General Discussion / Re: Ship types you want to see added before 1.0? What niches are left?
« on: June 21, 2023, 11:34:01 AM »
Not so much ships but I'd like some larger launchers for Atropos torps.
Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)
Mothership looked big when it was first released and Onslaught and Paragon were the largest ships the player can use. Now that Invictus has arrived, the Mothership acting like a station while being the same size or slightly larger than Invictus looks silly. Mothership should be retired as a station and become a borderline super-capital like Invictus that can fight like a normal ship.I always assumed it's a station because its engines aren't functional anymore.
Alex has mentioned that the motherships are an introduction to station fights. But it sounds weird to me as I think most people are going to have a normal station fight before finding a mothership in most cases.And it doesn't really feel anything like it when you're not always worried about the massive firepower that will regularly sweep its arc across your ship.
I'm just not sure, if that would make the normal scan obsolete.The scanner pulse and neutrino scanner work so differently that I doubt that's a real concern unless the neutrino was basically turned into a map hack.