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Topics - BigBrainEnergy

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Suggestions / Raise the level cap to 20
« on: May 22, 2023, 04:11:55 PM »
Some people feel like combat skills are inferior to fleet skills, others think they're mandatory, but the one thing everyone seems to agree on lately is complaining about the skill system. Just raise the level cap to 20 and let us have 4 capstones. Problem solved! There's still plenty of room for build variety and there's no way to get a sneaky 5 capstones, so I can't think of any real downsides. I sincerely doubt going 10 leadership will be better than 5 combat/5 leadership, and vice versa.

Bug Reports & Support / FMR bug (minor)
« on: May 21, 2023, 08:11:34 AM »
A pegasus with 4 linked pilum catapults will use FMR even when none of the launchers have any missiles stored up.

Bug Reports & Support / Neural link bug
« on: May 16, 2023, 05:56:01 PM »
You lose all your combat skills if your flagship blows up while controlling the linked ship.

I'm really tired of food shipments from the core worlds getting disrupted when I have my own planet providing food. Why are we relying on shipments from 20 ly away when my colonies are right next to each other? It makes no sense.

After save scumming a battle that went poorly and finding it went much smoother when the capture points spawned differently, I am once again reminded how much I despise the rectangle map layout. It always leads to capital ships chasing single frigates right off the bat on top of the fact that the battles just go on much longer due to the objectives being further apart and it's more difficult to grab 3 points at the start of the battle... all problems the other layouts don't have. Is there any way to remove/change this?

General Discussion / [Redacted] can use safety overrides now.
« on: May 09, 2023, 09:28:01 PM »

I've only seen it a couple of times, both on the new cruiser.

Bug Reports & Support / Menu hotkeys stop functioning sometimes
« on: May 09, 2023, 03:39:59 PM »
I'll start by saying I have no idea what causes this, but sometimes when I open a menu it causes all keyboard input to stop working for anywhere from just a few seconds to forever. It also fixes itself if I exit the menu using the mouse, a feature which I didn't think I'd ever need but suddenly appreciate a lot more.

Bug Reports & Support / Manticore (LP) listed as a pirate design.
« on: May 09, 2023, 12:47:29 PM »

Bug Reports & Support / Main questline will not progress.
« on: May 08, 2023, 02:48:44 PM »
I scanned the gates and spoke with everyone at the academy but Horus still "hasn't heard from our mutual friend." I've never gotten stuck here before so I assume it's a bug. I've even waited several months but nothing changed. The only quest marker I have is telling me to talk to Horus, with no indication that I've missed anything.

After getting a few hours in the new patch, I've gotta admit one thing that stood out is the AI is much better with plasma burn ships. I guess that was needed since we're getting several new ships with similar "forward dash" systems, but either way it's much appreciated.

That, combined with the defensive targeting array has me thinking about the odyssey. I want to see if the AI can make an aggressive build really work. I haven't tried it in campaign yet, but this layout was able to take on multiple opponents in the sim by itself, including a 1v4 against enforcers and hammerheads. Yeah they're a lower total DP but I would normally expect a short range odyssey to be overwhelmed by this combination of enemies, so I was pretty impressed with how it was consistently able to burn in at just the right time to deal heavy damage without exposing itself to excessive danger. Fingers crossed this carries over to real fleet combat.

Bug Reports & Support / Enemy retreat bug
« on: May 05, 2023, 04:49:47 PM »

It got to the edge of the map and started "retreating" but in the wrong direction.

General Discussion / What would a midline capital carrier be like?
« on: March 07, 2023, 09:11:49 PM »

Soon, every other tech level will have a 60 dp ship, and midline has no capital carrier... so it only makes sense they would get a 60 dp carrier right? But would it be more of a battlecarrier like the legion (probably with 5 fighter bays) or would it be a pure carrier like the astral, bringing a whole 8 bays so it uses up the full capacity of your carrier skills by itself?

On the other hand, you could argue it should be 45 dp. Just like how onslaught -> pegasus -> paragon is 40 -> 50 -> 60, it would make sense for it to sit right between the legion and the astral in terms of dp. That being said, I don't know if there's any room for more capitals now that every major faction has 2 unique capitals and every minor faction has 1. Except independents, cuz they don't exist.

Suggestions / Toning down the Monitor Menace >:)
« on: March 07, 2023, 01:51:24 PM »
Another nerf suggestion. Hurray!
The monitor is really only held back by the fact that the AI uses fortress shields poorly, but even with that it is quite powerful. I've got an idea to tone it down a bit without ruining it: make the effect of flux shunt scale off hard flux. Something like:

Flux Shunt
This ship is able to dissipate hard flux when its shields are up, and the more flux it has the faster it can dissipate. When it has no flux built up it can dissipate hard flux at 25% of the normal rate, scaling up to 50% when its capacity is full.

This would make it a lot easier to keep it up at a hard flux level where weapons like ion beams and pilums are useful. They may not kill it, but you could much more reliably shut off the monitor's engines... and then kill it. The ship would still be useful in your fleet, especially if you have a spare officer with field modulation, but you may find it a little less ridiculous.

Modding / Editing mining blaster
« on: March 02, 2023, 02:45:32 PM »
I wanna test the version of the mining blaster in the announcement post, but I'm not sure how to add the 100 armour-only damage. I've figured out how to modify everything else but I'm stuck on this one thing.

Suggestions / Nerfing ordnance expertise
« on: February 28, 2023, 03:38:32 PM »
I love this skill but it sounds like Alex wants to nerf it at some point from 2 dissipation per op to something like 3 per 2. I don't know if this is still in the works or not, but I was thinking that if ordnance expertise does eventually get its numbers tweaked then one way to do it would be to make it provide different amounts of dissipation depending on the weapon type.

For example:
Gain 2 dissipation for every 1 op spent on ballistic and energy weapons
Gain 1 dissipation for every 1 op spent on missiles and fighter wings

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