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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - Paul

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I haven't had time to test it on the newest version, but it should work fine in 0.53.1a. I'll look into it when I have time.

Apparently it was just deleted like half an hour ago as part of a cleansing of old files, and it's perfectly OK to host it here. So I just attached the new version on here. It may be deleted again in a few months, but it's more convenient to download here than some off-site hosting with expiration times and ads and such.

So, new version is up. I tested it a bit and the station is still spawning correctly and my code for refreshing the ships is working. If anyone finds any bugs, let me know.

Oh, how long has 1.05 been deleted from the thread? Just noticed it's been deleted by admin. Were we not supposed to attach mod files to the threads?

Was about to upload 1.06, guess I'll find an alternate host. Hmm, what's a good file hosting service that everyone can access?

A side effect of some of the systems being listed in the weapon_data file seems to be that they show up in a getAllWeaponIds() list. Which means that anything using that list to add weapons (like the Hegemony convoy, or my Gun Runners mod) is going to be adding them for sale (even though you can't actually put them on a ship).

I'm slapping a check in my upcoming GR mod update to make sure they aren't added to my stations, but I wanted to report it since it also affects the stock Hegemony and TT station convoys when they get into adding from the random weapon list.

Probably not, at least not until a new Starfarer version comes out. My goal was to create an early mod to add a little bit more content to the basic campaign but without changing it too much. Initially that was just adding a TriTachyon station when we didn't have one, then it turned into making a station with all the weapons so players could experiment with them more easily. Then came some ships that I goofed around with, mostly default ships with modded gun slots (and the mid-sized carrier, which I felt was missing). And then came the faction forgiveness thing.

When new Starfarer versions come out with added campaign functionality and greater modding support I might try adding other things, but right now there isn't really anything more I wanted to add to the game. It's fun as-is and I feel it accomplishes the goal I set for it when I started - expanding a bit on the base campaign with a couple useful features without changing it too much. There are plenty of mods out there that create tons of new content, and that's great, but it wasn't really my goal with this mod.

Plus I suck at sprite work, as my hack job of creating the few sprites I did make in the mod can attest, so making lots of new ships by myself would be out of the question  ;)

Strange. I set the convoy spawn timer to 1 day (just to make testing it quicker, no other changes) and ran 20 games. They all had the fleet spawn in and then go to the planet and spawn the station, then I waited for the defense fleet to spawn - no crash in either case on any of the games.

Anyone else having crash issues?

I uploaded a version changing the station to launch at Corvus IV instead of I. That's all I changed, so you don't need to update if you happen to prefer it on planet I with the storage station.

Couldn't you do a version where the station is already there, but the stock inventory is very low to start with? That way, the convoys to the station matter a bit more in the long term. Even more so if you make them hostile to all but one of the other factions. This would give the player incentive to either defend the convoys (so the station/depot can get its stock) or to also attack the convoys (plundering them before they get killed). Just a thought though.

Just curious: where are you thinking of planting the station now? Corvus IV or one of the Corvus III area planets? You seem to have a knack for predicting which planets get additions officially added to them later on ^_~ Isn't this like the second time you needed to move the Gunrunner station location?

I could have the station already there, but I like adding it in on the fly. It makes the mod different  ;). It works fine now that Alex fixed the bug in 0.52, so I don't see any reason to change it. Plus you could keep the station from spawning if you wanted to. Smash that convoy every 30 days and it won't ever spawn! The only mod in the game where the player can prevent a station from spawning! What a feature! :P

I put it on Corvus IV. If I remember correctly my early versions had the TT station on IV (which was an icy planet then) and the GR station on V (which was the barren one). When the TT station was added officially the names of the two planets swapped (I believe it was a typo initially) and the TT station was put on V (which is now the icy one). I then moved my GR station to Corvus I. Then the storage station was added to I, so I'm moving it to IV - which is now the barren one. So really the GR station has come full circle - it started on the barren planet and now it's back there.

It should work again after the hotfix patch Alex is releasing later today. On the plus side, my mod helped catch a bug ;D

If I get some time today (busy at the moment) I'll release a new version to move the station to another planet, since the storage facility is on planet I now. I could do a version where it's there at the start, but I personally kinda like it spawning in 30 days later.

Mods / Re: Uomoz's Corvus (Factions Collection) v0.4
« on: March 27, 2012, 04:35:23 PM »
Glad to see you got it working  :)

I like the mod so far. A compilation focused on trying to maintain balance and consistency is nice. No offense to the mishmash people, but I never really got into that mod due to some of the mods added being so unbalanced.

Paul seems to no longer update his mod so that's Why I'm asking you. :)

Just thought I should comment on this too while i'm here  :P, reason I haven't updated it is Alex hasn't updated the game, and I don't really see anything more to add to the Gun Runners mod with the current modding tools. I've played it and it seems reasonably well balanced, I'm happy with the ships I've added (not much of a sprite artist, so making more would be a stretch for me - I've cut up and recolored the core ships enough I think haha), and I haven't had any reports about issues with the mod - so I don't really have anything to update it with.

Corvus I, as I said in the change log.

Bug Reports & Support / 0.51a Harpoon pod description broken
« on: March 07, 2012, 01:46:46 PM »
The harpoon pod description is set to harpoondpod instead of harpoonpod, making it not load the description properly. Erasing the extra d fixes it.

Announcements / Re: Starfarer 0.51a (Released) - Live Patch Notes
« on: March 07, 2012, 01:33:13 PM »
Nice hotfix. I had just gotten that crash and found it reported already, and a few mins later here it is fixed.

Though while I have my *** hat on, I might as well get this out of the way too: Having to actually type in "delete" in order to delete a saved game is one of the (if not the) stupidest user interface design decisions I have ever seen in over twenty years of using computers. Seriously, Alex, what the hell. It's... unfathomable. Why would you ever think that was a good idea. Please, I really want to know the rationale behind that. What was wrong with a simple "Are you sure? y/n" prompt?

That's just to prevent people from accidentally deleting their favorite save. Some people can absentmindedly click right on through a y/n prompt. How often are you deleting save games, anyway?

If for some reason you make a bunch of extra save games you can always just go into the game folder and delete them there.

Not sure how that would help. I didn't really have to change anything to get it working with 0.51a, mostly I just had to remove my TT station and related files (since it wouldn't make sense to have two) and move my GR station to a new planet (since Alex put the TT station where my station used to be). My scripts are only dependent on the BaseSpawnPoint, which wasn't moved in the new version.

But if it helps you, feel free.

Mod updated for 0.51a. Stripped out the Tri-Tachyon parts of it, so now it's just a Gun Runners mod. I kept the additional spawns, though - not sure if they'll still be needed, will have to see how it plays out.

They bring replacements in with the convoy. 10 ships every time, with 80% chance of them being fighters, so the larger ships will come in at roughly 2 per convoy. There are 7 types of ships on the list - 2 Hades variants, 3 Gorgon variants, the Paria, and the Helios.

Convoys are on a 30 day timer though, so they don't come real often. With a 4/7 chance of getting in a new Hades per convoy, you'll probably need to wait a few months to get a new one of those. Paria is more rare, only being shipped in roughly 2/7 convoys since it only has the one variant. So you may need to wait 3 or 4 or more for a new one of those to show up.

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