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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - mortache

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Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: May 20, 2023, 09:13:06 AM »
I'm not sure any of that artwork fits for Domed Cities. They're not really domes - more like solid structures.

I think you're correct about the physics behind gas giant habitats. But the colony would already be built like that from the outset, right? What would change once Domed Cities was built? It's different on terrestrial worlds where the colony would originally be spread out and the buildings/cities look more traditional, as shown by the vanilla artwork.

Have you seen the airship from Fallout 4? They basically live inside of the big balloon. Zeppelins did have solid structure inside, though on earth you need hydrogen to make it float. It'll be different deep inside a gas giant though, like 75% atmospheric pressure with Helium + oxygen could actually work, it would weigh half as much as regular air.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: May 20, 2023, 02:41:53 AM »
Ok, now THAT is quite the buff to gas giants.

Well tbh gas giants aren't exactly great for anything, especially since with this mod you're not reliant on them for volatiles. They could use a little bit of buff.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: May 19, 2023, 11:54:51 PM »

Regarding the agrav generators, I agree that it makes sense they could just use them similarly to ships on gas giant colonies. I'll make it so they can be built without Domed Cities on gas giants.

Great! A lot of Gas/Ice giants have high gravity so it'll be incredibly helpful

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: May 19, 2023, 01:26:02 PM »

They would probably be spread out into "towns" of floating habitats that are relatively close to each other, but not a single giant mass.

Yeah that's also what I thought when I mentioned Bioshock Infinite. If the ships weren't mentioned I would headcanon it away by saying that the generators need solid ground to transfer the force. If the agrav generators are originally from ships, couldn't they have habitats of roughly the same size as the ships, and use it in the same way? Unless it messes with the floatation in some way lol. 

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: May 19, 2023, 12:55:05 PM »
Domed cities being a prerequisite for agrav fields make little sense in case of gas giants. Aren't these colonies just orbital habitats in the first place? Then the gravity there should have been artificial anyways, since things in orbit are weightless since they're always in free fall. In that case, high gravity shouldn't affect any gas giants in the first place

My understanding is that gas giant colonies are floating in the clouds, not in orbit.

In either case, that should function as domed cities, right? Also, I don't exactly agree with the defense malus to domed cities because you want to avoid homogeneity of planets. 12 structure limit means we can't build everything everywhere anyways, especially since no atmosphere, habitable, non-habitable and gas giants all use different types of colony items anyways. I'm not building Mesozoic park and Gene lab in a barren planet with no atmosphere because I want fuel and refinery there instead. Realistically my farming worlds won't have mining unless I need organics. As for Domed Cities, if a Terran planet doesn't have high/low gravity, there's little reason to build them right? I could just change the climate!

I don't view gas giant colonies as being any more centralized than a regular colony.

I've discussed the Domed Cities defense malus at length several times in this thread. I'm not going to remove the defense malus, but I might add a settings option to disable it given how many players are against it.

IMO the dome would make the defenses even stronger, but perhaps make it more susceptible to bombardment because the cities are more centralized. But I'm alright with it either way, that's not my main concern.

I'm thinking more about the nature of colonies on gas giants and agrav cities. You don't think these are huge centralized habitats, so are they little floating neighborhoods like in Bioshock Infinite? Or are the people scattered around like floating houses from the movie "Up" lol. All of them would require some sort of atmosphere sealing, right?  If people in Terran planets can be gathered together to form domed cities, why isn't the same possible for gas giants? It should be feasible at least bring enough people together to form the equivalent of a spaceship, at least.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: May 19, 2023, 11:32:51 AM »
Domed cities being a prerequisite for agrav fields make little sense in case of gas giants. Aren't these colonies just orbital habitats in the first place? Then the gravity there should have been artificial anyways, since things in orbit are weightless since they're always in free fall. In that case, high gravity shouldn't affect any gas giants in the first place

My understanding is that gas giant colonies are floating in the clouds, not in orbit.

In either case, that should function as domed cities, right? Also, I don't exactly agree with the defense malus to domed cities because you want to avoid homogeneity of planets. 12 structure limit means we can't build everything everywhere anyways, especially since no atmosphere, habitable, non-habitable and gas giants all use different types of colony items anyways. I'm not building Mesozoic park and Gene lab in a barren planet with no atmosphere because I want fuel and refinery there instead. Realistically my farming worlds won't have mining unless I need organics. As for Domed Cities, if a Terran planet doesn't have high/low gravity, there's little reason to build them right? I could just change the climate!

Suggestions / Re: Storm Needler needs a rebalance
« on: May 19, 2023, 09:29:03 AM »
Sorry I completely misread that, I thought you were talking about Storm Needler. Light/Heavy Needlers should not benefit from rate of fire bonus because they already fire at maximum RoF.

So AWM should only affect the refire delay.

Okay, but does the refire delay timer start from the moment you start bursting? Because that time was like ~54.9 seconds for 10 bursts instead of 60 seconds. Of course there might be human error involved but the number is just so "neatly" close to the expected value

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: May 19, 2023, 09:21:04 AM »
Domed cities being a prerequisite for agrav fields make little sense in case of gas giants. Aren't these colonies just orbital habitats in the first place? Then the gravity there should have been artificial anyways, since things in orbit are weightless since they're always in free fall. In that case, high gravity shouldn't affect any gas giants in the first place

General Discussion / Re: Cutting deals with pathers
« on: May 19, 2023, 01:24:21 AM »
So as im playing through the new patch i managed to cut a deal with pirates to leave my colonies alone but since im a very naughty boy and use a ton of ai cores to manage my colonies i still have a lot of pather interest and that makes the event go up. Anyone knows where to go to make a similar deal with pathers like the one i did with the pirates?

Go talk to the base that is causing issues, they will ask for a planet killer to leave you alone "until judgement day". Won't spoil further lol

I did that chain and even returned the weapon but it just gave me a lot of positive standing with the station commander and a little standing with pathers and i still was getting pather event progress

I haven't given them the PK, but I paid the tithe to the raiding fleet and they're leaving me alone for 2 years. this is a hell lot better than the Hegemony bribe at least, since no story point was wasted

Suggestions / Re: Storm Needler needs a rebalance
« on: May 18, 2023, 04:30:22 AM »
But genuine question: does "rate of fire" do anything to the refire delay of Heavy Needlers? Like the 10% from Armored Weapon Mounts?

AFAIK the ceiling for fire rate is 20/second, and Storm Needlers fire 10 times per second - so yes, they should benefit from it.

Ok so I just ended up doing 10 bursts with a stopwatch and it took 55 seconds instead of 60 with the 10% bonus from AWM, so I guess it does work. I was just confused if the rate of fire only works during the "burst" and not the whole duration of the refire delay.

I raided asher too many times for blueprints and it's now decivilized. Can i edit some files in game to return it as being Asher and not just some planet? Im willing to use mods as well if that's what it takes.

If you're thinking about just removing the decivilized subpopulations, you can use Terraforming mod to remove it (after he has updated for 0.96a). Otherwise maybe you should live with the consequences and think of the millions of people that suffered because of you  ;)

Suggestions / Re: Storm Needler needs a rebalance
« on: May 18, 2023, 03:21:38 AM »
At the very least, Vanilla's version should have a much better efficiency, since it misses quite a lot, or be bumped to 1000 range, where it'd make a credible kiting weapon but be relatively inefficient because of misses- probably not a whole lot better than a Beam, vs. an opponent with Shield Mastery.
But gauss is 1200 range and does much more damage to armor.
I think storm needler needs to be at least 1250, will still take forever to kill a XIV Onslaught.
Gauss also deals pathetic damage, has horrible flux exchange rate and since its longest range, you can't follow up with anything meaningful once they lower their shields. Maybe the only plausible use for it is on nimble "light" cruisers and capitals like Conquest and kiting the enemy for 20 minutes. I prefer to get stuck in with burn drive, make them lower their shields and use reaper torpedos point blank like a shotgun. The only use for Gauss canon is when you just want to give some anti-shield to a mindless AI ship so that it's not completely useless, but even then I think there are better options.

But genuine question: does "rate of fire" do anything to the refire delay of Heavy Needlers? Like the 10% from Armored Weapon Mounts?


It removes anything that has a unique ship signature, which IIRC is just the zig - correct me if I'm wrong.

So all of the other events are gone too, right? Like TT mercenaries trying to buy it from you, or the Pather high level guy approaching you in the bar etc

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: May 18, 2023, 01:58:19 AM »

Hello! I've addressed this issue several times in this thread so I won't reiterate my thinking on it again.

The only thing that's changed since then is DIY Planets might not get an update for 0.96a so players who disagree with my views may not have an alternative to TASC anymore. I'll consider adding a settings toggle for this.

That's the issue with forum threads like this. I only started playing a few weeks ago, and I can't just read through 170 pages of this thread. If it was reddit maybe then it would have been an upvoted comment that rose above the rest. Maybe an FAQ sticky could work? The original post explains very little about the actual terraforming of planet types - such as whether it would add or remove planet properties according to the target planet type.

Anyways it would be amazing if we could terraform into more planet types like from desert to terran-eccentric with solar shades and mirror arrays, or remove the atmosphere or habitability to use the different items. Yes its technically unbalanced, but at some point its all just "do good more" and I want that end game or else there's nothing more left to do.

General Discussion / Re: Cutting deals with pathers
« on: May 17, 2023, 03:26:15 PM »
So as im playing through the new patch i managed to cut a deal with pirates to leave my colonies alone but since im a very naughty boy and use a ton of ai cores to manage my colonies i still have a lot of pather interest and that makes the event go up. Anyone knows where to go to make a similar deal with pathers like the one i did with the pirates?

Go talk to the base that is causing issues, they will ask for a planet killer to leave you alone "until judgement day". Won't spoil further lol

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