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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Topics - TheDTYP

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Modding / General modding help request
« on: May 19, 2014, 06:46:10 PM »
Hello, modders. I want to say right off the bat: I have zero experience modding and I have little to no clue what I'm doing. The only things I have done were attempt to make a faction and mission, but it seems like the available guides are out of date.
Basically what I wanted to do was make a small faction (No special ships or systems or anything fancy, just another group of people who use vanilla ships) and a solar system for them to call home. Being that the "Guide to adding your own faction to the game" is almost two years old and was around long before other solar systems were implemented, I'm now pretty stuck. Much of this file stuff is absolute gibberish to me. What I tried to do was copy and paste other files over and try to edit them myself, but that ended in disaster.
I know you have better things to do,  but I'd really appreciate it if someone could have the time and the heart to create an up to date guide on how to build a vanilla faction and add a solar system.
Telling me how to make a mission wouldn't go amiss either. And if it just so happens everything I need already exists and is on this very forum and I just wasn't vigilant enough, could I please have a link? Thank you very much.

General Discussion / My two cents
« on: January 22, 2014, 02:00:39 PM »
Hey, I'd like to say: Thank you for this game! It's amazing and without it, i would probably be outside a lot more XD
No in all seriousness I think Starsector is a brilliant game, and I'm looking forward to its next updates.
That said...
I have a few questions, mostly about future updates to the game. I was looking around in the files and I found something interesting: Sindrian Diktat... conversation it looks like? They were something like "Hey, take it easy" to a sarcastic "I'm shaking in my metal boots." Does that mean that "Open comm link" will allow us to actually negotiate with fleets or talk to them or something? It would be an interesting mechanic, in my opinion.
My next question is on the factions. Was the Cult of Ludd faction scrapped or something, or are they still going to make it into the game at some point? And I remember one of the Missions talking about the Hegemony vs Exar something. Are the Exar something people also going to be a faction too?
And lastly, before I let you go, I know you have the mining and planet operations or something in the works in an update coming out soon, but have you considered any side quests that would net you credits or ships or some other rewards? Like.. escort a small convoy of Buffalos from Corvus to Sindria or something? It would be interesting. I'm not being rude or telling the creator how to make his own game or anything, I was just thinking it would give more to do than blow away random fleets (Though thats fun too) and give a little more motivation.
Again, thank you very much for the game, and I'm enjoying the new update!

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