A hullmod that boosts small energy range has the problem that it closes the design gap between ballistics and energies, so I doubt that would happen. The real issue with small energy weapons is there are only three types:
- Good weapons (am-blaster, burst pd, ion cannon)
- Bad weapons (ir pulse laser)
- Mid weapons (everything else)
I'm not too concerned with the "mid" weapons, as they still have their uses. It's also probably better for a long range weapon like the taclaser to be "mid" rather than meta defining.
The problem with the ir-pulse is the energy damage typing is a massive drawback on weapons with low hit strength. Compare it to the light dual AC: you get good efficiency and dps against shields for a low price, but not much else. Its usefulness is entirely off the back of that kinetic typing. The irpulse in comparison loses 100 range but is much more accurate (fair trade), and has the same flux efficiency + very similar dps. Nothing else about this comparison seems out of place other than the change in damage type, which makes it is far less useful then the LDAC because its shield dps is cut in half and all it gets in return is going from 25 hit strength to 50 hit strength. That's not enough for it to be an anti-armor weapon, so you're going to be adding those to your build anyways unless you only plan to fight frigates. Overall this makes the extra hit strength mostly useful against hull where it provides a small improvement in dps and flux efficiency. I'd rather have +100% damage versus shields.
The hit strength of energy weapons is crucial, because low hit strength weapons feel more like kinetic weapons (irpulse) while high hit strength weapons feel more like high explosive (heavy blaster). If the heavy blaster can have a ridiculous efficiency at 1.44 then maybe the irpulse can have a ridiculous efficiency like 0.6. I mean we tested that out on the LDAC which is already a fine weapon, so why not on the irpulse?