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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - KDR_11k

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Mods / Re: [0.96a] Red - the Oculian Armada (0.9.3) Mod
« on: June 01, 2023, 11:07:50 AM »
When I mouse over an Oculian weapon for the first time after loading the game it plays the "low combat readiness" alarm sound effect, is that some debug thing left in the class initializer?

I've found it rather annoying at the times where holding S doesn't change my speed whatsoever (7 with, 7 without) but I still need to do it to avoid getting hit by storms. A toggle would be nice.

That's actually pretty funny. Maybe the game should check if you're under the "slow speed" threshold even when you're not holding S.
I'm pretty sure it does, I've had times where my fleet was slowed to 7 by terrain and it could just coast through storms.

Suggestions / Re: Easier Clean Disengage
« on: May 31, 2023, 08:06:57 AM »
I wish you could recover destroyed ships when doing a clean disengage, not realistic but as it is I rarely feel like I should make use of that clean disengage, instead attempting to fight to a victory if possible at all because it's likely that I lost some hard to recover ship at that point.

General Discussion / Re: How to get my seed out of the game files?
« on: May 31, 2023, 08:04:28 AM »
Also it seems that 96 generates different galaxies than 95 from the same seed.

General Discussion / Re: About the blueprints bundles...
« on: May 31, 2023, 08:03:44 AM »
The purpose is to give you a good selection of basic things to produce. While the lower price isn't realistic they're fine for game balance purposes.

Suggestions / Re: Easier Clean Disengage
« on: May 30, 2023, 01:49:52 PM »
It also doesn't help that ships will try to fight against the defend order by pushing as far up as they can and that's a fair distance (a defend waypoint at the bottom most position you can put it at gives them a range of 1/3rd of the map).

It already is a toggle. Go dark.
Transponder aside, that can actually make you go slower than necessary when you're flying a big fleet through rough terrain and have the sensors skill. You need sustained burn to hit the speed that would actually be considered slow.

Suggestions / Re: Let us declare a distance for an order
« on: May 29, 2023, 10:14:52 AM »
Dunno, I tried to make three large ships stick to the bottom of the map with defend waypoints and they all moved a big square's distance up from the waypoints despite having different personalities. Unfortunately that put them into range of the station I wanted them to avoid...

Suggestions / Let us declare a distance for an order
« on: May 29, 2023, 06:05:09 AM »
Orders seem to have a certain leash distance to them. However in some situations that leash is too long (e.g. when you want to push into a capture point or when assaulting a station, being closer tends to be safer there) so please give us a distance modifier for commands where we can tell units to be much tighter or looser about them. Or maybe even tell ships to keep a certain distance while attacking something.

General Discussion / Re: Arbalest Autocannon too weak?
« on: May 27, 2023, 11:37:40 AM »
I feel like needlers are different enough in goal they aren't too comparable.  For sustained fire stats they should be worse than the autocannons, but the heavy needler does 3k burst damage to shields per shot so you can force a ship to drop shields and take HE missile hits.

Also sustained fire means that the enemy will notice the hard flux building up and move away, the needlers have them from 0 to 70+% before they have a chance to alter their momentum.

You're missing an entry in an i18n file.
Unknown string: HIVER_asteroidfield2
Well hello there KDR_11k thank you for the report but I am a little confused regarding it. From what I know, i18n deals with language localizations and translations to regional locales. I am unsure how that applies to the second asteroid field in Zesketet though, especially since the first one uses the same structure:

		SectorEntityToken Bugfield1 = system.addTerrain(Terrain.ASTEROID_FIELD, 
new AsteroidFieldTerrainPlugin.AsteroidFieldParams(500f, 700f, 30, 40, 4f, 24f, txt("HIVER_asteroidfield1")));

SectorEntityToken Bugfield2 = system.addTerrain(Terrain.ASTEROID_FIELD,
new AsteroidFieldTerrainPlugin.AsteroidFieldParams(500f, 700f, 30, 40, 4f, 24f, txt("HIVER_asteroidfield2")));

I do have them overlapping though so I could separate them if that is what you are reporting. Some clarity would help me better diagnose and address the issue.

In the status bar at the bottom where it shows what terrains you're in it showed that while I was in the asteroid field. I'm seeing a description text in descriptions.csv but that reads more like a longer form explanation, not a short name and checking other mods I can't seem to find any asteroid fields and such in their descriptions.csv. Not sure where those texts go.

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Blue - Extratential Lanestate Union (0.8.2) Mod
« on: May 26, 2023, 02:25:35 PM »
The sudden explosion is just super inconsistent. Having a ship be randomly either nigh indestructible or just explode from a stray hit (while also taking out nearby allies) means you can't plan your play around them. Or rather sometimes your fleet just collapses out of nowhere.

Perhaps. It's updated now.

Cool, thanks!

There's a typo in the download link.

You're missing an entry in an i18n file.
Unknown string: HIVER_asteroidfield2

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Blue - Extratential Lanestate Union (0.8.2) Mod
« on: May 26, 2023, 11:37:11 AM »
It is what AoE damage could do against a shield module with very high flux, made worse that the explosion scales with the higher current flux it has before it dies.
I probably would do a UI for it, but I'll look into it.
The sudden explosion is just super inconsistent. Having a ship be randomly either nigh indestructible or just explode from a stray hit (while also taking out nearby allies) means you can't plan your play around them. Or rather sometimes your fleet just collapses out of nowhere.

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