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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - happycrow

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Revenant/Doom Improvised Stealth Carrier Fleet. Quiet but... not actually deadly. Was fun to implement, tho

General Discussion / Independents Commission Still In Shipbuying Screens
« on: November 01, 2024, 08:26:33 PM »
Pretty sure it's just boilerplate text, but I'm keenly interested in how and what the play for an Independent Commission would look like and how it might conceivably flesh out. What would make it play out in ways sufficiently interesting to justify inclusion (given that carte blanche to go after other factions for fat commission money definitely wouldn't be in those cards)?

General Discussion / Re: I wish pirates weren't just murderous
« on: October 31, 2024, 04:45:27 PM »
It's a game played between Brother Cotton and Warlord Kanta: you just think you're the main character.  :)

Suggestions / Re: More converted ship types!
« on: October 30, 2024, 12:28:25 PM »
That being said, the independents are basically defined by being so tiny nobody really cares enough to do anything about them. I'd say it'd make sense for them to make heavy use of civilian 'conversions' due to not really having proper warships around.

And vice versa: what would most independents do with a capital ship, really?  But pull out all the useless milspec stuff and add in the right cargo, and you could go around to stars installing stable locations for useful colony features.... (or some other useful productive work) while the "actual factions" waste time blowing each other out of the sky.

General Discussion / Re: How should tech-mining be improved?
« on: October 28, 2024, 08:43:10 PM »
How about a curve-ball? Tech-mining as per normal.

Industry:  "Domain Infrastructure."

Requires:  exhausted tech-mining (pick your status)
Grants:  Strong Habitability Bonus commensurate with size of ruins, as old infastructure is "safed" and put back into play, BUT said bonus is removed if a market works more than one non-tech-mining/Domain-Infrastructure industry (in keeping with canon Domain lore).

Suggestions / Re: More converted ship types!
« on: October 28, 2024, 08:34:18 PM »
I'd absolutely love to see the Independents come up with their own blueprint package to suit their purposes. I mean, it's canon that this is a faction with a high-ranking trade agent who's high-key excited about getting her Venture back. "Exploration" variants for the Independents would provide some neat stuff, as could civilianizing military craft.

Modding / Re: I'm a writer, not a programmer! (some confusion)
« on: October 28, 2024, 02:55:03 PM »
Thank you. This makes my brain melt bc I'm used to the luxury of a toolset, but I'm diving in.  :)

Suggestions / Re: "Low tech" rework
« on: October 27, 2024, 08:55:08 PM »
This means that, while players looking to fly a single flagship and do bounty missions above their weight class will still want high-tech, explorers or traders will have a reason to prefer low-tech ships. There's a tradeoff, instead of a situation where high-tech is outright better right up until money stops being a factor.

As a relative newbie, my experience definitely backs this up. For "rp" purposes I preferred the Luddic stuff, but it's hard to argue with a generally higher burn combined with a vastly smaller personnel/fiscal requirement, particularly for committed exploration/survey work, and trebly so for trade and playing "Space trucker," where Revenants, while theoretically more expensive to run, can also readily stealth their way out of fights while criss-crossing the Core Worlds. As I'm getting better at learning how not to go bankrupt, that's changing a *little* bit, but if I want the ability to go long distances and still slug it out with AI fleets without losing my shirt, the lower cost of HT is super-attractive.

For LC play I get sanguine about this -- it makes *sense* for the Luddics to use less automation. Less about "balance" and more about "make each faction really feel different." (tongue in cheek: "Flying with Ludd" means you're *always* ready to plop down a colony on a promising agriworld, for the low-low cost of mothballing a larger vessel out of your fleet and towing it home.)

One possible way to square the circle is to have the Independents actually come up with their own ship designs in-game, and have those really centered around logistical efficiency at the cost of combat efficiency.  Consider that a Dram with insulated engines and expanded cargo holds is *loosely* equivalent to a standard Hound for mercantile purposes but can run rings around it for long-distance hauling to non-core customers: a model retrofitted Dram with half the fuel tank repurposed for cargo would suddenly become the "Family Wagon" for micro-entrepreneurs all over the sector -- fragile as spun glass but more than capable of supplying the Decivilized and small-fry all over the sector.

Suggestions / Re: Reworking colony economics
« on: October 27, 2024, 08:13:18 PM »
For example, you're locked at size 3, making a small income that's well outweighed by missions and trading until you permanently resolve the first event (probably pirates, either by fighting them off or paying off Kanta), at which point colonists will feel confident enough in you to show up at meaningful scale, letting you get to size 4. Once you make a name for yourself by permanently resolving a second event (permanently deterring the League or Church through force of arms, knocking out a Pather armada, or establishing yourself as a legitimate competitor to Sindia or Tri-Tach), enough people with a shared vision exist to let you get to size 5. A third crisis after that demonstrates that you're not going anywhere, and the silent majority of fence-sitters who want a better life as long as the risk is low will start sending applications, making size 6 a possibility.

Since Alex has said the whole point of Colony Crises is to get the player in trouble, I really like this suggestion. It keeps the focus away from sim-colony and on "aggressive space problem solving."

General Discussion / Re: I wish pirates weren't just murderous
« on: October 27, 2024, 04:45:40 PM »
So I can sell them a Paragon blueprint in the BM and then pirates will get it?  Wild.

General Discussion / Re: I wish pirates weren't just murderous
« on: October 27, 2024, 04:01:03 PM »
Pirates are pretty inventive with designs -- rather than straight-up using another faction's vessels, what might be fun would be further variants (I mean, wtf would pirates DO with a Paragon if they got their hands on a blueprint to play with? Besides something extremely ill-advised and insane?) -- this is grist for the modders' mill, honestly. Create a whole SLEW of different pirate designs which tend to pop up in "areas" of the map based on what one presumes are pirate subfactions (but never explicitly spelled out bc the main character doesn't get to know).

The Path has access to planetkillers -- Cotton is much more dangerous.
The bar historian is even more dangerous, if more-subtly written. That paper book is a cover for somebody who can literally track the non-core movements of a single fleet down to scarily-fine details.

Modding / Re: I'm a writer, not a programmer! (some confusion)
« on: October 26, 2024, 01:39:59 PM »
Hey! I've attached an image showing how I'd approach implementing this via Rules.

TY sir!
I think I get how the random# generator is being fired, and the examples are great. (Also, now I can see the RulesClinic thread, how did I manage to miss that before?) What I'm not getting here is:  what determines whether JackSureA fires, vs JackSureB? And does B2 automatically follow B in events?

Modding / Re: I'm a writer, not a programmer! (some confusion)
« on: October 26, 2024, 09:36:14 AM »
Hey, thank you for the reply! I am across town now but as soon as I am home I will dig into it and see what I can understand. Appreciate you!

General Discussion / Re: Post your best sub 1 supply per day fleet
« on: October 24, 2024, 04:05:43 PM »
Oh, I didn't -- I'm a doofus and meant to quote Kohlenstuff.  **facepalm**

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