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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - mortache

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Blog Posts / Re: Anubis-class Cruiser
« on: December 23, 2024, 10:49:29 PM »

Why add a complicated "double flux for energy weapons" effect when you could just raise shield efficiency to 0.4? I don't think a simple 0.4 number looks less normal than reading a complicated effect on top of another already complicated effect, making it appear double nerfed and complicating mental calculations. And lore wise, just write that this ship specializes in the use of hyper flux efficient weapons and shields.

It'd be .3, which is just unusually low, since right now it's .6 (but, ok, you could handwave that, sure) but the other point is this would mean you have to reduce the flux stats further to get the same effect, which would also affect any ballistic weapons on the ship.
Yep I know its unusually low, that is the entire point of the ship being unique. "Double flux from energy weapons" is also unusual, right? Even then, instead of 0.3 I suggested 0.4 which doesn't look odd (lol) next to 0.6 and 0.8. But you're of course correct about ballistics, maybe the ship could rely more on missiles then.

Blog Posts / Re: Anubis-class Cruiser
« on: December 23, 2024, 09:05:14 AM »
Wouldn't 0.4 be busted with hardened shields?
Not if the ship doesn't have the flux stats to support it. Low flux, high shield efficiency means offensive options are limited to flux efficient options i.e Paladin.

Blog Posts / Re: Anubis-class Cruiser
« on: December 23, 2024, 02:05:21 AM »
"Flux is also used for shields, and the ship needs to have at least half-decent shields, so the primary reason is just to keep the “shield flux per damage” number looking reasonably normal."

Why add a complicated "double flux for energy weapons" effect when you could just raise shield efficiency to 0.4? I don't think a simple 0.4 number looks less normal than reading a complicated effect on top of another already complicated effect, making it appear double nerfed and complicating mental calculations. And lore wise, just write that this ship specializes in the use of hyper flux efficient weapons and shields.

Suggestions / Re: Double the hypershunt tap range
« on: July 12, 2024, 08:08:52 AM »
I don't suppose there is a file somewhere one could edit to increase the range on these?

Sorry for the necro, but same question!

Suggestions / Re: Combat Skill Elite Effects
« on: May 16, 2024, 01:29:22 AM »

  • Ordnance Expertise: Not quite bottom of the barrel for elite effects, but close. May be higher priority if I'm specifically raising an officer to be installed in a frigate, though. (Or phase ship, I suppose, but I probably wouldn't be giving them ordnance expertise at all for a phase ship.)

Ordnance Expertise is essentially a 25% discount on weapons OP, that's HUGE for lowtech and midline. You're basically paying 33% more OP for weapons when you don't have it.

In my Pegasus it frees up about 55OP which allows me to put two whole new hullmods.

General Discussion / Re: Pre-Made Officer Loadouts
« on: May 16, 2024, 12:34:23 AM »
Don't know about the templates, but officers can easily be edited in campaign.xml.

I do a CTRL+F search for "ExceptionalSleeper" when I start a new game. That reveals the heroic level 7 officers. If I find less than four in campaign.xml, I reroll the seed (IMO level 7 officers are more impactful than colony items or beautiful unicorn perfect colony systems).

I have a modded run where two of the four level 7s had identical skills, so I replaced the skills of one officer with the skillset of another level 7 officer from a different save, just for variety. There's also an acknowledged bug where an ExceptionalSleeper officer sometimes gets generated with a level 5 template. If I find an officer like that in campaign.xml I will just copy paste the stats of a level 7 officer from a different save and overwrite.

You can also easily change portraits in campaign.xml, which I do sometimes when I had an officer I liked in a previous save and want to use that exact officer again (name, face and skills). I bet you could make a level 10 officer if you wanted just by editing text files, but I haven't tried to make that drastic a change yet.

You can probably also add and remove s-mods, d-mods, etc, but I haven't tried to make any changes to ships yet. It's very easy to make one mistake and completely corrupt the syntax of the campaign file. I always make a backup before editing.

I know I can change the saves, I just want to change them in accordance to something I am supposed to find out there. That is why I want to know where to find the templates for pre-made officers. As for portraits, I use Portrait Changer to change them in game, with a nice preview of all of the portraits right in front of me.

Once I even made a copy of the REDACTED XIV fleet, complete with the tags that make it not count towards the limits for Automated Ships haha.

Edit: I actually found it

      // fast high-tech ship
      t = new CryopodOfficerTemplate();
      TEMPLATES_EXCEPTIONAL.add(t, 10f);
      // slow high-tech ship
      t = new CryopodOfficerTemplate();
      TEMPLATES_EXCEPTIONAL.add(t, 10f);
      // hull/armor tank, low tech
      t = new CryopodOfficerTemplate();
      t = new CryopodOfficerTemplate();
      // phase ship   
      t = new CryopodOfficerTemplate();
      TEMPLATES_EXCEPTIONAL.add(t, 10f);

      // generally-ok-for-most-ships, take 1
      t = new CryopodOfficerTemplate();
      // generally-ok-for-most-ships, take 2
      t = new CryopodOfficerTemplate();
      // SO, ballistic weapons
      t = new CryopodOfficerTemplate();
      // SO, energy weapons
      t = new CryopodOfficerTemplate();

General Discussion / Re: Pre-Made Officer Loadouts
« on: May 15, 2024, 11:24:11 AM »
I understand what you're saying, yeah. But that's just intentionally not how this works. I think "adapt to what you've got" can be more interesting than "make it fit exactly what you want". And then getting something that actually works well can be more exciting too, if it's not something you can reliably mold every time. The problem with the old implementation of level 7 cryopod officers is that they're all too often be no good for *anything*.

The issue is that, often my campaigns are based on a "theme" like all missile "Pegasus + Gryphon + Vigilance", or all phase, or all high tech disco beams or all XIV etc etc. As others have said, there is no way to "check" for what officer I've got before late game. In that case, I wouldn't even mind spending 10-20 story points to respec a lvl 7 officer into a template suiting my needs.

Where can I find the templates in the files anyways?

I wonder if its possible to have AI generated planet descriptions for a dynamic Nexerelin campaign where the planets keep changing hands, based on the existing lore from the wiki and important events mentioned as extra parameters. ChatGPT can't actually read wikis afaik, stuff it blurts out is just random

There are many overlapping mechanics where its not clear how they interact each other.

Is 5-10% damage amplification of Graviton beams multiplicative? When I loose a Reaper on a shield, will it change the 50% to 60%, or 55%? What about a Reaper on a hardened shield with 3 gravitons pointed at it while under Afflictor's entropy amplifier?? Then there's Target Analysis, Cybernetic Augmentation...

How does the Salvaging skill interact with Salvage Gantry?

200 range from Point Defense skill with other range modifiers from hullmods and skills??? Especially Advanced Optics?

will add more if I remember them

General Discussion / Re: Orbital Period of Planets
« on: November 05, 2023, 08:49:03 AM »
Well, the orbits are all circular even in a multiple star system so only gravitation from one point is considered. We probably shouldn't ask Alex to add a more detailed simulation of say the three body problem so that is fine.

That means each orbit exactly defines the mass of its central point. For example, if you have a circular orbit around Askonia, and this orbit is 600 days at a particular radius, and no other gravitational interactions exist, that defines the mass of Askonia. In fact if we knew what the units were you could use your observations to calculate it.

Anyway, that means that no actual changes to how orbits are specified would really be needed, just that whenever you specify one orbital period around one object then all other orbital periods are inferred from the implied mass of the central body rather than defined separately.

It wouldn't necessarily be a waste to spend a little time working on planetary motion. This might open the way to for example elliptical orbits, including comets etc. Elliptical orbits exist in the 2d space adventure Transcendence and look very cool compared to just circular orbits.

Like this:

That would make an amazing mod concept, even if it isn't perfectly realistic in execution

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Console Commands v2023.05.05
« on: November 05, 2023, 08:23:49 AM »
Any way to add Stellar shade and mirror array like Eventide and those spawning randomly sometimes? TASC mod only adds one or the other and I wanna try it vanilla

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Another Portrait Pack v1.4
« on: November 05, 2023, 07:32:18 AM »
Hey is it possible to use this just for my main character, but not have it show up for NPCs? Or maybe the recruitable NPCs but not the ones in other factions?

Sorry this is my first time portrait modding

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« on: September 17, 2023, 08:08:00 PM »
Btw I'm quite new to the Starsector "scene". I've played two campaigns earlier this year, now after Starfield kinda failed to scratch a certain itch I'm thinking of a third campaign focused only on missile boats. But I'd hate to start a campaign only to see a new update come out a few days later lol. Does the game get like one update a year, and the next update won't be coming out until 2024?

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.3.4)
« on: June 13, 2023, 01:31:16 PM »
I know its a non-standard feature, but Cryosanctums should count as "industry"

No, I don't think this is correct. If you look at Nomios the cryosanctum there is considered a structure, not an industry.

Oh I guess it works fine for vanilla since they only have it on one colony, but it's possible for us to make one everywhere. So its only my RP self-restraint that's making me build only one of them in Ismara lol.

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.3.4)
« on: June 12, 2023, 07:35:31 AM »
I know its a non-standard feature, but Cryosanctums should count as "industry"

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