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Topics - kazi

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Modding / How to turn 3D models into sprites. [TUTORIAL]
« on: December 05, 2013, 03:10:51 AM »
Gotten a few PMs and saw several posts invoking my name and asking how I convert 3D models to sprites. Here's a semi-detailed overview of how I do things. Mostly copy/pasted from another thread where I was trying to help somebody out.

Here's the end result of this tutorial:

Before you render or do anything else, make sure you are in love with your models when viewed from the top. I know everything looks more awesome when you view them from an angle, but the only thing people are going to see is the top, which makes most models look absolutely awful (happened for my first few ships). Add lots of armor plating, fins, and other things that stick out from the hull a little bit to add more of a 3D feeling (you want as much structural detail in the z-axis as possible- it makes the models "pop" more). Smoothen edges by beveling and break up long flat faces with a small amount of curvature to improve your modeling software's shading of your model. Also, avoid long and skinny models, bulkier ships tend to play and handle more naturally in-game (the AI also has trouble flying and/or targeting super long and skinny ships because it treats everything like it's a circle). Don't add weapons yet unless you want them to be built into the sprite and never move! If you want details on the sides of your ships to show up, you'll need to slope the sides of your ships a bit. Use lots of angles and curves to keep things interesting (90 degree angles usually don't look very good). For reference, my two most recent models had between 1k and 2k faces (much of those were from repetitive details on the engine nacelles, so you probably won't need to shoot quite so high). I recommend working on one sprite/model at a time. Typically I learn a few new things after doing each one and this way I don't end up wasting time revising my other models (or give up on them completely) as I go along. Not really a modeling tip, but I find turning on some music and just "zoning out" while I model helps a lot. Been listening to a lot lately  ;).

When you've got a model you're happy with, put your main light source above and slightly in front of the ship's center. Put another, dimmer light behind the ship to simulate an engine glow (don't go overboard here). Make sure ambient occlusion (set to multiply) and antialiasing are enabled (makes everything look prettier). Change the color of raytraced shadows to be a super-dark grey (but not completely black). Change the colors of the materials you are using to whatever you want the main ship colors to be (you can add paint and highlights later). Fool around with the material's characteristics until you get something that reflects light the way you want (takes a lot of fiddling). Render occasionally as you go along to make sure you like what you see.

When you're ready to make your final render, do a render the normal way (with all of the shading/lights/etc). Do all of the rendering to .png, in RGBA format (the background should be transparent). Make sure the camera is set to render in perspective (and not orthographic). Now disable all of the shading and everything if you can. The way I do this in blender is by checking a little box in the materials properties menu that says "shadeless." It should make your ship look totally flat with no details besides the base colors of your materials. Render again. You should now have two renders, both exactly the same size and shape. Here's a scaled down version of what mine looked like for my most recent sprite.

                 Full render                                         "Shadeless" render

You need the program GIMP (free) for this next part (not sure if photoshop has the magic tool that makes everything work  ???). Open the normal render as your base layer in a new image. Open the shadeless render in another layer on top. Set the layer mode to "grain extract." This will "rip" all of the shading out of your normal render into a very grey image. It should look like the image below. Export the "extraction" image to .png at the same size as your renders.

Now for the awesome part. Open a new image in GIMP. Use the original "shadeless" render as the base layer. Now open the "extraction" image in another layer on top. Set the extraction's layer mode to "grain merge." Your image should now look like the original render with all of the shading. Like this:

So what did we just accomplish? Although it may seem like we are back where we started, we now have two layers: one with your model's coloring, and another with all of its shading information. This makes coloring and detailing your model a breeze. Just add layers of painting/details in between your "extract" layer and your "shadeless" render. This will make it so that all of your painting and details are shaded automatically as if they were part of the original model. I'm actually pretty bad with GIMP/photoshop (I use these modeling tricks to make up for my crappy art skills), but here's sorta the progression on how I did the actual spriting. If you've done the modeling well, the painting will look amazing since it literally shades itself (even if you suck at GIMP/photoshop like me  ;)). Check out some of the other tutorials for help on the actual painting and whatnot.

Anyhow, good luck! Why am I sharing all of my super-duper secret modeling tips with all of you? Because I want to see more and better art in the mods for this game (and I'm tired of seeing kitbash after kitbash after battleships forever sprite). I always enjoy seeing and playing new stuff! Just keep in mind that my method of modeling and painting is probably one of the most time-consuming ways possible to go about making sprites. That said, it's idiot-proof and looks quite good even if you're terrible with photoshop. You just need to be willing to invest the time required to do a good job.

PM me if you've got any burning questions and let me know if you found this tutorial helpful.

Bug Reports & Support / Having some major AI issues
« on: November 26, 2013, 12:46:32 AM »
I've been having 3 major problems with the AI lately. Most of these issues were found in the simulator while playtesting mods, but I checked and they are happening in vanilla as well (these issues mainly crop up a lot during 1v1 ship duels).

- The AI kites in order to aim all beams so that they only hit the very edge of the shield envelope. If the enemy AI drops the shield, they do no damage (especially bad with burst beam weapons like the Burst PD laser or any beam with a fixed duration). The AI often will only move into range of the hull when the shield is down (then the enemy raises the shield again, which causes the beam ship to move back to firing at the exact shield range again). Can you have the AI attempt to hit the enemy ship hull at all times instead of only once the shield is down?

- When an AI ship has a lot of hard flux, it keeps its shield up and tries to move away to a "safe" range (it will only lower its shield at the "safe" distance). In situations where both combatants have equal speed (or ship systems to hold the range open), the enemy ship will pursue, and then they reach a kind of "equilibrium" where both ships will stay locked about the same distance from each other until you end the simulation. I assume this is being caused by the original ship trying to move far enough away to lower its shield to dissipate hard flux. Can you decrease the probability of the AI keeping its shields up at long ranges and increase the probability of it deciding to vent to counteract this? This is fairly exploitable at the moment, a player can engage a ship for a short duration, move away so that they are just barely within that "magic distance" (about 900-1100), vent, and then move back in to finish off the AI ship because it hasn't lost any hard flux since the last encounter.

- The AI is scared to death of missiles, especially Piliums. This is fine for frigates and destroyers, but gets a bit ridiculous when cruisers and capital ships stop literally everything they are doing to attempt dodging a missile (when they can shield tank the shots easily).

Mods / [0.95a] The Mayorate v1.1.0 (2021-11-25)
« on: November 09, 2013, 06:16:11 PM »
The Mayorate

Widely condemned in most political circles, the Mayorate is a small, isolationist star nation bordering the core worlds. Baseline humans play little to no role in government and economic activities - state affairs have been dictated by the Mayor, an AI of unknown capabilities, since the Collapse.

  • A full faction's worth of content including: new ships, new weapons, new fighters, new shipsystems, new hullmods, new star system, etc. (if it's a possible mod feature, it's probably included)
  • ~20 minutes worth of original music - most composed specifically for this mod by yours truly (don't worry, it doesn't suck)
  • High-quality and kitbash-free art, including portraits, planet textures, illustrations, and all of the GraphicsLib bells and whistles like weapons lighting and normal/materials maps
  • High-quality and vanilla-friendly writing
  • Unique weapons like nukes, mines, and Mechwarrior 4-style PPCs (check out the disruptors 8) )
  • Balanced against vanilla weapons and ships. If you suck at the game, you will continue to suck after installing this mod.

Some ship art I like:

Screenshot (I'll let you discover the other ships and weapons)

How they play:
  • The Mayorate has few allies, a relatively large military, and usually find themselves in a state of limited war with their local neighbors. Talk with one of the higher-ranking officials at a Mayorate installation for more information on the faction, recruitment, or diplomatic and military assistance. They may help you if they like you enough.
  • Mayorate craft thrive off of high flux - many weapons deal bonus damage at high flux levels (including point defense), and armor is above-average for tanking extra hits with the shields down. Lots of pressure weapons, fighters, and deep missile magazines will ensure you quickly grind down opponents as long as you keep the initiative and don't allow enemies to disengage.
  • Mayorate ships are usually quite ponderous, and pack a lot of frontal firepower and armor at the cost of speed, maneuverability, and shield efficiency. Lighter ship classes require close support from cruisers and capitals to remain effective. Fast, maneuverable opponents will quickly tear apart Mayorate forces that get separated from the herd. Don't get flanked.

Download - v1.1.0 (2021-11-25)
The Mayorate also requires LazyLib and GraphicsLib as runtime dependencies. Nexerelin is recommended if you enjoy 4x features. Blothorn and Dark.Revenant get an extra shoutout for contributing large amounts of code and/or maintaining things for the 0.10.x and 0.7.1 releases respectively. This mod is updated on an "as I feel like it" basis.

Source code - Changelog - Contributors

Modding / AI weapon range- help!
« on: October 31, 2013, 11:03:10 PM »
I have a long-duration burst weapon where I've set the maximum range to 600. The weapon is only effective around a range of 500 or less however.

My problem is that the AI will simply move to a range of 600, fire, and start moving away (unless absolutely no one is shooting at it, which never happens). This wastes the vast majority of the burst. It is not feasible to reduce the range in the weapons_data.csv file (the AI will simply move to the edge of the new range and waste its shot the same way). This problem does not happen if the AI gets in close and fires at a shorter range (at that point everything works as intended).

How do I trick the AI into thinking that the weapon range is 400 or so (without reducing the actual weapon range from 600)?

I can potentially see a solution where I give it a "rangefinder" weapon that fires in the same weapon group at a shorter range, but I was hoping for a more elegant solution.

Suggestions / Heavy beam weapons
« on: September 15, 2013, 08:39:35 PM »
I know this has probably been suggested before, but Starsector really needs some high damage/high OP/high flux weapons with a long chargeup (with awesome sound fx). Weapons that will absolutely tear another ship apart if the shields are down, but putthe ship that's firing them in significant danger. The reason you'd want weapons like this is to exploit openings in capital ship defenses, an area where most weapons are currently lacking. I want scarier strike weapons that let you know when they're about to be fired, and force the player to immediately respond or take crippling damage. Weapons with some "oomph" to them.

Anyhow, before you all say "OMG THAT WOULD BE SO OVERPOWERED." I made a mod/video to demonstrate what I mean. Took me awhile to get the feel right.

Behold: the Heavy Beam Array.

It does a similar amount of damage as Reaper torpedoes, but at the cost of about 5k flux. It's pretty useless against shields, and if you get hit during the chargeup cycle and reach max flux, it doesn't fire - leaving you defenseless (flux is generated as you charge the weapon). You usually have to drop your shields in order to not overload yourself. Also it's worth pointing out that it has the OP cost of several smaller weapons, and other weapon combinations actually out DPS it. An autopulse+2 antimatter blasters finish off the Condor much quicker and with less flux, for instance. Ignore the phase skimmer lol...

Anyhow I think weapons like this would be a great addition to vanilla Starsector. Instead of having only weapons that go pewpewpewpewpew, we could have a few that go PEW. PEW. PEW. In short: high risk, high reward.

The CR drain is a good mechanic. Problem is, it's dialed up WAY too high right now. Supplies are so prohibitively expensive that its nearly impossible to buy them in bulk from stations. Buying supplies costs more than ships, weapons, crew, and fuel. The ONLY practical way to acquire them at the moment is to take on and destroy fleets of baddies. Unfortunately, this makes it impossible to repair your ships if things go poorly. Or even maintain your ships if things go well.

There are two really easy ways to lose the game right now. Both, ironically, involve winning battles.

- Repairing damaged ships eats so many supplies that it often costs the price of your ship to repair it and bring it up to combat readiness. Sure, you can sell ships for money, but in my experience, that often isn't even close to enough to cover repair costs for a larger vessel. If you only have a single ship with depleted CR or damage, it starts a positive feedback loop. You need supplies to fight, but you can't purchase them because you don't have the money. Which means that you have to fight in order to get supplies. Frequently, a close battle will leave you victorious, but you find yourself heavily damaged and unable to regain CR. You're done. Game over.

- The most frustrating way to lose at the moment is the CR cost of deploying large ships. The Conquest, for instance, loses ~30% CR every time you deploy it. That works out to be something like 200-400 supplies per fight depending on if you take damage (800-900 supplies if things go bad). The price of operating a Conquest works out to be around ~30000 credits from deployment alone. Any loss of supplies (even deciding not to fight while "shopping" for ships/weapons) results in the positive feedback loop I described earlier. This is especially bad if you enjoy cruising around with a solo capital ship (or if your escort frigates/destroyers get blown up in a stroke of bad luck). You just can't do it anymore. The CR drain REQUIRES you to be constantly fighting, all the time. If not, you lose.

Let me be clear: this is in no way a "learn to play" issue. The prohibitive cost of supplies and the rate at which you lose supplies if you're not always fighting means that a lot of playstyles that were a lot of fun simply are no longer viable. You're punished for taking risks or engaging in fights where the odds are even. You get forced into just constantly killing small fleets that offer no challenge whatsoever so you can maintain supply (boring!). Sure, the price of supplies should be higher than it was before, but right now it breaks the bank and the game.

General Discussion / What happened to coasting?
« on: September 14, 2013, 10:55:14 PM »
So from my small amount of gameplay so far, coasting seems to be completely broken in this patch. Putting shields up seems to instantly slow you down, and you lose any speed bonus from maneuvering jets the second they end. Combined with the fact that elite and veteran crew no longer give speed bonuses, it's like the ships take twice as long to go anywhere.

The absence of coasting has really hurt gameplay. Chasing down ships has turned into a game of put up the shields to block one missile, put down shields, vent, accelerate to your previous speed, and repeat. This has turned any pursuit/trying to move around in a battle into an extremely frustrating experience where all you do is micromanage your shields and engines the entire time.

I don't care whether this is intended behavior or not, how do I mod the game so that coasting works again? Thanks!

General Discussion / Phase beam... most pointless gun ever.
« on: February 19, 2013, 03:36:39 PM »
Is it just me, or is the phase beam a very, very weak weapon? Virtually every other medium energy weapon is a better use of OP. If you want raw DPS, it's a better idea to equip heavy/mining blasters. If you want sustained fire, invest in pulse lasers. If you want to take down a shield, use graviton beams. Right now pulse lasers do everything the phase beam does, but better. The higher flux cost is offset by the fact that pulse lasers do far more DPS and have low OP costs, letting you equip more vents to offset the flux.

Aside from looking cool, what does the phase beam do well?

Anyhow the point of this post is that I think this gun needs to be reworked. It's really cool looking, but it currently has no role (I know it used to be a weapon that killed phase ships, but those mechanics aren't used anymore).

I personally believe that energy weapons tend to be a little weak in the anti-armor department (whereas ballistic weapons do all types of damage well). I think it would make this gun relevant again if the phase beam did high explosive damage instead of energy. Plus I'd feel like I was shooting one of the capital ship lasers from Freespace or something, just tear a ship apart if their shields went down. The phase beam would finally have some "oomph" to it.

Suggestions / Add a retreat timer
« on: December 02, 2012, 12:39:47 AM »
Right now there is no reason to use the "try to escape" option in battles. It's a lot better to just hit attack/defend and then order a full retreat the second combat starts. Doing that saves all of your ships, and you'll rarely take significant damage.

I think a "retreat timer" should be added if the player chooses either the attack or defensive stances. If the player chooses "all out attack," retreating is not allowed for 2 min. If the player chooses "defensive formation", retreating is not allowed for 1 min. Until something like this is implemented, the "try to escape" option is pointless (because you're likely to lose more ships than just using another stance and insta-retreating).

Suggestions / A "do not deploy" option in the fleet menu
« on: December 02, 2012, 12:34:39 AM »
Exactly what it sounds like.

Mainly I'm tired of when my captured ships (with no weapons or health) autodeploy at the beginning of a battle and I have to waste a command point telling them to insta-retreat. Some option that allows the player to control which ships autodeploy in smaller battles would be super helpful.

Suggestions / A couple issues with the current build.
« on: November 29, 2012, 07:07:45 PM »
This isn't really a bug report, just a few things that were probably design oversights and that I think should be addressed in future builds. Wasn't really sure which forum to put it under.

-When you lose a ship, you somehow get to keep all of it's cargo, people, and fuel. While this might seem useful at first to the player, it causes a couple problems. Example: I had a bad autoresolve experience in iron mode and lost virtually my entire fleet except for one Vigilance. Unfortunately, I still had all of my supplies and the accident risk instantly went to extreme. I had an 'major accident' occur literally 10 seconds after the battle ended and lost my last ship. To avoid this in the future, the player should lose all crew, cargo, and fuel upon losing a ship (to the point where the remaining ships can hold everything without an accident).

-The time acceleration key needs to be toggle-able (caps lock anyone?). Even with the travel speed perks, I find myself holding the key down virtually all the time I am flying around lol... I'm probably not the only one with this problem.

Otherwise, great game!

General Discussion / fleet tactics
« on: July 03, 2012, 04:01:06 PM »
First of all, got the game a week ago and loving it. I've been looking for a game like this for quite some time. I love the Apogee, mostly because its shields almost never go down (making it near invincible with hardened shields and lots of capacitors). The Sunder is pretty fun too... give it antimatter blasters + MRMs and you can pretty much kill any capital ship in seconds if it doesn't notice you sneaking up on it.

Second of all, I feel obliged to point out some difficulties I've been having with the tactical system. (The reason I'm posting this is that I hope these issues get addressed, so that the game can be as fun as it can be when it is released.)

1. There is no (easy/straightforward) way to get your capital ships to stick together. I feel like every time I go into a battle with a large fleet, one or two of my cruisers/destroyers will wander off and get itself completely mauled because it left the relative safety of the other ships. (Yes, I'm aware of escort commands- they don't work on anything of cruiser class or larger.) I've found that you can order your whole fleet to defend/assault a certain point and they will more or less stay there once they arrive (they still travel to the location separately though + this requires a lot of micromanagement to move your fleet together around the map). What this game needs is a "stay together command" that means all of your ships will stay within a certain distance of each other and travel the same speed as the slowest ship, regardless of where they are traveling. An "escort" command that works for capital ships/cruisers would also be extremely useful.

2. The ship class groupings seem to be automatically determined by weapons loadout/ship type, which is EXTREMELY frustrating. I often order my fire support/carriers to a safe location somewhere, far away from the front lines. Only later do I discover that my heavy battleship has decided that it wants to be fire support for the day (because I equipped an LRM on it or whatnot). It's a horrible surprise to find your best ship out of action because simply you equipped a certain weapon on it. This makes LRMs and other long range weapons unmountable on your combat ships if you intend to use the "fire support" command at any point. Some of the mods have issues with this system, too. For instance, most of the Federation capital ships have flight decks, which makes the "carrier" grouping pretty meaningless because every one of your ships is defined as a carrier. Can we have a set of checkboxes in the refit screen that determine which categories a ship will fall under in the tactics screen (carrier, fire support, civilian, etc.)?


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