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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Modding / Re: Interesting Mods Database: a mod review thread
« on: April 21, 2021, 11:46:49 AM »
Tartiflette asked me to repost some of the reviews i did in the past, so here it is. Hopefully it'll be helpful.


Secrets of the Frontier 0.9.1

In my recent campaign, i decided to include the SOTF mod. While i already knew of the bits and interesting parts the mod adds, it really require a full campaign to properly appreciate it. So, in this post i'll take about the tactical expansion provided by the new objectives types.

Long story short, i now consider Secrets of the Frontier to be part of my must have mods. The ones with a permanently checked box in the mod manager window.

Now, to understand why i think so, we have to look into vanilla first. The current objectives types in Starsector are the sensor jammer, the nav buoy and the comm relay. Sadly, both sensor jammer and nav buoy can be completely ignored if you have the proper skills and one or two ships with ECM package and Nav Relay. They tend to have no, or almost no impact whatsoever on the battle. Comm relay is more useful, as it increase the command point generation. Alas, asides of some Operation Center shenanigans, CPs aren't that useful either. Basically, a whole part of the base game doesn't even really work, and as a result, it's no fun.

The two new objectives added by the mod are much more interesting, and there are good reasons to interact with those. The defence emplacement adds either a turret, a launch bay or a mine layer that can be captured to fight by your side. Turrets do have targeting supercomputer, so they can assist from pretty far away. Getting a Gauss turret with increased range to back you up can be pretty useful up to mid-game if you can order your fleet around it. Same for the launch bay and mine layer. They unfortunately do not scale very well into late game though. Once i had capital ships, i usually ignored the points and steamrolled over those the enemy captured.

Fun fact, the defensive emplacements are not static like space stations, they can be bumped and moved around! So far i haven't tried tugging around a turret for anything else than fun, but it's possible. Unfortunately, it's also possible to "lose" it by accidentally pushing it too far from its original point.

The second combat objective, and the most useful, is the Hyperwave Transmitter. Once captured, it will call in reinforcement from either derelicts or remnants. Capturing several Hyperwave Transmitter will increase the number of ships coming to your aid.

In my campaign, i played a lot with those, but not too much that it became a "must capture at all cost". In my post in the Legacy of Arkgneisis thread , i wrote about how i took on a pirate fleet much bigger than mine, and managed to sink their flagship by capturing the appropriate objectives.

This didn't happened in just one battle. More often than not, Ludd forgive me, my battles were fought side by side with derelicts and remnants. The Hyperwave Transmitter isn't guarded? Capture it! The enemy fleet is sitting on it? Let's ignore it for now. An allied AI craft is engaging the enemy's flagship, do i help it? Or do i sacrifice it to give me time to kill that isolated carrier over there? That derelict is trying to engage an Onslaught upfront, do i get behind it and advance while using its hull as a cover?

On the other hand, there were some occasions where my fleet was on the receiving end of a constant stream of flying toasters, charging me without regard for their safety, while i'm busy trying to handle the rest of the fleet.

Paradoxically, by "improving" the other combat objectives, the vanilla Comm Relay that increase CP generation became more attractive as well. Gotta need those CPs to capture and re-capture those objectives!

To summarise, it was fun, i enjoyed myself. I think SOTF is very important to Starsector in the same way that Combat Chatter, Nexerelin or Console command adds to the game. Those mods fills a hole in the base game, they bring something that Starsector should, but do not (yet?) have. In this case, interactive and interesting combat objectives. Still, SOTF is a pre-release, work in progress and all that, and it shows. I feel it could be much more. I have said earlier than Defensive emplacements tends to fall off later in the game, Hyperwave Transmitter too, although to a lesser extent. So it might all require some tweaking to make it work from the beginning to the end.

Here's some of the things i would like to see eventually :

- Reworked vanilla objectives. Maybe Alex will do it in the next release, maybe not. In the meantime, they don't really work all that well, and SOTF could change that.
- Skills affecting the new objectives. After all, why not? Plus it could be a way to make them scale better during late game too.
- Objectives that scale depending on the overall fleet point from both fleet? That way, the effects of the objectives can be directly tweaked depending on the number of ships, as to stay relevant for late game, but not too strong for early game.
- More objectives obviously! A large shield generator to cover a wide area, an automated supply depot to slow down the peak performance/CR degradation, pilum spawn from the nearby's planet defensive platforms... There are many possibilities to spice things up.

Yeah, i'm really liking this mod, i'm looking forward for what's next.


Updated for 0.9.5 since then, got a few balance adjustments and bugfixes in the process.

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« on: March 26, 2021, 11:51:06 AM »
  • Selecting an empty group will now properly hide the weapons from the previously selected group
This... is not a positive change! I used the previous behavior a lot, allowing a group to operate on auto-fire while I was still able to see its firing arcs and range - important information when, for example, piloting anything maneuverable that uses turrets as its main guns. Please revert this.
I agree as well.

Now that I think of it I used this constantly also.

Adding my contribution to the cause, i do occasional use this feature.

Also, thank you Alex for the update !

Suggestions / Re: Buff the Hyperion
« on: March 01, 2021, 09:06:47 AM »

         Requires zero-flux bonus to be active to be used

Safety Override Hyperion let's goooooo!

I really like the change. With the teleporter change and new weapon layout, the playstyle is definitely going to be much more aggressive. I can already imagine some interesting builds : Triple heavy blaster, ion pulsers with a typhoon, phase lances with a HMG... And many more possibilities. Yep, looking good, i'm happy with that.

General Discussion / Re: Is this game dead?
« on: February 28, 2021, 08:57:55 AM »

Among the "Sundog modding compilation" mods, i think Ruthless Sector is probably the one i care about the most.  The mod does adds quite a few things, all pretty good. But one thing stands out from the rest : the addition of Remnants patrols in hyperspace.

Vanilla's hyperspace is boring. Once i reach a solid enough fleet capable of warding off the wandering pirates and pathers, i always lay course to my destination and alt-tab away, ignoring storms and whatnot. Basically, i'm waiting for time to pass. I always considered that waiting because you have to wait is not good game mechanic. On the other hand, waiting because the player wants to wait is brilliant. But maybe that's for another topic. My point is, vanilla hyperspace lacks interesting interaction, it's boring.

Adding remnants in that big emptiness is a brilliant move. First of all, alt-tabbing away is no longer possible because no matter how big your fleet is, you can't ignore the potential AI gank squad. The outer rim is now a risky place, but not just a risky place, it also became a place of opportunity.

The thing is, it wouldn't have been as interesting if it was just some pirates or pathers lurking in the darkness. In fact, those would just have been an annoyance to avoid. Unless there is a bounty on their heads, pirates tends to waste the player's time. Fighting them will cost supplies, they are rarely exiting encounters and earn very little reward. Remnants on the other hand, are much more dangerous, but the reward is also much greater. High-end weapons and those sweet, sweet AI cores. One exemple : Pirates hit-list fleets from Nexerelin offers very little reward in fighting them. Running is often the most judicious option. They're an annoyance. Fortunately they do not occur with sufficient frequency to become aggravating.

That's why i really like this mod. Hyperspace is now a place of risk AND opportunity. There's an Ordo trailing me. Do i square against that Radiant for potential good loot? But i may lose some ships in the process... It offers the player a choice in a place where not much usually happens, and that's amazing. Add on top of that the hyperwarp jump mod (that is also in my must-have modding list), things can get even more heated by allowing them to "jump" next to you. It's dangerous but not just punishing, it's fun.

That's why i consider Ruthless Sector to be part of the indispensable overhaul mods like Combat Chatter or Secrets of the Frontier. It takes something that vanilla is lacking, or not great, and refine it into something worth my time. It's something i hope Alex will take inspiration from in the development of Starsector.

I wish others mods would add their own content into hyperspace for variety. But again, just adding enemies isn't enough, there must be a good reason/reward to fight theses enemies. Encountering Blade Breaker raiders or some Seeker anomalous ship in the middle of nowhere would keep things interesting throughout a campaign.

One thing i noticed, not related to this feature. I think the danger rating from ruthless sector favors D mods too much. Sometimes i purposely wrecked my own ships to gain D mods just to get better ratings and perks from Starship legends. Factions like the HMI Junkers that cumulate an excessive amount of D mods tends to get favorable ratings at the end of the battle, even with 90% fleet loss. Although the Junkers are a special case, i still feel one or two D mods is very beneficial to "grind" those good traits even for a normal ship.

In the same vein, danger rating for boss fleets (looking at you Seeker) tends to be very low, despite being some of the most dangerous encounters in the game. Perhaps because it contains fewer ships that a normal fleet? Even if i win such battle, i can end up with negative traits on most of my ships.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation v0.7.2a (Inspired by FTL)
« on: February 26, 2021, 11:53:33 AM »
I have been writing some feedback in the Seeker thread after my campaign. Since i also used some Federation ships, it's natural that i write about those as well. I haven't tried as many ships as in my other post, however i do have quite a bit to say about those i used.

During this campaign, i had a few Centa carriers to back me up. They did their jobs very well, for a good reason, they are clearly too strong right now. Cheap, tiny skeleton crew, large cargo and fuel capacity. Logistic wise, the Centa is noticeably superior to its vanilla competitors. Combat wise, it got two flight decks plus a third one with a built-in pulse laser drone. Also good flux stats, top of the line shield efficiency and a very comfortable amount of OPs to fit expensive fighters, plus the required hullmods. Add on top of that some cruiser-level peak-performance time and very decent speed, the Centa is overpowered.

It's also quite heavily armed. While a Centa doesn't want to brawl, it's three missiles hardpoints allows it to support the rest of the fleet at a safe distance. The front energy turret makes for a good range-finder, while the two side ones tends to be fitted with point defense. There's only the rear turret with a strangely narrow arc that i can't really make good use of, so i always leave it empty.

While we're still talking about armament, i used the Leto SRM for my Centas. The Leto is a dirt cheap, ammoless weapon launching two missiles dealing 700 frag and EMP each. Slightly higher reload time than the Salamander (30 seconds vs 25), which isn't a problem given the Leto's Fast missile racks system. The tracking isn't that great, but again, the Centa have enough OPs for ECCM package to compensate this issue. This is not a weapon designed to take on large opponents, not enough damage to crack open shields and armor. Frigates and destroyer however, have much to fear from those. Hell, even bigger ships aren't completely immune due to the noticeable EMP effect.

The built-in Omnidrone is also pretty nasty. It's overall stats are fairly good without being outrageous, but it does have a very low base replacement time, as much as a Broadsword. A single drone with a pulse laser almost feels irrelevant in the late game. But early on, it's a terrifying fighter to face against. 300 DPS (not quite because of its limited flux) is no joke for a frigate or even a destroyer.

I expect the nerf bat to fall hard on this one. It's too good in every possible aspects. One suggestion : change the rear energy turret into a synergy, and one or two missiles into energy. That would somewhat nerf its overall missile spam capacity, as well as giving purpose to that weird rear turret. Although it would need more than that to fall in line with its vanilla counterparts.

Later on, i used a Kestral as my flagship. Comparatively, it seems fairly close to the Eagle both in stats and combat role. However, the Kestral is cheaper, faster, tougher, more endurant, and arguably better armed thanks to its built-in wing of two omnidrones. It's not completely better though, its shield arc is narrow, and can shrink further with hard flux. Its flux stats are also a bit weaker, and it requires a lot more CR to deploy. Regardless, i still think the Kestral is overtuned.

For some reason, it also got a built-in advanced turret gyro. Does it really needs it? It got more than enough OPs to afford it the normal way.

For my flagship, i went for a safety override build, with great results. With SO, Unstable injector and using the Divert Weapon Power system, the Kestral can do short dash around the map at ludcrious speed (faster than a Hound !). On top of that, the increased shield durability gained from using the system makes this ship extremely hard to pin down. The narrow shield emitter is one important thing to keep in mind when dealing with EMP though. As getting your engines flamed out in the middle of a brawl can get ugly really fast.

The last fed ship i got was the Nesasio phase cruiser. And oh boy. It was the flashiest and most efficient thing in my fleet. Its Starship legends rating after battle was always above 200%, and it would tear apart the majority of the enemy's fleet by itself. I remember during one battle, it was cornered against the side of the map by two VIC cruisers and three destroyers. Those got trounced, hard. No, i was not piloting it when it did so, the AI was. It is by far the most capable AI phase ship i used in Starsector. By the end of the campaign, i had assembled a squad of 4 Nesasios, and the game was pretty much done at this point. With a loadout of high-burst damage, it could drill through the heaviest armor and shielding in two or three volleys.

I had the feeling the Nesasio was a bit too strong. After looking more closely at the stats, it's for a good reason. The Nesasio is probably the fastest cruiser in the game, even more so with the Antimatter Injector that can be charged before cloaking. There's not much that cannot be flanked by a Nesasio, or chase it when it's disengaging. Mobility wise, it's on a whole new level compared to normal phase ships.

Not just its speed. It's also blessed with gigantic flux capacity, 17.000, as much as an Onslaught ! No wonder my Nesasios could wreck things so quickly, they had the capacity to sustain fire with even the most flux expensive weapons. Of course, a massive amount of ordnance points to mount these guns, max out flux capacity and vent, as well as an entire array of hullmods does help.

And it's a relatively cheap cruiser as well at 24 DPs only, a tiny bit less than a Dominator, yet vastly more deadly. Burn 9 too, because why not. The Nesasio is really in need of a severe nerf in my opinion. Another thing i noted : the description makes mention of a quicker cycling phase cloak. From my testing however, the cloak cooldown seems slower than vanilla ships. Around 4 seconds cooldown for the Nesasio, and 3 for standard phase ships. Is that a bug? Or am i interpreting "quick cycling cloak" wrong?

That's all for now. From what i experienced, Star Federation ships have a tendency to be overtuned, or at least those three. Despite this, i quite enjoyed having the faction in my game, and i think i'll keep the mod on for futures campaigns. I'm also eager to see what you have in store for us with the next update.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Seeker - Unknown Contact 0.407 (2020/12/15)
« on: February 25, 2021, 08:15:42 AM »
I think expanded magazines should be a built-in hullmod for that ship. As the Butterfly relies entirely on the revolver pulses. Unfortunately for me, i found the expanded magazines hullmod fairly late in my campaign. I felt quite limited without it. Sure, the ship worked, but it couldn't quite reach its full potential without that hullmod.
Mmmmh, but that would be almost the same as simply having more ammo in the built-ins, while removing the option to expand those magazines. Maybe I'll try a middle-ground such as adding a couple shots to the Pulse Revolvers and reducing the OP a smidgen?

My issue isn't that much that the revolver pulse needs a buff. It's just that the option of expanding the magazine... Isn't really an option. It's a must have, a necessary OP tax the player will pay no matter the build.

For exemple : the Marksman for which expanded magazines is good, but not indispensable, can be built differently, like a missile boat. The hullmod is optional. The Butterfly's weapon layout doesn't allow for an alternative build (that i know of). Hence the suggestion for the built-in hullmod to remove that "fake" option.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Seeker - Unknown Contact 0.407 (2020/12/15)
« on: February 24, 2021, 09:58:17 AM »
I recently did a free start campaign. I think it was a good way to try a little bit of everything and have fun in the process. I was especially eager to try some of the Seeker stuff in this game. Unrelated to the mod, i went for a "semi iron-man" playstyle, with the rule that i could only save my game at a friendly dock. It made the game quite a bit tense and forced me to play safer than usual, although not as cowardly as a normal iron-man would. It stopped worked toward the end though, since everyone was friendly to me through regular bounty-hunting/contract/trading. If i do something of that style again, i would set the rule as only saving at a singular homebase to keep things interesting.

Anyway, i had the chance to try a few ships during this campaign, and i decided to write a bit about those.

The Adze destroyer was my starter ship, and i have to admit it didn't took long to fall in love with it. Not only it makes for a pretty good destroyer, It is also very satisfying to fly.

Stat wise, it looks very akin to a Hammerhead at first glance. Similar weapon layout, similar stats. Although the Adze is more expensive and better armored than its mid-tech cousin. With that in mind, one could think it would flies in a more brutish and straightforward fashion. But it doesn't. The low-tech Adze is noticeably more subtle, almost like a high-tech destroyer. Even a safety overide build feels different to what i expected.

The heavier emphasize on missiles might have a hand in that. One medium composite, two small missiles and built-in expanded missile racks nudges the player to make use of those. The relatively limited OPs also makes an all gun loadout a bit too constrained for my liking, but still possible.

My starter Adze was outfitted from the standard variant with the newly added miniguns at the prow. Fairly competent against the early pirates rustbuckets in my testing, although i quickly swapped the typhoon for a much more reliable harpoon pod. The Adze prefers to soften the target at range with its dual miniguns before pouncing in with its burst jets to land the killing blow. Few things can handle a ship that can swap from long range pressure to close range missile burst early in the game. Later on, the loadout doesn't even need to change even for a more support oriented role.

For a Safety Override build, i went for something a bit more unconventional. Again, the Adze low amount of OPs limites the viability of a "traditional" SO build. Instead, i used a Sabot heavy loadout with dual chainguns. Short lived on the battlefield, even with expanded missile racks. But by the time it's out of ammo, the battle is usually won.

I unfortunately lost my Adze relatively early in my campaign and couldn't find a replacement. So i don't really knows how well it would perform in larger battles.

My second flasgship was the Marksman, if only for a short time. A cheap, fast gun platform with serviceable armor and a precariously narrow front-shield. Not a frontliner by any mean, it feels like an oversized Vigilance in some way. Often i got bumrushed by some overzealous pirate and i rarely could shake it off by myself. It really needs allied support to hide behind when things gets too hot.

At longer range, the built-in Executioner have decent range and punch, although it needs to be manually reloaded with the ship system. The "Blazing flamingo" special reload is a really nice touch, it turns a fairly boring ship into something much funnier to fly. Although it makes it easier to screw up the reload and miss an opportunity. Enemy ship is disengaging just out of range? Blazing flamingo ! Now you're in range ! Aaaand i missed.

Despite this, i don't feel the Marksman sufficiently pulls its weight as a flagship compared to other destroyers. It's a bit of a shame to see that cool reload system idea being wasted on something that isn't quite good enough to fly by the player. I quickly discarded it as some cheap missile boat for the AI to use, a role it did perform pretty well. A flying pair of Sabot/Harpoon pods is never a bad thing to have throughout the game.

I replaced the Marksman with a Butterfly. Now we're talking! While the Marksman doesn't entirely rely on its built-in gun, the Butterfly absolutely does. The twin Revolver pulse beams can unload quite a lot of damage during early game.

It shines brighter when used as a flanker to assist an ally or to catch a careless frigate, a bit like the Shrike. Although it will eventually overwhelm opponents of its size in duel through sheer DPS. It's the ideal tool for mid-game, when the player have more than few ships to distract the enemy, letting the Butterfly swoop in to unleash its huge burst damage. It does struggle a bit against heavier armor though, so it only get limited use later in the game.

I think expanded magazines should be a built-in hullmod for that ship. As the Butterfly relies entirely on the revolver pulses. Unfortunately for me, i found the expanded magazines hullmod fairly late in my campaign. I felt quite limited without it. Sure, the ship worked, but it couldn't quite reach its full potential without that hullmod.

Later on, i got my hands on a Trailblazer, which i promptly used as a flagship. Despite its sleek and agressive appearance, the Trailblazer is pure support ship. A mobile artillery, but not the usual kind. For those that don't know about the built-in reality drill, it's a slow "phased" projectile that projected an area of effect damage wherever it passes through. Because its is "phased", it cannot collide, and will fly "over" the target.

This is what makes the reality drill be an incredible weapon. Enemies with a elongated shape will stays longer in the projectile's AOE. Ships with a limited shield arc won't be able to cover the whole damage field. Ships that can retreat backward quickly (hello phase shifting bastards) will accidentally back into the projectile's field. And the reality drill does a LOT of damage. It sounds quite good for the player, although i expect it to become a prime target when the enemy is fielding one. Fortunately, it seems extremely rare, i never encountered one in the wild.

But as said above, it's a support ship, it needs backup. Even with its attitude jets, the Trailblazer will get surrounded, and punished. I fortunately had a fleet quite capable of covering my mistakes, and i made many mistakes. The flux cost of the main weapon is high, and spamming the attitude jets is an enticing though, it's a perfect recipe for overextending.

Alas, the joy of firing a large exotic distortion bullet wears off fairly quickly.  While the Trailblazer makes for a really good, if expensive, AI support, it doesn't make for the most interesting flagship. Its limited armament beyond the reality drill doesn't allow for much customisation : point defense, long range guns. It doesn't want to fight close, and it wants all the capacity and dissipation to fuel its main weapon.

The Halligan was one of my next mid/late game flagship. Sadly, i got a pirate version, with a noticeably shrunken OP pool and burn drive instead of burst jets. It lies somewhere between the Dominator and the Eagle in term of firepower and endurance. With a touch of Gryphon for the non pirate version with its numerous missiles.

Because of its fewer OPs, the pirate Halligan never feels quite comfortable with most builds. You usually have to choose between hullmods and additional dissipation. I personally made a basic Safety Overide build to make use of the numerous medium turrets. But even with letting the missiles hardpoints empty, i could only make it okay-ish. Not much in-combat experience to talk about though, since i lost it in my first battle.

Also, i am extremely sadened that a broadside build is even't remotely viable. Composite side hardpoints pls.

I also had some scuffle with the plagueships. Rampage and Safeguard. Although it was at a point in the game where i could handle those two quite easily. Rampage will rip apart anything that stays in front of it, but i managed to distract it from the rest of my fleet with a phase ship. Safeguard's mass driver is hard countered by interceptors, and i had plenty of those at the time. I don't think i ever seen the bomb explode once in that battle. No encounters with the other two plagueships so far.

By the way, i think a non corrupted (and nerfed) Safeguard would make for a pretty cool derelict ship. On the other hand, i guess that would cheapen the "unique boss" thing it currently have.

Suggestions / Re: Buff the Hyperion
« on: February 20, 2021, 01:35:27 PM »
I just looked at your mod Wyvern, and funnily enough, it seems Tartiflette had the exact same idea as you and made a temporal shell Hyperion for his Seeker mod, the Endymion.

To get back on the subject of the Hyperion. I too, have a problem with it. Though i don't think the ship is underpowered, i managed to make it perform pretty well in battle. I had tried quite a few builds, with various success, but i always came back to one in particular.


With a few adjustments depending on the situation, but that's the main idea.

Seems straightforward enough. Get in, shoot, get out, vent. Repeat until you run out of CR. Getting it to work is easy enough. Getting it to work very well is hard. The idea is to have as little downtime as possible. Get in, shoot, not necessarily to kill, or even to hamper a key target, just shoot and hit something, get out and vent. I realized i was wasting an incredible amount of time between two actions. Picking a target, getting into position, avoiding fighters... Precious time lost to CR degradation. Without that downtime, or at least with as little of it as possible, the Hyperion can pump out a whole lot of damage during a battle.

It took me a very long time to be somewhat good at it. Mainly because it feels incredibly unnatural to fly, or rather to teleport, that way. The lower the downtime, the better the Hyperion becomes. Of course, it's much easier to perform well with a proper fleet to keep the enemy somewhat busy. And if all goes well, the entire battle feels like a well timed metronome where you forget yourself in a murderous, mechanical routine. Get in, shoot, get out, vent, do it again. From my experience, the Hyperion requires a lot of efforts to be good, but it can be good.

My problem with it? It's boring.

Getting in that state of "Hyperion flow" isn't as cool as it sounds. Some modded super-frigates get it right, with tight, stressful and exiting piloting. But not the Hyperion, it's a grind. A tight, stressful and boring grind. Which isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things. I mean, i can still play a different style, right? Unfortunately, i haven't found anything that works as well. At least nothing that justify its high price tag in my eyes.

The Hyperion problem isn't a big one like, say, the 0.8 Harbinger. After all, everyone tried the Hyperion at some point, and the majority proceeded to ignore it after that. That's fine, there are other ships to play with. But then we have a ship in the game that people would rather scuttle for supplies than use in battle.

I don't have much to offer for a solution. I think the concept of a teleporting super frigate can work. I think it's just the phase teleporter that could probably have its stats tweaked a bit to emphasize a more exciting playstyle instead of the current metronome.

It seems the download link is down.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Interstellar Imperium 2.3.0
« on: January 04, 2021, 06:56:22 AM »
The Carnifex seems like the reliable, heavy hitting bomber the imperials needs. Although they'll probably need some heavy interceptor cover to do their job, or an Onager MIRV to clean up the battlefield. And that gigantic range... Those seems tailor-made for the newly buffed Matriarch.

As for the Sectator, it seems like CH bait. I can see a targeting package Decurion fleet spamming those out the wazoo.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Idoneus Citadel Exiles
« on: December 05, 2020, 12:35:41 PM »
6 Years since my last ICE playthrough, how quickly time passes... I always have a soft spot for ICE, and i'm very glad you decided to update and release this mod once again ! I thought this was a good occasion to start a campaign with them. I'll write a bit about how things went, what i liked, what i disliked, some suggestion for the future too.

I still have some memories left of the how the faction worked, so i didn't went in completely blind, which did help me quite a bit during early game. I knew the Citadel ships were glass cannons, with decent armor but terrible hull, leaving them extremely vulnerable to high HE damage. Fortunately, being phase ships, they could dance around the battlefield without being caught, but when they get caught, there rarely is a second chance for them.


I began this campaign with a Nexerelin as part of the Idoneus garrison with a "small combat fleet" start, at the command of a Flashghast, a Seraph and a Shiekwraith. The Flashgast looked like a promising flagship to start with, so it's with this one that i did lead in battle.

The Flashghast is an extremely mobile missile boat. Arguably a better, more agressive, phase version of the Vigilance. Its heavy missile loadout makes it pretty deadly during early game, although the limited ammo limits its usefulness during prolonged engagements. Or at least, that's the theory when you look at the Flashghast just by itself. In practice, i was accompanied in battle by a Seraph tug, and that changed everything.

The Seraph is a fairly expensive, harmless little frigate with no defense system whatsoever. It's also the most important part of any Idoneus fleet thanks to its maintenance drone system. The drones have long (unlimited?) range, can phase, will repair armor, will reload ammo (missiles included) and prevent peak performance/CR degradation.

And they stacks.

But even with just one Seraph on the battlefield, the maintenance drones turned my Flashghast, a pretty good frigate by itself, into an unstoppable war demon. When a fast, missile boat, severely limited by its low peak performance suddenly no longer have to worry about ammo and CR, things get a bit ridiculous. Loaded with Sabots and Harpoons, it could kill fast, and the resupplying drones ensured it kept killing. Yes, the missile regeneration took time, but eh, no CR degradation, i had all eternity to defeat my enemies. With my Seraph chilling in the safety of the battlefield's corner, my lone Flashghast could take on a theoretically infinite amount of opponents. It wasn't rare for me to take on overwhelmingly larger fleets with just those two ships.

Later on, i experimented a bit further with stacking several Seraphs on the battlefield, vastly increasing the missile regeneration. At this point i could keep them on autofire and they would dump missiles all the time. The maintenance drone effect is lessened on non Idoneus ships, but still good enough to be overpowered.

So yeah, if there's one nerf that need to be taken on the whole faction, it's on the maintenance drones. Repairing armor is fine, especially for Idoneus ships that really needs it during mid/late game. Ammo regeneration however, is way too strong, and preventing CR degradation even more so. Moreover, i noticed later that with missile boats like the Eidolon and Apocrypha would monopolise the drones to regen their ammo, depriving the frontline ships from the much needed armor repair bonus. Removing the ammo regen effect would at least negate this issue.

Another thing i would like to see is a nerfed range for the drones, as to prevent cheesing tactics like stacking Seraphs on the bottom of the map. With less range, they would need to be closer to the frontline and put themselves in danger. Yes, they're extremely vulnerable, but such massive buff like armor regeneration deserves a high risk that goes with it.

Also, i think something needs to be done to prevent drone stacking. While Idoneus ships are by nature quite fragile, drones stacking can still make some ships like the Abraxas obnoxiously hard to take down, and it's probably possible to cheese it even further with a non Idoneus ship. Maybe this would require a rework of the drone system itself to work though.

Beyond the broken Flashghaste/Seraph combo, i also had a Shiekwraith in my fleet. I won't tip toe around it, i found the Shiekwraith wanting. I really tried to make it work in one way or another but never could get anything worthwhile out of it. It's definitely supposed to be a support destroyer, unfortunately it's FoF Inverter ECM isn't the most reliable missile defense system, it doesn't work for very long and needs quite a while to recharge. Its falx beam array have too little range to be safely used, and when it used, it's with debatable usefulness in most fights. It felt out of place during most early/mid game battles, too fragile, not enough impact on the fight. Later on i used those as PD platforms with converted hangar to escort my larger ships, but even then i wasn't very convinced.

During my campaign, i had quite a few scuffle with the Idoneus Citadel Exiles, and the Shiekwraith was a common sight in their fleets. While relatively harmless, this ship is however very tedious to fight. Its Shallow Phase is more or less the same as the old Starsector phase cloak that could be turned on and off without cooldown. While Starsector evolved with time and got rid of its frustrating old cloak system, the Shiekwraith version is still present, and still as obnoxious as ever. It's not just for the Shiekwraith by the way, the Kelpie, Eidolon, Palantir and Apocrypha shares the same phase system. I really wish Shallow phase would either be reworked in something similar to the current Starsector phase cloak (something with a cooldown between phasing) or replaced with the infinitely more satisfying Phase warp that cloak in short bursts.

I hope the Shiek will get some love in some future update, to make it more useful to use, both during early and late game, and less frustrating as an opponent.

The Specter was among the few first ships i bought. An unassuming, but competent mainstay frigate that i used throughout the game. It's pretty mobile, decently armed, and cheap. They are easy to catch in between two phase warp, and their fragility rarely gave them a second chance in battle. Still, when i needed something to capture an objective or support a ship, the Specter wasn't a bad choice, at least for early/mid game, later on they just wouldn't survive. Not incredible, but it works.
I also noted some kind of bug with variants. When you choose a variant, say Assault variant with the heavy machine gun in the hidden medium hardpoint, then switch to a strike variant with the Flamebolt cannon, it will change all weapons except the hidden one. The player have to manually remove the hidden gun first. This bug seems to happens with the Soulbane as well. Maybe it's linked to hidden weapons?

The Palantir sensor ship don't have much going for it. It's not even armed! But it is as cheap as it's possible to get, and fast. Perfect for capturing objectives at the start of battle. The enhanced sensor system is a nice gimmick that allows the player to know where the enemy is going a bit earlier than usual.

The Pentagram(S) is more of a joke than a proper combat ship, but at least it's a funny joke. It will die a lot, and sadly doesn't kill all that much. Even as cheap as it is, i didn't found it worth keeping it in my fleet. Despite this, everyone should at least try once the space shuriken.

The standard variant of the Pentagram however... It's not quite as fun. Unfortunately, it's not very good as well. Its strange weapon layout indicate a point defense ship, however its ability to cloak itself, as well as the Enthropic Inversion Matrix interrupting its weapons makes the Pentagram pretty bad at its job. On top of that, the narrow weapon arcs on the energy turrets and ability to turn very fast means the PD weapons will struggle to keep track of their targets. I somehow managed to make it decent with a burst PD build, but then, it was merely decent compared to something cheaper and reliable like the Centurion. For some reason, it's also incredibly fast, 200 top speed, faster than a Hound !

The Athame drill frigate is almost in the same category as the Pentagram(S). It's a joke ship, but an extremely deadly one. Its fission drill allows it fly through the target, dealing horrific damage. Unfortunately the Athame will also damage itself in the process. In between the enemy's ordnance and the self-damage, Athames rarely survive their first assault. Even at 2 DP to deploy, they felt far too unreliable for my taste. Extremely terrifying when the AI is fielding them though.

I feel it's the kind of ship that would work better as a fighter instead of a frigate. With adjusted stats and sprite size, it could be an interesting, and actually usable, alternative take for a bomber.

I got the Nightseer quite late during my campaign. The Citadel super frigate proved a bit tricky to use at first, but overall quite useful, if very fragile. The large hybrid hardpoint allows for incredible firepower for a frigate, and the mobility offered by the light phase jaunt ensure it can bring that firepower right where it's needed. One powerful trick i learned while flying this ship is the ability to fire while "jaunting" despite being intangible. This allows the ship to jaunt over the target and unload right when it's on top of it. It requires a bit of practice, but it works wonderfully when combined with high burst weapons.

But even without that fancy piloting trick, the Nightseer can still be useful. The Ether Warp cloak creates a mini black-hole when used, swallowing and removing nearby ordnance, in a somewhat similar way to the Blackrock Imaginos. The main drawback of the Ether Warp is that it eats all projectiles, including yours and your allies, so it requires some trigger discipline with the cloak not to screw up.

The Soulbane is how i remember it. Reliable, powerful, surprisingly resilient, always useful. From the beginning to the end of the campaign, it made the backbone of my fleet. It's a curious mix of a Sunder and a Medusa, all blended together with a phase cloak. It's mobile enough to catch most targets, its large energy hardpoint can drill through most opponents, and the good armor coupled with the Phase Warp makes it a tricky ship to pin down.

Early to mid-game with just a pack of Soulbanes is doable, but i eventually reached a point where i needed fighter support. I was very reticent about buying an Eidolon carrier. Not that it is a bad ship, but it got maintenance drones as its system, and i wanted to avoid using those as much as i could, as not to be tempted to cheese my way through this campaign. Resisting the urge to turn it into a sabot/harpoon monstrosity, i did outfit my Eidolon as a long range fire-support. I was very lucky to get my hand on the Gandiva large missile launcher, which is basically a reaper LRM. For some reason, i struggled to find Idoneusian (is that the word?) weapons during my game. Most of the time, i was forced to salvage them from the wreckage of the Exiles fleets i preyed upon.

To get back on the Eidolon, it makes for a decent carrier and also a very good missile boat. Sadly, it can't do both at the same time, or at least not very well. It's OP starved, and while it can mount both missiles and fighters, it doesn't leaves much place for hullmods, and the Eidolon really wants hullmods. Building that ships require compromise. Do i really want those expensive bombers? Or should i get ECCM package instead? I ended up favoring fighters over missiles on my Eidolons. One reason is because ICE do have some pretty good fighters, the other reason is as said earlier in this post, as a missile boat, the Eidolon tends to hoard all the fleet maintenance drones to resupply its missiles, something i wanted to avoid. Just like the Shiekwraith, it got shallow phase, making it impossible for the enemy to quickly burst it down. Unfortunately, it also applies when it's on the enemy's side which can be a headache. Unlike the Shiekwraith however, you can't really ignore an Eidolon loaded with missiles.

I also got myself a pair of Kelpie cruisers. A normal version, and the (S) version. The Kelpie(S), just like the Pentagram(S), is a "blade" ship that fight in melee. Unlike the Pentagram however, this cruiser is extremely powerful in the hands of the player. The tractor beam can easily disrupt enemy formations, bringing the hapless target to the Kelpie's maw, letting the fission blades grinding it to dust. Those blades bites hard, hard enough that even the biggest capital ships learn to fear the Kelpie(S). Thanks to its Enthropic Inversion Matrix, the damage it receives from a struggling prey turns into armor regeneration. That system is also what prevent the Kelpie from being disabled by the target's death explosion.

The AI is extremely bad at using it, but as flagship it's arguably overpowered. Even more so when you consider that it only cost 15 DP to deploy. Nerfing the beast combat abilities would be a shame, that's what makes it fun to use. On the other hand, a more severe logistic cost could be a good first step to bring the ship to a more balanced level.

Compared to the (S) variant, the bladeless Kelpie is much less impressive, yet noticeably more expensive to field. Its fission blades have been replaced with 12 small energy hardpoints, and the tractor beam by a medium universal turret. It's... Very awkward to use. Vanilla and ICE lacks the small energy weapons to turns the Kelpie into something worth fielding. Maybe some other mods do, and with some safety override build it could work. Probably not, at least not for the AI. Because of its shallow phase (again) and the EIM system, the Kelpie is extremely AI unfriendly. I did try something easy like a tactical laser boat, but alas, without much success. The only way i managed to make it work was as a flagship, with a very unsubtle loadout.


0.7.2 Aurora flashback

It's as stupid as it looks, but 14.000 energy alpha strike plus 4000 HE will still get results in battle. However, it's not because it works with some weird cheesy build means it's a good overall ship. There's just too many issues. I feel the Kelpie needs an entire rework to justify its existence.

Much more reliable than those two, the Voidreaver is the elite Idoneus cruiser. At 35 DP, it's in the same weight category as the other "super" cruisers like the Doom. It's equipped with a unique Ether Warp cloak that spawn weak EMP arcs when phased. Not strong enough to shake off frigates but good enough to deal with missiles and unshielded fighters. On top of it, the Graviton Deflector hullmod can deflect incoming projectiles, making it extremely potent in a slugging match as long as it stays at low flux.

On top of that, the Voidreaver is quite overgunned. It's hard to miss the huge and powerful built-in Hypermass driver, although i used it less and less as i played the campaign. Extremely high-flux cost, forced overload on firing, and knockback effect on the target, usually accidentally saving it from a follow up. I wasn't very fan of the Hypermass driver. It works, but feels very clunky to use.
Just like the Eidolon, the Void feels constantly starved for OPs. It wants many guns, many hullmods and many vents points but lacks the OPs for everything. It's the kind of ship that works extremely well when all goes according to plan, but rapidly fall apart when caught in a tricky situation. Fortunately for me, i eventually found a foolproof safety net for my Voidreavers, or any other ships in my fleet for that matter.

The Apocrypha command ship is that safety net. Stat wise, it's a very unimpressive ship. Slow, fragile, limited armament, only 3 flight decks, as expensive as a Paragon... Its one big advantage over other ships (beyond the overpowered maintenance drones that is) is its Recall Teleporter hullmod. This hullmod will teleport any allied ship to its destination at the condition that it brings the targeted ship closer to the Apocrypha. Demonstration :


Ship being stranded on the edge of the map, surrounding by enemies? Recall teleport. Reinforcements can't cross the map fast enough to reach the front line? Recall teleport. Apocrypha being harassed by enemy frigates? Recall teleport a combat ship to deal with those. There are quite a few tricks possible with this system. It also works with the player flagship, although you must engage auto-pilot to "allow" the teleportation to happen. That's why the Apocrypha is extremely powerful, it can reliably save allies wherever they are in an instant. This is also the main reason an opposing Apocrypha is a priority target in battle, as it will deny any coup de grĂ¢ce you were about to deal to an enemy target.

But that's not all! Built-in in the ship is the Tactical Ansible hullmod, the predecessor to Operation Center. Unlike its vanilla counterpart, the tactical ansible doesn't require the player to directly helm the ship for it to work. The regenerating command points make sure you can exploit the Recall Teleporter whenever you need it.

Speaking of the tactical ansible, i feel it's too strong. As a built-in hullmod in the Apocrypha, it's absolutely fine. Unfortunately, it's modular, and can easily be strapped on a Dram chilling on the bottom of the map with the Seraphs and still bring the command point regen bonus. I think it shouldn't be a modulable hullmod, only the Apocrypha should have it.

And finally, we got the faction's big boy, the Abraxas battlecruiser. Just like the Apocrypha, it doesn't look very impressive at first glance. Not very fast, low armor, even lower hull, and it's the only non-phase Idoneus ships with the Seraph. On the other hand, it does have pretty good firepower with its converging turrets, and very good flux stats to back those guns. But beyond that, the Abraxas got two main strengths that makes the difference.
First : its ship system, heavy flash jaunt. Yes, like the Nightseer's, although with a cooldown between uses. It can do the same "fire while jaunting" trick as its smaller cousin, but it's harder to pull of due to its limited mobility. Not like it needs it though, the Abraxas can jaunt to the target flank and unload its firepower in all impunity, with enough firepower to rip through shield and armor. When retribution is coming from the enemy or flux is too high, it can reset the jaunt to its original position. In practical terms, it can reach a target much farther than what should normally be possible. No ship is safe from an Abraxas even when it appears out of range. The jaunt is also an extremely good tool to juke dangerous projectiles like torpedoes.

On top of its incredible mobility, the second Abraxas strength is its Nova reactor. It's a hullmod with the ability to auto-repair the ship's armor, except for the core. Combined with the appropriate combat skills, hullmods and maintenance drones support, an Abraxas can be one of the hardest thing to destroy in the entire sector. It still fears very high HE damage like reapers, but will shrug off anything else like it's nothing. Both of those advantages allows for the battlecruiser to jaunt into the most dangerous situation and get out relatively unscathed. And in the eventually it get surrounded, i still got an Apocrypha to save its butt.

By the way, extending shield is incompatible with the Abraxas. There's no hullmod conflict message, it just refuse to install itself. It's fair that this hullmod is incompatible on this ship, but it should be signaled in one way or another.

Lastly, by the end of this campaign, i managed the capture the Exiles colony ship, the Shalom. I admit i half-expected capturing that ship would give me a mobile colony at disposition just like the Exiles. But eh, i guess it would require some advanced scripting wizardry to pull off. That would still be a cool feature, as the current Shalom doesn't do a whole lot.

Beyond the ships, i have a few observations to make regarding the ICE hullmods. For exemple : Munition AutoFac works... Very randomly? I can't get it to work reliably in the simulator, sometimes it does reload things, sometimes it does partially, sometimes it doesn't. Either i'm missing something about this hullmod or it's bugged.

Reverberation Dampener is a no brainer. It's a cheap way to reduce HE damage, the biggest threat to Idoneus ships. As a built-in hullmod on blade ships it makes sense, but as a modular hullmod it's just too good.

Shunt coating is very niche. Given Citadel ships never have enough OPs for everything they want, i'm not sure i would ever spend 12 OPs on something so unreliable. Perhaps this one could get a buff.

Tactical Ansible, as i already said it, don't think should be modular. Mounting it on some cheap frigate, letting it sleep on the edge of the map and still getting the bonus is just too easy.

Phase bypass. Decent hullmod for forcing a missile boat to stay out of phase so it can keep firing all the time. It's currently good thanks to maintenance drones resupplying missiles. With nerfed drones however... I'm not sure.


Finally, the end of this post ! So, my opinion on this mod... Well, a originally made by Sundog is bound to be memorable. It's fun, it's pretty, it's original, it just works, i like it. However there are a few things that i think really needs adjustments. Some ships, some hullmods and the maintenance drones, especially the maintenance drones.

While i did enjoy this campaign, i'm not sure i would keep the mod activated for future playthrough. It's good, but needs polishing in my opinion. Quality-wise, it's not quite up there with the other "big faction mods". At least, not yet. I really hope this mod will keep being updated and improved in the future. It's just too unique and cool to be left abandoned. For those that are curious but skeptical, i think it definitely deserves a try.

Oh, and one last thing. Shouldn't this thread moved to the mods section of the forum? It's largely functional enough to deserve a place there.

General Discussion / Re: 11th Starsector Fleet Building Tournament
« on: November 27, 2020, 03:00:18 AM »
Provided without context :


Modding / Re: giving art to modders
« on: November 27, 2020, 02:58:23 AM »
That's some nice stuff. If you want, you can post them in the Spiral Arms thread, this is the place people dump their art for everyone else to use. Alternatively, the Starsector Unoffical Discord have the spriter_club where modders create and share their art, and it's more active than the forum.

Spiral arms :

Discord thread :

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] ArmaA Robotics 1.1.4
« on: November 18, 2020, 06:04:48 AM »
I can't answer for Kannon, but from my experience it's extremely easy to get wrecked by an unexpected missile or hellbore round. Keeping tracks of everything during small skirmishes is easy enough, but in a bigger battle when there's more missiles than usual, the slightest mistake usually mean an instant death. It doesn't help that i can't get my carrier to reliably repair me when i need it, sometimes the repair drone doesn't want to appears, even if the carrier is relatively far away from an enemy.

Anyway, i played a short campaign with the ArmaA Nexerelin start. The Einhander is pretty nice to fly, although i have to say it feels much more like a toy than an actual combat ship. While it's fairly mobile and not that fragile, it really lacks firepower. It works more like a heavy fighter than a frigate, very good against other fighters and other frigates, and occasional lightly armored destroyers. But that's it, it's relatively helpless against something with a modicum of armor. Yes, the Glaive is a thing specifically made for that, but the slow rate of fire and limited ammo merely makes it an "okay" weapon. An extremely good weapon for a fighter, but not really for a frigate, and in a campaign, i rapidly needed something that could deal some real damage.

This is where my biggest "issue" lies, and why i consider the Einhander a toy. It's nice to fly, it can fight, but it'll become obsolete the moment you have access to a halfway decent frigate. Mind you, i'm not asking for a buff, the Einhander being just a playable fighter is fine. But given its is the poster boy and "main" content of the mod, it allows for only very little replayability. Of course, it's a fairly young mod, with limited content yet, but in it's current stat, i wouldn't keep it in my folder now that the novelty factor is fading.

Of course, there's more to the Einhander. In my campaign, i got a few carriers loaded with Cataphracts to deal with the bigger targets. The Kouto, while tanky, wasn't very helpful when it came to do the actual killing. I much preferred the bomber equivalent for a cataphract, the Ilorin, which is also fairly tanky in its own right. As for the Valken, i suspect they would combo wonderfully with EMP fighters, alas i couldn't find any in my campaign, so they were pretty much cannon fodder. I couldn't get my hands on a Bihander, but i still tested it in the mission and, well, one or two of those would have made my early game much easier.

As for the Einhander playstyle, i have personally been using it in melee combat. Yes, actual melee. Being a fighter, it can stand over a target, where there's usually no shield coverage, i used the Glaive at point blank range to disable engines, and finished my target with the overcharged Juno. Very good to deal with high-tech frigates like Remnants that usually lacks armor but compensate with a strong shield. Of course, hovering over a target also comes with risks, like a point blank AM blaster shot to the face. Which is why is outfitted the Pila drone with a ion cannon to declaw my targets before i can directly engage.

I won't lie that the whole playable fighter thing left a bit perplexed. You went through many hoops to make it work, and it does, it's quite impressive. My main question is : Why? Why is it a fighter and not a normal ship? Am i missing something important? I personally can't find an issue with the way things are currently working. Well, maybe the whole carrier reloading/repairing thing being a tad clunky. Also some potential conflict with other mods scripts, nobody enjoy playing with the spectre of a sudden crash hanging above them.

But overall, it works. I would be interested in seeing more content from this mod. A Tri-tachyon equivalent to the Einhander, some hacked together Luddic Cataphract... There's many possibilities for expanding the mod.


The whole playable fighter shitck might make the whole ordeal trickier than for a standard mod. Yes, i would eventually love to fly a pilotable mech with a custom loadout. A chaingun in your right hand? Sure. A phase lance (phase blade?) in your left? Awesome. Hammers in the shoulder pods? Of course i'd like that (just throwing exemples here). The problem is : it wouldn't work really well for a playable fighter. Because hovering over a target with custom guns, or even powerful built-ins is bound to be a balance headache. The player could mercilessly exploit it, like i did, or worse, being on the receiving end of it. That issue can be countered by only allowing relatively weak weapons on a playable cataphract, similar to the Einhander, but then it would be also be cursed with the "toy syndrome", limiting its usefulness.

I don't know what's your roadmap for the future of the mod, so maybe all my rambling is irrelevant. Still, if you're planning to add new content, i'd be curious to see you attempt something more "normal" like a non fighter mech, a bit like the Tahlan Regalias. From there, you can see whether or not it works, and if it's worth expanding upon. So yeah, i'll keep an eye open on your future updates.

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