really benefit from a wiki
I'm working on this! It may be a while but I'm hoping to get a page set up for the mod, for people who need pointers for what content is where and walkthroughs if needed (I'm in the process of writing content for it now, but it might be a bit)

So are there any other obtainable ships with the 1337 hax ability? I'm using the Power in Numbers start and that leaves a certain capship basically unusable.
Besides the Memoir (Nightingale's starting ship), there are no non-capital ships with Cyberwarfare Suite. It's a useful boost to cyberwarfare but not strictly required.

EDIT: At some point I hope to look into having Blithe and Seraph's fleets return and respawn early if their flagship is destroyed (to ensure the player gets the Respite more easily, and to avoid Blithe dithering about with just a couple of frigates to his name)

just got the Hope for Hallowhall.  but after it's complete and I'm looking for Seraph but I can't find her. now She's not in the system.
If Seraph isn't around Hallowhall, her fleet might've been destroyed. She respawns in about an ingame month.

Does disabling Watcher Beyond The Walls also remove guilt/satbomb penalties (drones appearing in battles)?
Nanite swarm invasions are disabled while Watcher Beyond the Walls is active and assuming you've had it disabled for the whole playthrough, guilt won't build and other satbomb penalties (for Sierra/Dustkeepers) will never be triggered.

Hi all! New 0.14.2 update is out today which has assorted updates, changes and fixes. This update is save-compatible.

Most notably:
- Rebalances to Hallowhall event points (mostly slower)
- Minor new Hallowhall content (Inadvertent custom production "mission", astropolis restoration)
- New Sierra conversations
- New hullmod, "Concord - Soulbond"
- Minor Wayward Star updates

Changelog below:
VERSION 0.14.2
- Hallowhall points for station kill is now based off the station type killed (orbital stations give 60, battlestations give 120)
- Reduced Hallowhall points for colonizing (150 > 75)
- Hallowhall points for handing in AI cores is now capped at 240 total
- Player can now restore Hallowhall's astropolis to function at a high material cost (acts similarly to a Frontier Development outpost but without Cramped Quarters)
- Inadvertent now offers a Dustkeeper version of the custom production contract "mission"
- Reduced Dustkeeper faction reputation mult for AI cores (2x > 1x)
- Seraph's personal fleet now spawns from Holdout, not Hallowhall
- Pushed Mia's Star random spawn slightly further away from the core, increased radius of hyperspace that is cleared out
- Added option to mention Diktat commission as Seraph bestows her quest
- Luddic purifier raid during Hope for Hallowhall now spawns from a LP colony if there are no LP bases in the sector
- Inadvertent's probe deployment mission now possibly interrupted by Pathers, rather than pirates
- Dustkeepers are now OK with the player taking over/salvaging objectives at stable locations if they have at least a size 4 colony in that system
- Generic Dustkeeper recruits now appear in comms directory very frequently while available
- Reduced the number of gamma cores in player colony Proxy fleets by about half
- Increased the number of weapons available in Forgeship Surplus by about 3 weapon types per reset

- Dustkeeper warminds will now betray the player in combat versus non-burnout Dustkeepers
- Dustkeepers have slightly better officer quality and fleets with especially good officers also properly roll for more oldguards (e.g Blithe and Wendigo will have oldguards with some regularity), oldguard ships now use Dustkeeper names (ODS, not DSS)
- Anamnesis: increased Terminators in wing (2 > 3), engagement range (0 > 4000), reduced refit time (20 > 10), decoy flares from pods now belong to the ship, reduced charge regen time (25s > 20s), drone lifetime (40s > 30s)
- Cyberwarfare Protocols no longer cools down while overloaded, and cannot be used while overloaded or venting, rewrote skill quote
- Added Kotter's Cutthroats (from Die By The Sword) as a pirate fleet in Askonia (lol)
- Demoted Affix-Courser to Annex-Courser (RIP, purely visual tho and for Lore Reasons)
- Changed Annex-Wendigo's post to match Courser's
- ODS Northstar II (Barrow's Repose-class) now spawns as a derelict after combat rather than being recovered normally
- Repose no longer explodes into little pieces for dramatic effect every time it is disabled
- Dustkeeper fleets are now pickier about the fights they take (removed "engage at even strength" flag)

- Added an amusing and kind of pathetic bar event after Sierra abandons your fleet post-satbomb
- Added a little teaser thing that appears after completing Wayward Star (not retroactive if already completed: can use "sotf_dev wsrm" command)
- New Sierra convo: "High Rep", which unlocks "Concord - Soulbond"
   - Kindred souls find themselves drawn together in battle across time and space
- Concord - Fervor: phase dive no longer interacts with Phase Anchor's once-per-battle dive rule
- Concord - Wispersong: new icon, old icon now used by Serenity augment
- Added a couple of variants to Sierra's greetings and "no thoughts" responses
- New Sierra thoughts: "Fought Burnouts", "Rain"
- Minor rewriting of the ISS Athena interaction to somewhat lower nonsense phase babble
- Wayward Star: star system is now called "Wayward Star System" (was: "? ? ?"), Vow now starts at 70% CR (was: 50%), intel item now ends after winning the fight
- Fix Sierra's torpedo hit text popup being too small
- Player is now asked to confirm if they want to reject Sierra during A Promise

- Dotty's banishment text is now "Dotty was banished" (was: "Figment banished")
- Reduced Edict Stormblaster value (12500 > 8000) and increased rarity score (2 > 3)
- Keeper/Cavalier and all Proxy droneships can now be reverse engineered and duplicated using Industrial.Evolution

- Fixed Hallowhall proxy patrol boon removing itself instantly when applied
- Fixed Inadvertent's probe delivery spawning the probe/unlucky scavenger even when failing it
- Fixed Mia's Star initial hassle not being disabled on all fleets after player successfully completes it
- Fixed Wendigo encounter not triggering properly after using Courser Protocol
- Fixed Eidolon not properly captaining the Vow during Wayward Star
- Fixed being able to gift markets to Dustkeepers in Nexerelin
- Fixed Sierra's gate conversation not triggering
- Fixed Sierra's salary not having proper text colors (quoted non-purple Sierra dialogue? literally unplayable)
- Fixed broken tooltip for cheated-in Hellion's Hellhide (and generally cleaned up the tooltips of hidden skills)
- Fixed RAT cores appearing duplicated while handing in cores to Inadvertent

Because I'm curious - how does the RemoveAICoreAdmin interaction get fired? Does core UI code just check for an instance of the hidden AI admin condition that returns true for canRemove(), and does core UI code similarly add this condition when specifically an alpha core is installed?

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