Probably not, at least not until a new Starfarer version comes out. My goal was to create an early mod to add a little bit more content to the basic campaign but without changing it too much. Initially that was just adding a TriTachyon station when we didn't have one, then it turned into making a station with all the weapons so players could experiment with them more easily. Then came some ships that I goofed around with, mostly default ships with modded gun slots (and the mid-sized carrier, which I felt was missing). And then came the faction forgiveness thing.
When new Starfarer versions come out with added campaign functionality and greater modding support I might try adding other things, but right now there isn't really anything more I wanted to add to the game. It's fun as-is and I feel it accomplishes the goal I set for it when I started - expanding a bit on the base campaign with a couple useful features without changing it too much. There are plenty of mods out there that create tons of new content, and that's great, but it wasn't really my goal with this mod.
Plus I suck at sprite work, as my hack job of creating the few sprites I did make in the mod can attest, so making lots of new ships by myself would be out of the question