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Messages - Alex

Pages: 1 ... 1420 1421 [1422] 1423 1424 ... 1632
Bug Reports & Support / Re: Can't make new save
« on: September 03, 2012, 09:47:00 AM »
Could you post the entire console output? These couple of lines don't have the error - the last section of the output is performance data.

Bug Reports & Support / Re: Eagle thinks it is broadside
« on: September 02, 2012, 07:15:31 PM »
This bug is really plaguing the PvP RP 'thing'.
I's quite common for the AI to get into a situation where it point-blank refuses to fire weapons with high flux usage on enemies that have larg capacity/high shield efficiency.

Glad to hear it's fixed!
Any chance of rolling it out in a patch release?   :-*

Yeah, the game's not really built for dedicated AI-vs-AI combat. No chance of a hotfix for this, it barely affects actual core gameplay. I mean, if it was trivial to roll out, I'd do it... but I'm not going to mess with branching the code just for that :)

Edit: it shouldn't affect ships with any kinetic weaponry to speak of, btw - except for some particular unusual cases.

...and while you're at it, can you make any sense of this bug?

Ah, not a bug. If a ship only has one weapon group, it assumes you forgot to assign weapon groups and does it automatically. I realize there's a few edge cases where it's not wanted, but on the balance of it I think it's a good thing - it prevents one from ending up with an unplayable fit because they forgot to assign groups - which happens a lot, especially for new players.

I don't understand why this was a problem in that particular case - how was splitting the group messing up the ship's AI? If anything it ought to perform better, as it'd put the turret on auto-fire.

I'll make a note to set a flag for a variant to check that it has had it's groups edited manually since the last time its loadout changed, though... or some such.

Bug Reports & Support / Re: Eagle thinks it is broadside
« on: September 02, 2012, 05:00:10 PM »
It's not common, but every now and then you'll see one of the two ships turn maybe 20 to 30 degrees away, even while its shields are still up.  That may be the sort of thing the OP is talking about?  It's more common on some custom variants of other hulls, but I don't remember any really good examples.

That's ok and frequently beneficial for spreading damage around.

...And then, once they run out of missile ammo, they tend to get locked into a staring match.  Which also feels kinda buggy, even if it's not related to this issue.

That, on the other hand, was definitely a bug - just fixed it. It'd think that firing at the enemy shields was a relative waste of flux (spend more than cost the enemy) but it wasn't considering that it can dissipate away the soft flux. Thanks for reporting it!

Suggestions / Re: Story Line Suggestion
« on: September 02, 2012, 03:25:23 PM »
Truly, I would like to see maybe not scripted plot, but more personality from characters. I just don't feel for them or feel myself in the protagonist. I dunno.

Fair enough, but, you know, that part isn't ... done isn't the right word - it's more like not started, implementation-wise. There's nothing to connect to, really. So while I agree with what you're saying, I don't think it's a concern because it's fully expected at this stage :)

Suggestions / Re: Story Line Suggestion
« on: September 02, 2012, 02:36:10 PM »
Looking at your ceramic pot example, does it have a storyline? Clearly, that's not a requirement for something to be art.

Bug Reports & Support / Re: The Typo Thread
« on: September 02, 2012, 01:14:21 PM »
Thanks, guys - keep 'em coming :)

Oh, and the description also speaks about large energy slots on the Aurora.

Ah yes - the three main turrets all used to be large (so did the turrets on the Eagle and the Falcon, btw).

Mods / Re: Neutrino Corp. (v. 1.375)
« on: September 02, 2012, 01:05:54 PM »
Ack. Even I thought the behavior was different in that particular case. Especially because it's advantageous with poorly guided missiles to shoot behind the target to get the missile to chase. Rather than trying to intercept the target perpendicularly.

Actually, what I said isn't quite right. It'll lead the target with unguided missiles, yes. But with poorly guided missiles it tries to kill the relative velocity between ships prior to launch (and it'll actually try to do this with unguided missiles, as well).

Edit: The exact details aren't exactly suited for a clear explanation - there are a *lot* of edge cases here, with slightly different behavior - depending on ammo count, relative ship sizes, hitpoints, etc. So, let's just say that it tries to do the smart thing (not to say it always succeeds) and does take ship movement into account - in various ways - when trying to aim all types of weapons.

Mods / Re: Neutrino Corp. (v. 1.375)
« on: September 02, 2012, 12:44:48 PM »
missile tracking. What about missile launch? Does the AI launch directly at the target or does it lead? Because leading is the correct behavior in this case. Actually, there isn't an easy answer. The torps subtly track, Which throws off pretty much most attempts to aim them.

Yeah, it leads the target with unguided or poorly guided missiles - again, quality dependent on crew level.

Mods / Re: Neutrino Corp. (v. 1.375)
« on: September 02, 2012, 12:32:55 PM »
As a general, the game's ai sadly doesn't include projectile speed into the calculations for aiming weaponry, if it's a missile, ballistic or whatever, it'll still point the gun straight at the current position of the enemy, probably for good reason, if the AI could make perfect shots all the time, why would you want to have player aim-able weaponry at all? :P

Happened to see this, and wanted to comment - the AI absolutely *does* take projectile speed into account. The quality of this prediction varies with crew experience, with elite crews being very good at it, and green crews being woefully inadequate.

As for bombers, again, the quality of the prediction varies with crew level - but bombs are also very hard to aim, since the target ship has plenty of opportunity to move out of the way or simply change its velocity vector.

The missile tracking algorithm uses a similar method of prediction to aim at where the target is going to be, and the ECCM mod improves it.

Bug Reports & Support / Re: Onslaught Default Variant Malfunction
« on: September 02, 2012, 10:55:49 AM »
Let's keep the posts on this board on topic with respect to the board, not just each individual thread. Once it becomes clear something isn't a bug (or is resolved), I'd appreciate it if any further discussion of it took place elsewhere.


In dev mode, you can press 'F8' while in combat to reload everything (except for images), including scripts. So if you edit a mission script, instead of reloading the game, all you have to do is get into combat in some way (pressing '1' to get to a leftover testing ground works), press F8, and re-run the mission.

Bug Reports & Support / Re: Can't make new save
« on: September 02, 2012, 09:28:29 AM »
Hi - have you been able to create new games before on 10.7, or is this a recent development?

Could you open up Terminal and run these commands?

cd /Applications/

(Assuming Starfarer is under Applications, if not, adjust accordingly). The log output should be in the console.

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Re: The Lore Corner
« on: September 02, 2012, 09:26:17 AM »
What about the guys in The Last Hurrah? Are they the last remaining thread of the government saving the world from total annihilation in the vain hope to reestablish order?

They're more concerned with saving the people on that world - friends, families, loved ones. Most of them - the commanders, certainly - realize that the world has gone over the brink and is beyond saving in the long-term. Not that they have much hope of success going into that battle - it's more of a "die with the world" than an earnest effort to do something useful.

In the context of that mission - if they did win, they'd probably become the first refugee fleet to leave the planet.

Also, which ship is the most comfortable, the least?

High tech is more comfortable - sleek, clean interiors. Lower tech ships are more cramped, with lots of exposed piping, wiring and conduits, and other things to bang your head against if you're not careful. Larger ships tend to be more comfortable, especially for the officers and the captain.

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Re: The Lore Corner
« on: September 01, 2012, 09:20:35 PM »
With the understanding that a lot of stuff is TBD/liable to get retconned the instant it becomes convenient to do so, let me answer a couple of these.

-How are "independent" systems governed (like Exar, I mean). Do they have things under control? Are pirates particularly rampant in worlds not controlled by hegemony or tri-tachyon? Is the hegemony actually doing Exar a favor by taking it out of the incompetent hands of the Exar High Command (Does Exar High Command even exist?)

They have things under control, as much as anyone else. The Hegemony isn't doing Exar any favors, though - the government in that world has collapsed, and restoring it to order is something beyond the power of anyone in the Sector to do. The Hegemony fleet is coming to glass the decivilized world, to remove it as a destabilizing influence - otherwise its industrial facilities/tech may fall into the hands of undesirable elements, it'll serve as a source of manpower for pirates and such, refugees will flood nearby worlds, etc.

-Are the Ludii a major threat to the military? or are civilian targets all they go for?

Generally, they go after softer targets and try to destabilize the government, whatever it happens to be. Details heavily TBD, though.

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