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Messages - LB

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Mods / Re: [0.65.2a] Exigency Incorporated v0.7.1b - Updated 5/3/15
« on: June 08, 2015, 09:32:46 PM »
433171 [Thread-11] INFO  sound.O  - Creating streaming player for music with id [CatastrophicSystemsFailure.ogg]
433464 [Thread-5] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.D  - java.lang.NullPointerException
atôoØ000(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.tasks.CombatTaskManager.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.tasks.CombatTaskManager.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.tasks.CombatTaskManager.Ó00000(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.tasks.CombatTaskManager.øO0000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatFleetManager.deploy(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatFleetManager.spawnFleetMember(Unknown Source)
at data.missions.benchmark.MissionDefinition$Plugin.advance(
at com.fs.starfarer.title.ooOO.K$Oo.o00000(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.G.Òôo000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.D.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
at Source)

Encountered in the SS+ benchmark. Exigency seems to own this file, although cause may or may not be related to Exigency itself.

Modding / Re: A silly-ish mod request
« on: May 08, 2015, 07:07:17 PM »
I dunno, I wouldn't call Diable Avionics "meh", though that's a loose example, and I think there's some good room for an Armored Core-related mod if done with a good eye towards fitting in with Starsector mechanics.

Modding / Re: ship_data and weapon_data Scripted Overwrite
« on: May 07, 2015, 06:39:04 PM »
grep/perl/regexes are honestly really suboptimal tools for this situation; what you want is stream editing, so awk, sed, etc., since what you are really interested here is particular columns in CSVs, which is the perfect job for a stream editor which does all the tokenizing for you instead of trying to roll your own regex tokenization. Of course they're line-based so you'll have to find something else to edit .variant files for hullmods, which you could accomplish with something like (real roughly):

"builtInMods":["brfluxmod", "high_maintenance"],   
mv brdy_asura.ship brdy_asura.ship.bak && awk -F\" -v OFS=\" '/builtInMods/ { $4 = "targetingunit\", \"" $4; }1' brdy_asura.ship.bak > brdy_asura.ship

Where you can replace targetingunit with something else of your choosing or add more than one at once. The only thing is that spacing in the source file isn't guaranteed but hopefully no modder splits that line.

(now that I look at this, two sed cases plus a grep-check for "builtInMods" in a shell script would have been better since you catch .ships without an existing builtInMods line)

Modding / Re: Very High Ship Acceleration/Deceleration Values
« on: May 07, 2015, 05:59:43 PM »
Coming back to this - on a semi-related topic, I'm interested in details of stats on weapon rotation speed. For example, what sort of variables control the slowed rotation of weapons during bursts? What's the max rotation speed like? Can it be literally instant including during bursts?

Modding / Re: A silly-ish mod request
« on: May 07, 2015, 05:57:44 PM »
Get to work, then. If you have something to show maybe you can convince other people to hop on board.

Mods / Re: Neutrino Corp. (v. 1.81)[0.65.2a]
« on: March 08, 2015, 11:16:26 PM »
So, I was watching Evangelion the other day, when I suddenly heard the Pulsed Beam Cannon's firing sound...

Omega Upgrade only comes preinstalled on certain ships; you can't add it.

Suggestions / Battle order refinements
« on: March 07, 2015, 03:11:10 AM »
Recently I deactivated all my mods and started a savefile with the goal of trying to play the vanilla game as it was meant to be played, so to speak, by sticking to built-in variants, avoiding minmaxing, and using balanced fleet compositions that resemble the AI's. I ended up with a highly mixed force centered on an Odyssey, but I noticed a few shortcomings with issuing battle commands to such a mixed force. In short, the interactions between fleet commands and manually assigning ships is not sophisticated enough.

I think the reasoning behind using the waypoint/order/assignment system still holds well as laid out in that one blog post somewhere I read a long while ago; it's a good balance between traditional RTS micro and not interrupting the player constantly, but I feel that the following would improve the fleet command side of gameplay without noticeably increasing complexity:

Manual assignments should be persistent. For the most part this applies to Rally Strike Group. For example, at the start of a battle which I expected to be tough, I generally manually ordered Tridents to where I expected the frontline to be to allow them to fire automatically vs. any ships, Piranhas to a close rear/flank position for strike orders on bigger ships, and Daggers to a farther rear for special cases, with a Condor dedicated to resupplying them. I would set a strike order (via command group select -> right click) and the Piranhas/Daggers would come in and bomb the hell out of the target and go back to refit, but afterwards they would head back to an arbitrary strike rally instead of the one they were originally assigned to. I think having them head back to their manually assigned location would be more logical behavior from the player's viewpoint. In general, I think that the strike rally should be split into "Strike Group Staging Point" and "Strike Route Wayoint" to fulfill the two functions it currently does, although in practice I had a hard time coming up with any legitimate use cases for the "route through strike points" function, since I'd usually just assign them to the direction I wanted them to come in from.

This also applies to Rally Task Force, where sometimes I'd like my frigates to hang back at the start of a battle to avoid being vaporized by the opening volleys, for later intercept/harass orders. I'd like them to head back to their original rally when their target is destroyed until I manually rescind their orders, instead of going back into undirected autopilot. I'm unsure whether they should switch to a new target or head back to their assignment if other appropriate targets (e.g. Engage orders) exist; I think they should not, since it's more common for the player to give orders with the intention to have their ships avoid engaging certain targets they'd fare poorly against.

Also, bombers which are in the process of heading to a strike rally point to wait after resupplying will not join in-progress strike orders when they arrive at the rally. This seems to be a bug regarding the "bombers route through nearest strike rally" rule. It happens inconsistently but frequently.

I would like to be able to in a more general sense assign relationships between orders. Right now this applies mainly to the Rally Carrier command; specifically I'd like to assign a strike group to preferentially resupply at a specific carrier, and it would be logical to have the orders linked rather than individual ships. I also find a need for this when I'm subdividing forces between Capture/Assault orders: "left group should capture point A, and assault point B if point A is in control; if point A is lost and B is not under pressure ships should preferentially be diverted from B and not elsewhere". Basically, it would reduce in-combat attention burden if I could e.g. link some assault orders or some capture orders or some combination thereof, and auto-assignments based on enemy strength will preferentially shuffle ships between those linked points, instead of frequently pulling ships from the other side of the battlefield. On occasion e.g. a frigate on the (tactical, if not strictly positional) left flank will be assigned to a capture on the right flank, and one on the right gets sent to the left, etc, which is undesirable.

The overall goal is for me to be able to add 10 seconds to my usual 30 at the start of a battle setting up these extra overall tactics and then reduce or eliminate the need to manually reassign ships between objectives during the battle by having that stuff planned and conveyed to the game.

As a much more experimental and less likely feature, behavior modifications for ships. Obviously this is something that'll come in later with officers and more overall progress and so forth, but there's an important case which I think could be given a quick hackish solution now-ish: a per-ship non-locational order for "defensive stance", which would cause it to act like a carrier and kite, use flux conservatively, etc. I haven't tried this out by giving a ship otherwise loaded for direct combat the CARRIER tag and seeing if it tries to stay at max range from enemies, but this would cover cases where e.g. I load out fire support ships with some backup close-range weapons but would prefer them to stay at max range, or when I bring a Venture to a lategame fight and want it out of heavy combat. Basically, an order that would do this, dynamically in combat.

Essentially, I feel that with recent improvements to the playability of bigger fleets, there are wider underlying issues with the complexity/flexibility/controllability of the order systems that make it feel not quite right. That said, I can't put my finger on exactly what it is, and don't have an overall image of how it might be changed. In any case, it seems that a real revision would be a ton of work for relatively little gain at the moment, and I wouldn't ask for that. I'd wager that most players play modded specialized fleets, and in a lot of those playthroughs it's easy to ignore orders other than Assault and Capture. However, if nothing else, just having persistent manual assignments would be a big improvement for the battle strategy layer; is that something that would be relatively quick to do, given how the system's currently written?

As a side note, I did on a few occasions have to intentionally relinquish a control point and recapture it for more CP, in drawn-out fights involving many individual strike and retreat orders. This seems like the sort of "gamey" anti-fun behavior which recent updates have been trying to quash. Perhaps consider not granting more CP more than once per cap point, and/or making individual retreat orders free.

Mods / Re: [] The Mayorate v0.8.1 (updated 3/11/14)
« on: March 07, 2015, 02:49:46 AM »
Whenever you get around to it: Anghas are so good that they make other non-shielded bombers obsolete. They are extremely difficult to intercept or dodge, which is fine, but they also only fall slightly short of a Reaper's damage at 3700 per craft and less armor pierce, which isn't a huge difference at 400 damage per rocket. Their hit rate makes them incredibly powerful for their cost in a mass strike.

Area Scorcher prioritizes frigates above fighter wings, which is undesirable behavior, I think. Ideally it would prioritize fighter wings -> armor-stripped ships -> unshielded ships, but that ain't happening at the moment.

It's also super-niche, I have a hard time finding any ship build that it does really well on. I might move the stats around and see how it works as a lower-damage suppression weapon you can fire constantly, as opposed to a high-cost heavy flak, which would give it a lot more general use cases.

Mods / Re: [0.65.2a] Exigency Incorporated v0.7 - Updated!
« on: March 07, 2015, 01:46:06 AM »
Took the updated fighters for a spin in an otherwise unmodded game. They fit in very nicely both balance and role-wise, so nice job on that. The Naxos is much more useful than I remember; now it has a niche as a bomber which can put constant low-intensity pressure on large and small targets from a safe range.

Allied Tarujan dumb bombs are really hard to see in a busy battle because they're tiny and lack an IFF diamond. Because they're released >600 units away and often float past the target, I get hit by them pretty often. I think you should give them a flashing red light or similar to make them more prominent. In addition, Avengers/Lancets (maybe I'm misremembering)/Kestros/Mini Bolos are very visually similar, especially when cruising at midrange; it would be cool if at least the Bolos looked more different, since they're torpedoes.

The Azata tend to miss almost all of their bursts vs. small targets, which affects their effectiveness much more than other fighters with the same problem, e.g. Talons, because they don't have constant-fire weapons. Maybe you can consider giving them a very small firing arc and a hidden turret rotation boost to alleviate that. They also autotarget missiles with the minigun, which is generally a poor use of their capabilities. Perhaps consider making them non-PD.

Suggestions / Re: Changing shield Arc during combat
« on: March 06, 2015, 11:57:04 PM »
The biggest issue with implementing this as a general mechanic is that there wouldn't be a good way to control it.

That said, as soon as I typed that, I thought of this: allow right-click-drag when raising your shields; display a ghost image of the arc your shields would cover when fully raised, adjustable by dragging towards/away from your ship. When shields are down, right click to raise shields as normal, or right click and hold to display arc adjustment; shields will expand up to current set arc. When shields are up, right click to lower shields as normal, or right click and hold to adjust active shield arc.

But it would still be an unnecessary complication of gameplay that wouldn't make a positive contribution, in my opinion. The combat is already very refined, and I think it has achieved a good balance between micromanagement and flexibility. A similar discussion came up regarding allowing shields to be turned independently of the mouse, with similar conclusions, I think?

Of course, as a one-off ship system, it would be interesting enough.

Very minor; when you select a group with a numbered hotkey for deployment, the deployment point usage goes up as expected; when you then unselect it with the same key, the deployment point usage is not updated until you select and unselect another ship.

No; I originally posted a celebratory statement, which didn't make it through the forum's formatting.

Modding / Re: Stargate Mod
« on: March 04, 2015, 07:27:50 PM »
Well, it is the same thing, isn't it? :v

I didn't manage to figure out how to layer it under the ship, though.

Modding / Re: Stargate Mod
« on: March 04, 2015, 07:04:14 PM »
Perhaps you could use a "collisionClass":"NONE" missile with appropriate guidance behavior and deal damage when it is over a target?

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