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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - ThatsMyFootThanks

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Mods / Re: [0.97a-RC11] San-Iris 0.9.91
« on: March 19, 2024, 06:03:08 PM »
From my previous playthrough with them, I felt their ships a lil on the slow side, and with all that armor it's an understandable balance choice. But being slow with low hull and high armor means that, if you get behind them or flank them (and it's easy to do with fast frigates) they're pretty much done for. The armor will not last forever and once it's gone they go down fast. Another thing is that their shields are a lil bit lacking also. Many are 90º - 120º tops and take nearly 200 flux to keep them up.

For reference of what I'm talking about, an ai controlled vanilla Hound and a Shepherd almost took down a San-Iris cruiser simply by staying behind and on the side of it.

On the positive side, their fighters are amazing (specially Their bombers). Their mechs are really tough to break by other fighters and PD is less effective against them.
If you take your time to assemble and good mix of ships focus your efforts on carriers and fighters and protect them with good escort ships they will perform pretty well. But you need good captains on them, hand-picked mods, carefully chosen weapons and a set of skills to match.

On their own, San-Iris AI fleets have no trouble vs small raids (pirates, ludds and MRV seem to have special trouble against them) but the moment you assemble something competent and start mixing up capitals with fast ships that can slip through their defenses they crumble fast.
It's a game of being constantly vigilant to make sure there are no weak points in their defensive line during battle.

Just observations.

Like I said, I love this mod and the aesthetics of their ships.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.11 - 02/03/24
« on: March 19, 2024, 06:29:16 AM »
I think that the Hivers expand so quickly compared to other factions that even weakening them wouldn't do it. I think to balance them for a more vanilla friendly experience (cause not everybody has the same skill at the game), you need to make them less aggressive, less prone to quick expansion. You probably don't even need to touch their ships. If there would be a setting to make them expand at a rate that the player would be comfortable with, I think that would work better. Cause then the challenge of beating them would still be there, but you could take your time in doing so without being hurried by their every present looming threat.
I am leaning toward the "column A" option I mentioned earlier and it seems you are of the same opinion. I have been doing some "research" on discord reading up on what players are saying there. By separating the wheat from the chaff I did see some interesting ideas like having them hibernate and only appear after several cycles. Thing is, I am pretty much a noob when it comes to Java so I am going to try and implement some of the ideas I saw like that one but I suspect I will be just doing close to what you state in the end.
Just my 2 cents.
OoOoo a tip,  thank you! :)
I have beat them with an odd combination of modded factions before: Carriers from the UAF, bulky cruisers from the Roider's Union, Some fast annoying ships from vanilla and DA and even a couple Mobile Armor suits from AA. I'm not very good at the game, and I'm not looking for a challenge either. I just enjoy building cool looking ships and seeing what works and what doesn't.
Personally I do not use the cookie cutter builds I see online. I also enjoy experimenting and seeing what I can build. A core philosophy behind my playable faction mods is giving options to players that are not available in the vanilla game. When I play, it is always as an independent and generally as a scavenger that only uses what I salvage or a miner that only earns credits from mining/refining. I rarely play as a faction commissioned captain, even with the factions I created. Though, TBH, I do follow their fleets sometimes in hopes there may be some floating ships from their factions I can snag after a battle ;)

I salute your experimentation and thank you for weighing in on the correspondence.

Hey, no problem! If it helps you in any way, then that's great :)

Mods / Re: [0.97a-RC11] San-Iris 0.9.91
« on: March 19, 2024, 05:08:56 AM »
You really need to take your time to assemble a good San-Iris fleet. You can't just put whatever works together and go on a fight, it's not gonna work.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.11 - 02/03/24
« on: March 19, 2024, 05:01:32 AM »
I think that the Hivers expand so quickly compared to other factions that even weakening them wouldn't do it. I think to balance them for a more vanilla friendly experience (cause not everybody has the same skill at the game), you need to make them less aggressive, less prone to quick expansion. You probably don't even need to touch their ships. If there would be a setting to make them expand at a rate that the player would be comfortable with, I think that would work better. Cause then the challenge of beating them would still be there, but you could take your time in doing so without being hurried by their every present looming threat.

Just my 2 cents.

I have beat them with an odd combination of modded factions before: Carriers from the UAF, bulky cruisers from the Roider's Union, Some fast annoying ships from vanilla and DA and even a couple Mobile Armor suits from AA. I'm not very good at the game, and I'm not looking for a challenge either. I just enjoy building cool looking ships and seeing what works and what doesn't.

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Tahlan Shipworks
« on: March 16, 2024, 07:21:18 AM »
This mod doesn't seem to be working with the current version of the game. At least, it doesn't allow me to activate it in the mod list of the game. (Current version 0.97a-RC11)

It works just fine for me. Try re-downloading it, and make sure you have all necessary dependencies.

NVM ... 90% of my mods are in red now. Forget it, ran out of patience with this game. Bye.

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Tahlan Shipworks
« on: March 16, 2024, 04:14:55 AM »
This mod doesn't seem to be working with the current version of the game. At least, it doesn't allow me to activate it in the mod list of the game. (Current version 0.97a-RC11)

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Luddic Enhancement (New Version Ed. 1.2.6e)
« on: March 14, 2024, 11:24:53 AM »
Dare I download this thing again..  ??? (ponders options.. )

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.11 - 02/03/24
« on: March 14, 2024, 11:18:39 AM »
  To anyone also playing Nexerelin with this Faction enabled, have you guys ever seen another faction successfully defend an invasion from these guys?  I was confused as to why factions couldn't defend themselves until my colony got raided, they showed up with a good number of fleets and the vessels themselves are pretty strong on an individual basis, I cant see the AI really putting up much a fight to be honest.  Right now in my playthrough, literally every faction hates them and tries to raid their core systems all the time.  I started putting alot more HE weapons on my ships which helps, but unless Im mistaken, other factions don't adapt like that and just lose all the time.  I track which systems they invade and go to those systems and farm them, their weapons sell for a good amount so I'm not really complaining, but I feel like if left unchecked they would eventually just take out every other faction.

I think San-Iris might be able to defend against them, so long as they don't try to go to their systems. They're all out defense focused. I can't image the UAF or Iron Shell losing to anyone, either. And then I guess PRV Starworks have pretty solid ships. Will try to update you on this one as I play on.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.11 - 02/03/24
« on: March 14, 2024, 06:01:36 AM »
Maybe a silly question, but I don't suppose you can play as the swarm?
Sort of. I do have directions to make them playable in the README file that is included in the Zip as well as under the spoiler tag labeled: The mod comes with several optional files that can be enabled before the start of a new game on this forum page's OP. I state the sort of because they are set up to be a NPC faction so if you make them playable then their faction alignment setting that make them hate and be hated by everyone blend with the "player" faction settings. So essentially when you make them playable it uses the Nexerelin player settings.

TLDR: If you enable the option to make them playable you will be on good standing with the Hivers however the faction itself will remain enemies with all other factions. As the player you will have some factions that are neutral to favorable as well as several enemies.

Ok that's what I thought. I'm not gonna play with them I just wanted to make sure that they're supposed to be the "scary" end game enemy faction type of deal.
Yes, they start off the same as the player but they are set to maximum aggression so within a cycle or two you will see them sending out invasion fleets. Whether they are early, mid or end game threats depends on how many faction mods you have installed.  The more enemies they have the slower their progression so a vanilla sector with just Hiver installed they will roll over the vanilla factions real soon.
(Sooo as in normal mode they're sort of like the AI ships you can't take them for yourself even if you beat them in combat right?)
I have the mod set to have their ships be recoverable however in that optional file I referenced earlier there is an option of make them unrecoverable.

Ah ok, got it! Thanks for the clarification there.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.11 - 02/03/24
« on: March 14, 2024, 04:58:11 AM »
Maybe a silly question, but I don't suppose you can play as the swarm?
Sort of. I do have directions to make them playable in the README file that is included in the Zip as well as under the spoiler tag labeled: The mod comes with several optional files that can be enabled before the start of a new game on this forum page's OP. I state the sort of because they are set up to be a NPC faction so if you make them playable then their faction alignment setting that make them hate and be hated by everyone blend with the "player" faction settings. So essentially when you make them playable it uses the Nexerelin player settings.

TLDR: If you enable the option to make them playable you will be on good standing with the Hivers however the faction itself will remain enemies with all other factions. As the player you will have some factions that are neutral to favorable as well as several enemies.

Ok that's what I thought. I'm not gonna play with them I just wanted to make sure that they're supposed to be the "scary" end game enemy faction type of deal. (Sooo as in normal mode they're sort of like the AI ships you can't take them for yourself even if you beat them in combat right?)

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.11 - 02/03/24
« on: March 14, 2024, 03:53:43 AM »
Maybe a silly question, but I don't suppose you can play as the swarm?

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.11 - 02/03/24
« on: March 13, 2024, 10:24:54 PM »
Only problem it'll cause is that you won't be made aware IG of new updates for those mods, really. You can play without problem at all.
The "bug" if you can call it that is the URL doesn't redirect correctly, so the checker can't do its job in those cases. The URL problem comes from the mod author's side though, not Nex.

So tldr: won't brick your save, won't ctd. It's just telling you it doesn't know if there are new updates for those mods.

That was a replay from the Nexerelin mod about this issue potentially being caused by their version checker. Apparently it's fine to just play with it.

Only problem it'll cause is that you won't be made aware IG of new updates for those mods, really. You can play without problem at all.
The "bug" if you can call it that is the URL doesn't redirect correctly, so the checker can't do its job in those cases. The URL problem comes from the mod author's side though, not Nex.

So tldr: won't brick your save, won't ctd. It's just telling you it doesn't know if there are new updates for those mods.

Ooh so it's just a case of playing normally and keeping an eye to update them whenever there are new updates? Got it, thanks!

Hey guys, I'm currently running into this issue with both the Hiver Swarm mod and Diable Avionics, were I get this error message for two of the mods I'm running. And after much discussion over at the Hiver Swarm thread and a lil bit of digging I'm starting to think that maybe the version checker integrated with Nexerelin might be the cause.

I'm currently running the latest version of the game (to my knowlege). Game running on Windows 11, using the mod manager that comes with the game and this is the first time I try to run it (The Hiver Swarm mod). It used to run fine just a few days ago.
I deleted the file from my mod game file and redownloaded the one you provide, but it says:

Name: Hiver Swarm (Message is the same for Diable Avionics, chainging the URL and the Installed Version.)
Installed version: v1.1.1
Online version: Failed to get version
failed to load master version file from URL ""

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.11 - 02/03/24
« on: March 13, 2024, 06:15:48 AM »
The mod version checker says "Failed to load" from the link you've provided.
Good morning, I will try to help figure this out but some more detail would be helpful.
Are you running the game under Linux?
Do you use a third party mod manager or the one that comes with the game launcher?
Have you been able to run it in prior version of the mod with no issue?

I ask these questions because before responding to your message, I downloaded the mod and reinstalled it and received no errors when I started a game. I then checked dropbox where I host the version file to see if it was down but had no problem accessing it. Lastly I downloaded just the version file and it does match the current version of the game and the two embedded links were correct. I am at a bit of a loss why you are receiving an error and my first response was going to be to try re-downloading the mod as your file may have been corrupted but I wanted to cover all the potential bases.

Thanks for reaching out so quickly.

I'm currently running the latest version of the game (to my knowlege). Game running on Windows 11, using the mod manager that comes with the game and this is the first time I try to run it. It used to run fine just a few days ago.
I deleted the file from my mod game file and redownloaded the one you provide, but it says:

Name: Hiver Swarm
Installed version: v1.1.1
Online version: Failed to get version
failed to load master version file from URL ""
OK thank you for the details. I clicked the link you posted and it is correct. This version of the mod has been out for over a month and this is the first report of this nature that has been reported. I also noted you are having the same issue with Diable Avionics which I also use with no issues. The only thing I can think of is that your IP is blocking the link for one reason or another. I checked Diable's version file and it uses github as it's host and I use dropbox so it is most likely not that. I will look into this further but at this stage I am honestly stumped. Maybe Caymon Joestar has a better answer so keep tuned to that forum as well.

I am sorry I do not have a solution to your problem at this time.

Thank you anyway. I'm not an expert by any means but I'll try to dig a bit see what I can find. One thing I do have is NoScript installed in Firefox (that's what I'm using, btw). I don't know If that could be doing something. I also have the free version of Bitdefender.

You might check your Bitdefender logs and check to make sure that it didn't automatically quarantine something.  There's been reports of Windows Defender erroneously flagging files in Magiclib this week too.

Thanks, but I don't see anything odd in the logs and I don't have archives in quarantine. Maybe some other mod I have installed is causing this somehow? I'm gonna try to delete my internet cache and try again.
Btw... What IF the version checker of the game is acting up on some computers?
That'd be a problem with the Version Checker then, not with Hiver Swarm. Note that it isn't "of the game" but from another mod. The basegame has no online version checker for mods.

Oooh I wait I though it had. Maybe I have installed it or it came with another mod and I just can't remember. Maybe Nexerilin or something?

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