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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - mortache

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If it helps your suspension of disbelief, assume that there are spies somewhere either within your crews or the places you dock at. While the traffic controllers may not be able to tell who you are from looking at your fleet those spies would piece together clues (like that the people disembarking from the fleet with the strange ship work for you or maybe buying one of them a drink at a bar and have them boast about that fancy ship their boss has) and figure out that it's you. You aren't piloting a fighter here, a fleet is a fairly large operation and so are the interactions your fleet will have with the bases it docks at.

I'm gonna space them all out of the airlock! Or leave them in that nice irradiated planet at the Alpha site and jump out

Keep in mind phase ships are not truly invisible and all major factions have effective intelligence agencies. They can be reasonably expected to have figured out that that thing is yours even without a transponder to make the job easy for them. XIV ships are rare but not unique (you can buy them at a Hegemony military market) and more importantly don't give off those weird motes. The response to AI stuff seems generally a bit dialed back for balance's sake, I'd think that if someone showed up with a Radiant in tow that would catapult him to the public enemy #1 spot for most polities in the sector and you wouldn't be allowed to dock anywhere ever again.

XIV Legions are unique because you cannot find them with the Hegemony, the only source is the few derelicts and getting lucky with the historian. In any case, yes the ship isn't "invisible" but it sure does have stealth by reducing your sensor profile. Anyways, the main point is that no one should be able to know its ME inside that ship. The Radiant stuff is pretty "balanced" because you need 5 tech skills for unlocking it, and 8 if you wanna pilot one yourself and even then there's a 120 DP limit for good CR, or 30DP if you're using Alpha cores. Ziggurat is also "balanced" around the fact that yes it is one of the most powerful ships but it also costs more DP than any other capital, even the Radiant. All I'm saying is that it's kinda immersion breaking when everyone knows that I got a secret super special ship when no one should have known about it.

Unless my goddamn crew ratted on me! Goddammit I should have spaced them and left them floating around Alpha site!

So I was doing an invisible phase fleet run and rushed the Redacted phase ship (even before story quests) after getting some Dooms from the bar guy who makes ships for you. Now that its in my fleet though, I can no longer do stuff with impunity since everyone magically knows who I am even though no one has technically seen me and that ship within 10 light years of each other. How do they know it's me and not some 5th dimensional alien attacking them? I have never been seen with a transponder on by anyone! The ship already has more DP than any capitals and a massive logistical cost, and it alone halves the bonus from the Phase Coil Tuning skill. How can they not tell that it's me when I attack them with AI ships or the lost XIV Legion ships built before the collapse, but this invisible capital never seen by anybody is automatically known by everyone?

Also, its just the fleets that know its me. I can raid planets right in front of them and they have no clue who it was!

Suggestions / Re: Changing Fast Missile Racks
« on: May 16, 2023, 09:22:30 PM »
I just ran a few simulation tests for quick and dirty casual observations over several duels.

* AI rarely uses two Fast Missile Rack charges before recharging once.
* AI sometimes uses a charge to open with a double missile attack (like a super move in a fighting game).
* AI sometimes uses a charge when it wants to fire a missile now and uses system once to enable that action.

Player pilot is the only one who can consistently use more than one charge before the system recharges.

Alex removed charges from Quantum Disruptor, so it is not unprecedented that systems had charges removed for some reason.

My suggestions:
* Remove all charges from Fast Missile Racks; FMR only has cooldown, just like Quantum Disruptor.
* If FMR is ready, AI use the system immediately after firing all missiles it can during its window of attack.
* Maybe using the system costs no flux, just for ease of use.

Basically, treat updated Fast Missile Racks as a variant Accelerated Ammo Feeder that can be used similarly at the earliest opportunity by player and NPC alike.

Why do you wanna take away my Venture spamming 24 Salamander missiles and hamstringing the entire enemy fleet? If the AI has a behavior issue then just fix that behavior, make it use the charge thrice keeping a fourth for emergency backup

Quickly written code for console:
Code: java
runcode for (FleetMemberAPI member : Global.getSector().getPlayerFleet().getFleetData().getMembersListCopy()) {
  if (member.getVariant().hasTag("ship_unique_signature")) {

Sorry for the mega necro but will code like this also remove the unique story missions like the top Pather guy reaching out to you in a bar?

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: May 16, 2023, 08:02:44 AM »

Yes. Keep in mind this is a WIP update and I will be issuing the "real" update in the future with more changes and probably a lack of backward compatibility.

Wait, so this dev version is backwards compatible with the 0.95.1a version of the mod, right? Also, how do I disable the limit on terraforming volcanic and irradiated worlds? I found a nice trinary system I wanna settle but all 8 planets are either irradiated or volcanic.

As of yet, volcanic nor irradiated worlds can be terraformed.
But irradiated worlds can be brought down to 100% hazard rating with the right buildings, and on volcanic worlds, typically only very hot remains, which would be true for any other planet type anyways (and you want to keep it for the bonus of cryo-arithmetic engines)

If you settle that system, you have a military powerhouse at your hands.
Turns out there's a Coronal Hypershunt in the center of those three suns. But being irradiated and volcanic worlds, there's no food, organics, habitables or even no-atmosphere planets so I can't use any items. I just wanted to settle the system because it looks cool  :'(

General Discussion / Re: 0.96a World seed
« on: May 16, 2023, 07:55:08 AM »
To avoid hostile activity from progressing you need to always maintain high stability and a patrol HQ the moment you start a colony. Minimum of 8 stability with 10 being the best which can be maintained before reaching the first 50 progress should you build patrol HQ first before any industry. Making sure you build a Coms Rely in the system for more stability and continuing to build stability bonus structures such as orbital stations and ground defenses while upgrading them. Managing the colony yourself as the administrator also give a +2 stability bonus so long as its your only colony, you lose such bonus as you manage more colony's so keep this in mind and have colony's built up.

Watching out for when a colony reaches size 4 as this is when panther interest begins so you'll need to upgrade the patrol HQ to a High Command to counter act both the pirates and panthers as High command gives a -7 from the original -5, totaling -12 progress every month. Panthers can give tons of progress so be careful when using special items on your industry that increase production or AI cores. Having many of these items before you set up colony's up first can sky rocket the progress so you'll have to keep an eye on it and balance it within that -12 progress you'll have from High Command. Its ok to have a few planets colonized in the same system while doing all that I have mentioned you can avoid the penalty's. This makes expeditions  from other factions that attack easier to deal with as well since you have multiple patrol HQ or High commands as this increases your own fleets in the same system.

Or you can just go talk to Kanta and the pathers from the base that have been attacking you. Appeasing Kanta is super easy, I just gave her one of my contacts. Haven't finished the stuff with Pathers though, I'm not sure if I want to give them what they're asking for.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: May 15, 2023, 09:36:49 PM »

Yes. Keep in mind this is a WIP update and I will be issuing the "real" update in the future with more changes and probably a lack of backward compatibility.

Wait, so this dev version is backwards compatible with the 0.95.1a version of the mod, right? Also, how do I disable the limit on terraforming volcanic and irradiated worlds? I found a nice trinary system I wanna settle but all 8 planets are either irradiated or volcanic.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: May 14, 2023, 10:18:31 PM »
Thank you to everyone who replied. Now to sit here patiently until it updates and then I will try it out.
I didn't tried it the mod yet in the new update due to not knowing how it would interact with the economy now, but... If you want to try your luck, here's how you can play it on 0.96 right now:
Open the mod's folder and open the "mod_info" file with a text editor. Then change the "gameVersion" to "0.96a". You can do this with any mod btw but it doesn't work all the time.

This works for TASC. So far the only major issue I've found in testing for 0.96a is that the CHAMELEON alpha core bonus doesn't function correctly.

Are there no issues with Planet Killers? I haven't got that far in the campaign to test stuff with your mod but I did start this campaign with it.

I don't know about editing the save in a way that the mission is considered "done", but I gave myself 10m credits to start my current run since I had a pretty advanced save prior to the patch dropping.

It's pretty simple, though it's obviously "cheating", but I didn't feel like going through early game grind again this time.

Maybe you could do the same to give yourself a boost. It's not the same I know, but it helps a lot.

Money isn't the issue for me, its the exploration and the "concept" for the run. In this one I was trying to have a full XIV legion fleet and was having a blast, and found a system beside core worlds with perfectly diverse 5 planets. A terran, a jungle, a gas giant, a rocky-metallic with no atmosphere and an irradiated with transplutonics. I was having a lot of fun and was almost about to "win", basically near the endgame. To start over at that stage feels like getting blue balls. But then again I WANTED to get to 0.96a because it gave Legions more OP so it kinda is my own mistake.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: May 09, 2023, 06:38:59 PM »
If I start a campaign with this and it gets some update for 0.96a, will it be backwards compatible or will I need to start over again? Already lost a favorite run because the Luddic Path planet killer thingy got bugged in a campaign from 0.95.1a

So the new Pather option for the Planet Killer seems to be missing when I talk to them. This has been my first serious campaign in the game, so I don't want to start over just yet. I don't mind editing the save or using console command to move past the need to find this thing. Or maybe there is a way to get my save "flagged" that I completed this mission?

Also idk how to use this forum lol. The screenshot is in the attachment below.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« on: May 06, 2023, 06:57:21 PM »
Anyone planning to continue this mod? Seems like the original modder moved on.


I do agree that trying to play the game as a merchant hauling goods isn't that interesting in the current state of the game.  I tried that one game and quickly got bored for the reasons highlighted.  But any attempt to implement a realistic economy could quickly turn the game into primarily a Tycoon type game, which isn't its genre.

This game used to have lower taxes. People used to play the game as a merchant hauling goods earning millions of credit but Alex probably didn't like that idea. Starsector was Trading Tycoon until that was nerfed to the ground.
Playing as a merchant like that is literally the most boring thing imaginable. Its worse than doing fetch quests, its just repeating the same route back and forth a dozen times until you're bored. Why not just get yourself the money with cheats and save the time and effort? At least doing piracy, disrupting trade to create demand etc has some "gameplay" and player agency to it.

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