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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - Paul

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All that spawn point does is spawn a convoy at the location with the destination and interval specified when you set up the spawn. The parts I edited wouldn't stop it from spawning, I just removed the parts left over that weren't necessary or were breaking the script after you took out the different types.

How often they spawn and where would depend on how you set it up in your gen file (or in another spawn point file if that's what you did).

You left an extra }, closing the spawnFleet bit prematurely. You also left one of the conditionals that used type.

Need to try and learn a little about how programming works :P, those are some pretty obvious mistakes.

To save us both some time, I went ahead and cut out the parts that aren't needed with the way you're currently using the spawn point.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Ah, forgot about the rest of those checks. I assume you erased the bit setting type to supplyConvoy?

If all you're using is supplyConvoy, just erase all those conditional checks that use type to see if it's supply convoy - it will always be supply convoy anyway, so it isn't needed.

Can I edit your file to include ships from another mod? Or should I make a similar file in the extended folder?

That would work, yes. Just add all the ship variants to the list of ships near the bottom, and they'll be randomly chosen when the script adds ships to the convoy. Could add them to the GRConvoySpawnPoint too if you wanted.

Announcements / Re: Starfarer 0.5a (In Development) - Live Patch Notes
« on: March 02, 2012, 12:12:04 PM »
We already have an EMP damage type, and a good variety of weapons that use it.

How about in addition to disabling turrets and such, EMP damage could build up in the ship's power core? There could be mods that make you less vulnerable to it, and it could dissipate over time similar to flux. Bringing the EMP in the power core above a certain point (depending on ship) would disable the ship completely - engines, shields, and all weapons - and would keep the ship disabled until it drops below that point - which could be a long time if you hit it with a few extra bursts of EMP weapons after the initial disabling hit. It could still recover and start fighting again if you take too long to mop up its friends, but if all the enemy ships are destroyed or disabled with EMP the battle would end - and all ships disabled this way would be able to be boarded.

The EMP dealing guns still do other damage, and don't work through shields, so it would still be difficult to disable ships without heavily damaging them. You could even set it so that the EMP damage doesn't add to the ship's power core unless it's getting through the armor, with a percentage of the EMP damage getting through based on how much of the gun's main damage got through to the hull.

That way you would have to cause hull damage to get the ship disabled, and trying to keep more than one or two ships disabled might be difficult. And the EMP dealing weapons are already balanced to deal lower damage than other similar weapons.

String type = null;
float r = (float) Math.random();
if (r > .9f) {
type = "supplyConvoy";

That bit there means that 10% of the time your type is supply convoy, but you don't have an else to set it to something else the other 90% of the time. So 90% of the time the type will be what you set it to on the first line - null. Which causes your crash.

If all you want it supply convoys, just remove that section and change

CampaignFleetAPI fleet = getSector().createFleet("TimCORP", type);
CampaignFleetAPI fleet = getSector().createFleet("TimCORP", "supplyConvoy");

He doesn't have any gen files or spawn points in that mod, so the only place the new ships will be is in the faction fleets.

If none of his ships are showing up in the Tri-Tachyon faction fleets, my tritachyon.faction file is probably overwriting his (if his is overwriting mine it would crash when it tried to find the convoys, heh). Merging the two faction files will get more of his ships in their fleets.

Here is a merged tritachyon.faction file for version 0.25 of SF Extended. Just replace the one in the SF Extended folder (sf_extended\data\world\factions) with that one, and delete the one in my folder. Just remember to replace the one in my folder if you later want to run my mod without SF Extended.

As far as getting his ships into the stations, someone would have to either create a special station for them or just add/edit a convoy to deliver them to some other station.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Announcements / Re: Starfarer 0.5a (In Development) - Live Patch Notes
« on: February 29, 2012, 10:18:36 AM »
Looking good. A lot of nice changes.

What about the inability to call reinforcements if all objectives are captured? Is that still in, or are you changing it too? Curious, since it would affect how these parts work out:

?Retreating ships take some extra damage, unless the fleet had the "Escape" tactical goal
?Ships left in reserve are treated as retreating, unless the tactical goal is "Escape", in which case they're all automatically captured

If it's still in, might be able to beat up enemy capital ships simply by quickly taking all the objectives so they're stuck in reserve and take damage, or capture them if they're trying to get away and you grab all the objectives.

Mods / Re: 'Junk Pirates' - New Ships and Missions mod for 0.5a
« on: February 29, 2012, 08:54:34 AM »
You added the generators.csv again.

Had me wondering why on earth someone couldn't get your mod to work with mine suddenly, until I downloaded your latest version and saw that.  ::)

No, 1.03 is just the 1.02 version with fixed balancing. That old data merge file was for 1.01. You don't need anything to get version 1.03 working with junk pirates. Just have them in separate folders and enable them both.

I just downloaded the latest junk pirates version and found out why its crashing though. For some reason he added a duplicate generators.csv in the mod again. It's a copy of the core generators.csv (so it has the same entry) which makes it screw up the merging the game does with that file. Not sure why people keep adding that to their mods, it doesn't do anything except break compatibility with other mods. Go into junk_pirates\data\world and delete generators.csv and it will work.

That file isn't needed with the 1.02 version (it would probably spawn duplicate convoys).

Not sure what the error might be, though. It's showing at line 24 of GRModGen, which is    

SectorEntityToken token = system.createToken(15000, 0);

Which must mean it isn't finding the Corvus system (getting a null for the previous line's getStarSystem). Did you perhaps rename the Corvus system in your sector gen or something? It's getting the star system by name.

Modding Resources / Re: Tutorial: Adding your own faction to the campaign.
« on: February 28, 2012, 12:12:37 PM »
Depends what you have the day interval set to in your gen file for that spawn point.

Heh, looking at the file I see you're also adding two additional TimCORPConvoySpawnPoints when it creates the station. Not sure what you're trying to do, but your current code would create the station on the first convoy, then begin spawning in more convoys at the station itself, which deliver resources to the station and immediately despawn at the station.

Modding Resources / Re: Tutorial: Adding your own faction to the campaign.
« on: February 28, 2012, 11:59:49 AM »

SectorEntityToken CorvusIV = system.getEntityByName("Corvus IV");
station = system.addOrbitalStation(Corvus V)), 45, 150, 30, "Imperial Orbital Base", "TimCORP");

1. You set it to CorvusIV, and are then trying to use an undeclared Corvus V
2. You have a space in Corvus V
3. You have two ) after the V that shouldn't be there.

This is what it should be:

station = system.addOrbitalStation(CorvusIV, 45, 150, 30, "Imperial Orbital Base", "TimCORP");

There are better ways to fix it than making the AI suicidal, though.

I think Alex mentioned something about possibly adding a way to up the game speed on the campaign map, but I don't remember where. Allowing you to jump to 10x speed while chasing a fleet would cut down on the time required to catch them significantly.

As far as leaving the game map and having to click for a long time to get back, that's more of a limitation with the current alpha build than bad design. When we have multiple systems ships might just jump out of the system instead of fly endlessly away - requiring you to jump after them (burning fuel), or leave them be. And when we can set courses using the tab map it will be easier to fly places - just click a station or planet and watch your fleet go.

Modding / Re: mod site
« on: February 28, 2012, 11:34:32 AM »
Well, pretty much the same things other mod sites do would be handy. A place to upload mods, with a way to sort them by version and type. A way to search through them based on the version it was designed for and keywords. An area to put in a description of the mod with links to the forum thread or a mod website along with the file, maybe with a little comment area at the bottom. A review system wouldn't hurt, where people could rate the mods - possibly combined with the comment area, so they can say something along with their rating. Tracking the number of downloads would be nice too - a referral link to an off site download that tracks the click throughs or just on-site file hosting with a download counter.

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