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Messages - BigBrainEnergy

Pages: 1 ... 45 46 [47]
Modding / Re: Hullmods not showing up with mods, help please
« on: February 20, 2022, 04:30:50 PM »
Ok, I just updated concord and now everything works perfectly. Thanks!

Modding / Re: Hullmods not showing up with mods, help please
« on: February 19, 2022, 02:15:39 PM »
I just tried it out and yeah same thing. At the very least I have a workaround, but I have no idea why it works.

Modding / Re: Hullmods not showing up with mods, help please
« on: February 18, 2022, 09:33:40 PM »
I started a new save with modern carriers turned off, then added it to the game afterwards and there are no issues. All hullmods are showing up now.

Modding / Re: Hullmods not showing up with mods, help please
« on: February 17, 2022, 01:59:29 PM »
Oh, almost forgot tahlan shipworks. That's all of them.

Modding / Re: Hullmods not showing up with mods, help please
« on: February 17, 2022, 01:52:44 PM »
I'm using modern carriers (which requires concord) and fighter expansion. I had the tag issue when I was just using modern carriers, but that's easy enough to just click on the tags once I learned about it. Now that I have both active it's gotten weird.

Modding / Hullmods not showing up with mods, help please
« on: February 17, 2022, 09:47:21 AM »
Yes, I have all the tags turned on. Every time I start a new save it's like a roulette for what hullmods are available. Each save file excludes different hullmods at random, including vanilla hullmods. I'll find the blueprint something like ITU and it just never becomes available in the refit screen, so I open a new game and this time it does show up but heavy armor doesn't. I've tried unlocking them normally and through console commands and it doesn't change. I've tried saving and reloading and it seems that whatever hullmods get excluded is already decided before I try unlocking them, with each save file getting different ones. Even if I find more blueprints it says they're already unlocked when they clearly aren't available. Can someone explain what the hell is going on?

Suggestions / Re: "Accelerated Shields" has got to go
« on: February 15, 2022, 06:09:31 PM »
I'm aware that not all omni ships get frontal conversion (particularly larger ships), but I use it as a frame of reference to compare how much value it provides for its op cost to help demonstrate why accelerated shields is being done dirty in its current iteration.

Suggestions / Re: "Accelerated Shields" has got to go
« on: February 15, 2022, 05:57:51 PM »
The cost increase I proposed would change the op cost of stabilized shields from 3/6/9/15 to 3/6/10/18.
Destroyers and frigates would only get the upside, while the increase for cruisers is only 1... that's small enough that the loss in efficiency is negligible. Even capitals paying 3 more op wouldn't care all that much. Basically, you are paying the same op cost as frontal shield conversion for the reduced upkeep cost but getting a different effect attached. I think this is more interesting than just making accelerated shields super cheap, which in the current state of the game they should be for the effect they provide.

Suggestions / "Accelerated Shields" has got to go
« on: February 15, 2022, 04:35:52 PM »
   The title may sound a bit extreme, but to understand where I'm coming from let's first examine what types of ships are most inclined to use accelerated shields: omni-shielders. The reason is most omni-shielders struggle in large fleet battles due to small arcs and slow shield speeds, and being able to point said shields in any direction does not seem to make up for this. As a result, almost every omni-shield ship has to shore up its defenses by grabbing one of two hullmods: frontal shield conversion or accelerated shields. There's just one problem: NOBODY picks accelerated shields.

    The reality is that most omni-shielders take frontal shield conversion by default because once you factor in the reduced shield upkeep you're paying fewer OP for the actual shield effect than you would pay for accelerated shields. From a design standpoint I think accelerated shields provide an interesting choice that should add depth to ship design, but it costs far too many OP for what it provides. So what do we do? Reduce the ordnance cost? That's a fairly boring but feasible option, but I think I have a better idea. Why not remove accelerated shields and give its effects to stabilized shields. We can increase the OP cost to match frontal shield conversion as payment for this effect.

   I like this option because it actually hits two birds with one stone: currently, stabilized shields might be the most boring hullmod in vanilla. It's almost identical in purpose to flux distributors, but has the "unique" property of varying in efficiency based on shield upkeep. In reality, this results in a binary where some ships ALWAYS take it (looking at you, apogee) and everyone else will usually not take it. With these changes we may actually find that more ships take it because the increase in shield speed is worth the marginal loss in OP efficiency. Or it may not be. Time will tell.

   With these new changes both stabilized shields and frontal shields would offer the same upkeep reduction for the same price along with the same speed-doubling effect. Which one you pick would come down to whether you think the ship needs a larger fixed shield or a smaller mobile shield. If one choice turns far too popular it would be simple to tweak the OP cost from there to balance things out.

   These are my full thoughts on accelerated shields, but what do you think? Are accelerated shields fine as they are? Do you have a better idea for how to change them? I'd love to here other opinions on this.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Modern Carriers 1.8.3
« on: February 11, 2022, 05:29:56 PM »
Thanks! This solved my problem, although it's a bit weird because I started a new game after getting the mod to avoid issues like this.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Modern Carriers 1.8.3
« on: February 11, 2022, 03:27:06 PM »
I'm having an issue with modern carriers where the carrier cores are available in missions but not in the actual game even after unlocking them. What's up with that?

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