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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Topics - Lukas04

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions / Reword the description of "Derelict Operations"
« on: August 19, 2024, 02:21:27 PM »
While re-implementing Derelict Operations within my own mod i noticed that the description feels very confusing, especialy when you misread it just slightly.

The second line is described as: "(D) hull deployment cost reduction also applies to maintenance cost".
Just by missing that it doesnt refer to it as "points", its very easy to asume this refers to the 6% deployment points cost modifier that the skill itself provides, not that it actually refers to the recovery cost reduction from dmods themself.
I think for a newer player it would also be more useful if it directly refered to dmods there, as just refering it to a reduction generaly provided to d-hulls is a bit indirect. 

I think making it more specific would be worth it, as it is very easy to read it as a 30% reduction at most, which while good, is way less than it can actually provide you.

I think this may have been reported before, but there is an ongoing issue where when mods try to change how the Automated Ships skill works, AI cores will no longer drop from opposing fleets.
However, this only starts happening if the player acquires this skill.

I know this is also an issue for the "Quality Captains" mod, but while i have been working on my own skill rework, i stumbled across the same issue.
Luckily i dont need it for the most part, as my AutoShips skill is entirely Seperate, but i still need to overwrite it to avoid a few issues, as the unapply() method would otherwise keep removing the recoverability tag.

For a few reasons however, like other mods checking for the acquirement of the skill, id like to give the player the skill in the background in my mod, but due to the mentioned issue thats not possible.

I tried a few things but i couldnt really pin down as to why it happens, i also havent found anything of note when looking through the code.

Mods / [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« on: August 07, 2024, 01:00:20 PM »


Second-in-Command is a full overhaul of the games skill system.
It replaces the existing skill screen with new UI that functions differently to before.
Make sure to read the compatibility section further below before downloading.

All skills except for Combat skills have been replaced. In their place, you now find Executive Officers.
Where you previously found the Leadership, Technology and Industry trees, you now find three slots to assign this new type of officer to.
Each executive officer has an aptitude, said aptitude determines which skills they provide when assigned in to one of those slots.
Every officer has their own skill points to spend, up to five. The player now uses their maximum of 8 skill points on any of the 14 vanilla combat skills.
Overall, the mod as of now adds 93 new skills mixed in to those new aptitudes.

What differences does it make?

With those changes, as the players skillpoints are seperate, the player no longer has to decide between piloting and fleet-wide skills.
No longer do you have to give up your fun in piloting a ship to get great logistical bonuses.

With the 9 aptitudes and 93 skills within them, you now have much more choice for your builds.
However, since only three aptitudes can be active at the same time, you have to make much more specialised choices.

You could say that the base-games system brings you towards a Jack-of-all-trades build.
Meanwhile this mod encourages you to combine the aptitudes that would most support your fleet build.
You could combine the Automation, Smallcraft and Piracy aptitude to create an automated self-sustaining swarm. 

Officers have to first be found, that can be in comm-links on colonies, or in cryo-pods during exploration.
A unique bar-encounter is available right after beginning a game to choose a starting officer.

Very importantly, NPCs have not been left out!
All NPC fleets have their own executive officers with their own choice of skills.
As you face stronger fleets, you also encounter them with more of skills.


As this mod is a rather intrusive change to the system, some minor issues are to be expected.
Notably, this mod is not compatible with most other mods that perform changes to vanilla skills or the system.
Those are currently: Quality Captains, A New Level of Confidence, Truly Automated Ships & Adjustable Skill Thresholds.

Mods that add skills that are not normaly visible on the skills screen however will generaly work.
If for example, a mod adds a skill that is applied to an officer or the player through some unique interaction, it will generaly work.
Mods that add skill bars to the base games system will have them not show up here, but should otherwise do fine.

Custom Starts that start the game of with the "Automated Ships" skill will have the skill replaced with an Automation XO.
If a mod gives the player a vanilla skill that isnt a combat one, it is automaticly deactivated.

Cross-Mod Support

List of Mods with Second-in-Command Integration

Random Assortment of Things
Emergent Threats
Dustkeeper XO - Secrets of the Frontiers Integration

Integrating your own mod

The system is easily modifieable to add new aptitudes with their own skills.
Aptitudes can be made to be unique and only show up on custom officers, or only spawn on a specific factions fleet.
You can the modding documentation here

You can ask me to have your mod added in the list above, however i may not add it there if it doesnt atleast somewhat follow the design guidelines shown in the documentation.

Suggestions / Modules FleetMemberAPIs have no FleetDataAPI
« on: August 03, 2024, 08:09:34 AM »
While i understand that modules dont really have any priority as in their vanilla use case they work mostly fine, this specific issues is a bit of a pain when doing anything in the modded enviroment.

Due to this, there is no reliable way to tell what fleet a module is part of.
In my case, this is an issue since i require data from its fleet to load skill data for my mod. (The skills are handled through invisible hmods).
Within combat itself, i can access the fleet by looking for its parents ShipAPI, but the same, as far as i can tell, can not be applied to anything within the campaign, so skills triggered by my hullmods "applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation" function could not identify what fleet the module is part of.

Suggestions / Add a RAM configuration to the Starsector Launcher
« on: July 12, 2024, 05:18:02 AM »
With the upcoming change to java17, players no longer have to do the annoying (and for many confusing) step of replacing their java installation with another, however one part of that process would still remain, which is changing how much RAM is configured for the game.

It would be great if this could be simplified by it becoming an option within the launcher itself, that way people do no longer need to mess with the game files themself.
I did hear that at some point there was an attempt at this already? Havent heard why it was not implemented in the end though.

The 30 ships limit is generaly understandable, but can also feel pretty Awkward for certain fleet builds. In the end you just get more value with higher DP ships.
I think giving a +5 to the limit on both Wolfpack Tactics and Support Doctrine would feel nice quite nice and negates the issue atleast a little bit.

Have been rendering a the same thing (a full screen background) using two seperate custom campaign entities, so that when you swap between both systems, it should keep the same render, doing this to test some other things.

Doing so ive noticed that theres two frames in which the render function isnt called for either of them, which can give some off results.

Video of it below, you can see it with bare eyes and can see it stop rendering for the final frame in hyperspace and stop rendering for the first frame in the new system.

I think the persean abyss introduced in 0.97a gives a lot of oppertunity to add more towards hyperspace for mods, but there are a few components missing to make it more seamless.
Im gonna mention two things that would be really helpful and i think relatively easy to implement that should help a lot with it.

1. A Settings.json config that disables the clamping of the hyperspace map.

The default behaviour of the hyperspace map (or any map in general) is to not allow moving the camera past the maps bounds.
I think it would be very useful to be able to disable this behaviour through a simple config that a mod can disable if needed.

2. Add a dynamic stat to the player fleet that modifies the abyssal depth.

Replacing the entire "HyperspaceAbyssPluginImpl" class just to modify the abyssal depth would be prone to incompatibility between mods, and is a rather jank way to do so.
I am currently considering adding areas outside of the map bounds, and it would be nice to be able to add a multiplier to the current depth to avoid abyssal behaviour, like the slow down or background change when needed.

3. Enabling a Terrain Plugin to render to the starscape map.

This one is optional, as i asume this requires more work than the others, and is not as essentialy, but being able to only render towards the non-starscape version of the map feels very limiting even outside of the scope im talking here, as most people appear to prefer using the starscape map.

Overall i think most of this would be very useful to modders, as the main area of the persean abyss is very small, and you wouldnt want to clutter it to much, or come in to conflict with whatever a future vanilla update is adding. I would really appreciate if the first two points could be integrated!

Mods love to add their own types of automated ships, but a part that tends to be annoying is the reliance on the automated ships hullmod.
Sometimes mods would prefer to add their own handling of automated points, or have extra flavor, different icon or utility added to the hullmod, but as it is you have to add the hullmod on all automated ships, as otherwise the officer picker wont recognize it as an automated ship.

So my suggestion is to either:

1. Add a "automated" tag to hullmods and use this for detecting if something is an automated ship.
2. Check if any of the ships hullmods inherit from the "Automated" hullmods plugin.

Making my own modded neural-link adjacent ability currently, and i noticed that giving the ability a bit of slowdown on switch helps to give the ability some impact, and makes it more comfortable to use.
Just a three times time slow down (applied to the engine only, not the ship) that decays over a 4th or half of a second feels pretty good as it doesnt feel disruptive, and feels a bit fairer when you swap in to a new situation.

Example Video:

Bug Reports & Support / DEMs missing certain damage modifiers
« on: April 21, 2024, 07:01:47 AM »
DEMs currently adjust for the stat changes to ballistic/energy/missile mods, but the "damageToX", X being the hullsize, stats are not currently being applied to DEMs.

This means that if a hullmod adjusts this stat, it does not apply to the DEMs damage.
This can make DEMs both much worse or much better on certain types of ships that adjust for these stats. This also means that skills like Wolfpack tactics have no effect on DEM damage.

Fleets previews display bars of how many smods & dmods the ships in the fleet have.
It would be useful to be able to display modded hullmods like it aswell, in case mods have their own, custom unique type of hullmods that would be important to warn the user of.

In terms of how it should be implemented, it would be nice if just returning from a method like "getPreviewBarColor" would cause a bar for the hullmod to be displayed with the specified color.

Suggestions / [Modding Request] Officer Picker Listener
« on: January 21, 2024, 06:58:59 AM »
Having a listener for the officer picker in the refit/fleet window would be quite useful and solve a lot of issues with the existing systems.
At the moment, you can only have officer pickers that either select a human officer within your fleets list of officers, or one that creates AI core people based on the cores in your inventory.

This feels rather limitting, as it restricts the choice to those two systems.
Thus, being able to add a listener that is called when the menu is opened, with the following properties:

1. Has access to the ShipAPI/Variant/Member of the selected ship, making it possible to filter based on ship, hullmods, etc.
2. Is able to add PersonAPIs to the list of selectable officers.
3. Can prevent the basegames & lower priority listeners from adding PersonAPIs to the picker if wanted.

This would allow to create a lot more types of ships that may be possible, but have rather clunky implementations and feel unwieldy for the player.
Some example usecases are:

1. An Automated Ship that can only install certain cores
2. An Automated Ship that could decide between different personalities, having rather a built-in set of cores that you can pick one from.
3. Automated ships that do not rely on the "Automated" Hullmod, or allow for the creation of a custom "Automated" Hullmod through this listener.
4. Ships that could house both humans or ai cores.
5. Human Officers that can only be put in to certain ships (Specialities, etc)
6. Ways to add new types of officers besides ai-cores and humans.

And the list goes on, but needless to say it would open the doors for quite a few things.
None of those things are something that vanilla probably needs, but not having a neat way to handle most of those cases has been a struggle so far.


Looking for a server about modmaking for starsector?

Click on the Banner above to join!

"Galatia Academy" is a small discord intended for people to discuss modding questions or to share their modded works, and in general just exchange about anything starsector modding.
Be that configuration, spriting, drawing or programming for anything starsector.
The servers goal is to give a platform for improving at making mods, but also just create a positive vibe in which you can share your creative passion.

This server is specificly for mod creation, if you want to chat about just playing starsector, we recommend checking out USC instead.

Suggestions / Make AI-Cores show their Point Multiplier on hover
« on: January 07, 2024, 06:16:29 PM »
Its something ive been doing for my mods for a bit, and i think it would be a good vanilla mechanic to have for the three vanilla cores.

Ive seen a lot of people that are even unaware about the points multiplier, since the only place that its mentioned at is in the automated ships skill description.

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