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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - KDR_11k

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 45
Looks like it sticks static initializers into some classes but I'm not sure if those classes are fixed (so it wouldn't do anything to a Starsector mod) or if it has dynamic logic for that.

The need for certificates to be issued by the developer certainly introduces a small barrier to entry, but it would only be needed for publishing a mod; for private development of mods you'd obviously provide a developer=true bypass of the certification check.

The problem is that you're adding an administration barrier to the whole thing and requiring anybody trying to publish anything to the public to apply for a cert, no matter how small or experimental. Otherwise you'll quickly end up with end users wanting access to unsigned content and thus disabling the cert check.
Also if you're storing a private key on your computer that you use to sign your mod then a virus that takes that into account (obviously not this one) could just use that key to sign the infected version. Or infect it while you're developing and when you decide to publish and sign the package the virus is already in there.

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.3.4)
« on: June 10, 2023, 01:24:32 PM »
Is there a list what terraforming to a specific type will do to a planet?

Someone should probably investigate precisely what vector the virus uses to propagate, as the pseudo-sandbox Starsector runs its mods inside may very well prevent infected jars from successfully propagating.

This sort of thing could be avoided if modders signed their code with a certificate issued by the game developer. (and the game required said certificate in order to run precompiled mods)
You'd have the certificate on the computer with the virus anyway. Also that would mean every modder would have to apply for a cert before releasing any mods or people would get an option to skip certificate checks and then you lose the protection anyway.

Suggestions / Re: List "you have X" column in production view
« on: June 10, 2023, 07:56:13 AM »
The production orders screen, the big table in the middle where you pick what to build.

The number of support craft is increasing, especially once mods get involved but the categories on the refit screen are only "interceptor", "fighter" and "bomber".

Suggestions / List "you have X" column in production view
« on: June 09, 2023, 09:11:58 AM »
Would be neat if we could not only see at a glance how many of each thing we have and quickly put in orders for things we're missing but also sort by how many we have in stock.


The virus spreads to any other JARs on your computer so there's a risk if one of the modders for Starsector were to be infected they might get their mods infected too. Not too sure about the mechanics but it seems like something we should look out for.

If you expand the readout tooltip it does tell you how much is the daily maintenance and how much is for repair/recovery. You can also look at the top left of the fleet screen and it tells you exactly how many supplies will be used to repair/recovery.
Yeah, that's a lot of extra checks though. I'd rather have those visible at a glance.

Many of the ships feel very, very weak compared to even base game ship counterparts and may be some of the most under powered ships in the game.
Their gimmick is the extremely high flux dissipation for the ship size. You can get some evil results by making use of that.

The readout on the bottom left only tells us the current total consumption, for planning it'd be much more useful to have it separate out the maintenance costs (that we'll be paying forever) and the recovery/repair costs that only last until the recovery is done. Ideally I'd like the latter to be the total left to complete CR recovery and repairs so I can budget for them.
When I see 100 -2/day, -40 I can estimate that I'll last 30 days with the supplies I have instead of seeing something like 100 -8/day with no idea how long it'll stay at -8 and what it'll drop down to after that.

Also I find it a bit odd that the fleet screen lists only daily consumption while the detailed ship stats only list monthly consumption.

It's a bit awkward to figure out when exactly you can launch your next raid, since it's a 1 day cooldown the game never really tells you anything but "less than a day" so it's a matter of clicking on the planet, seeing whether it's still greyed out, leaving, repeat or guesstimating based on the day progress bar. Would be much nicer if it just said "your marines are ready for their next raid".

Suggestions / Re: Show real weapon ranges in weapon list
« on: June 06, 2023, 02:47:21 PM »
Also range has the advantage that it stays the same regardless of the target, with damage you get stuff like bonuses vs cruisers so a single number could not express it anyway.

General Discussion / Re: The problem with ship mods...
« on: June 06, 2023, 02:38:46 PM »
Personally I like that, makes playthroughs less predictable.

General Discussion / Re: Colony Threat event
« on: June 06, 2023, 02:37:11 PM »
I'd like to add that Threat Reduction feels off. No bonuses from Cryoarthmetic Engine, Alpha Core, SP Improvements to Patrol Base/Military Base/High Command... or even maluses from them having shortages! And I disagree that with only a single PB/MB/HC in a system being counting towards Threat Reduction, if the Diktat is hard to attack lorewise (even if not gameplay wise) because of they have many military installations in one system shouldn't it also be the same for player's faction?
I think Cryoarithmetic and Drone Replicator are the biggest weaknesses, because they generate Pather interest and thus drive up your colony threat when their only benefit is defensive. They should at least have no impact on the technology use malus.

I think the idea is that a market doesn't necessarily see your ships visually while an enemy fleet does. When you dock without being noticed they didn't see your fleet get in there and you docked in some unregistered place, even space stations are supposed to be gigantic so nobody can see everything that goes in and out. The authorities are not aware of your presence. A fleet spotting you in space sees your ships from the outside but without a transponder they don't necessarily know who owns those ships.

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