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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - KDR_11k

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 45
Not so much ships but I'd like some larger launchers for Atropos torps.

I think showing it by default is good, makes sure you don't miss that.

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.4.2)
« on: June 18, 2023, 08:09:49 AM »
Hm, could you list the available terraforming options for an unclaimed planet in the "other considerations" listing?

You need some HM for salvaging and of course surveying, how much should you ideally bring? I think I'm overdoing it by aiming for 100 units.

Suggestions / Re: Redesign mothership as a recurring Derelict capital
« on: June 16, 2023, 07:37:13 AM »
Mothership looked big when it was first released and Onslaught and Paragon were the largest ships the player can use.  Now that Invictus has arrived, the Mothership acting like a station while being the same size or slightly larger than Invictus looks silly.  Mothership should be retired as a station and become a borderline super-capital like Invictus that can fight like a normal ship.
I always assumed it's a station because its engines aren't functional anymore.

Suggestions / Re: Neutrino Detector Revamp
« on: June 16, 2023, 07:35:30 AM »
Dunno why you'd need another tradeoff, costing volatiles in addition to making you slowly fly across the system (which consumes supplies) seems expensive enough. It's not some cheat device that would break the game if left unchecked.

General Discussion / Re: Pirates too strong
« on: June 16, 2023, 07:33:17 AM »
The pirate fleet spawn rates do feel out of whack, probably because they don't have to declare a raid to raid your colonies these days? I get loads of pretty large pirate fleets swarming into my system, nothing I can't kill but it's notably way more than what used to be there. Doesn't corelate with the threat event either, whether at minimal or high threat those fleets come flowing in.

Suggestions / Re: Redesign mothership as a recurring Derelict capital
« on: June 14, 2023, 08:05:14 AM »
Alex has mentioned that the motherships are an introduction to station fights. But it sounds weird to me as I think most people are going to have a normal station fight before finding a mothership in most cases.
And it doesn't really feel anything like it when you're not always worried about the massive firepower that will regularly sweep its arc across your ship.

Then I don't know, I remember there being a mission from the academy about finding something hidden in a system where they do tell you to use the Neutrino Detector and if you don't have it from a character skill you get the Detector ability for free but I don't know if it's that one.

Suggestions / Re: Neutrino Detector Revamp
« on: June 14, 2023, 07:55:48 AM »
I'm just not sure, if that would make the normal scan obsolete.
The scanner pulse and neutrino scanner work so differently that I doubt that's a real concern unless the neutrino was basically turned into a map hack.

Isn't that the mission they give you the Neutrino Detector for?

Suggestions / Re: Neutrino Detector Revamp
« on: June 14, 2023, 03:29:10 AM »
Anything's better than the current one. Though that alternative sounds like it's just a "scan entire map" function?

I've seen various detecting methods in various games. For example showing the distances of things so when you do another scan at some distance you can use the two distances and starting points to circle potential locations. Or get a heading vector for each detected thing and when you do more scans you can use those vectors to draw a line to the target. Having players use multiple scans to narrow it down could be interesting, provided of course there's anything to find out there in the first place.

To some degree I could even agree to the current scanner if the volatiles cost was removed, having both the volatiles cost AND the extreme unreliability just adds up to too much hassle, especially with how little you'll actually find with the scanner. I'm certainly not going to bring volatiles on my exploration trips when most of the time I don't see a need to use the scanner and I usually end up with an overflowing cargo hold that requires regularly dumping the least valuable bulk material.

Suggestions / Re: Redesign mothership as a recurring Derelict capital
« on: June 14, 2023, 03:15:44 AM »
Still, the Mothership fight feels kinda pointless since the mothership itself doesn't do much at all. Might be more interesting if it sent out fighters or something. Otherwise you just have to wonder why that thing is even on the battlefield, on my first encounter I thought I was doing something wrong by shooting at it and that I was meant to take that thing intact.

Suggestions / Remember last assigned officer when stashing a ship
« on: June 13, 2023, 12:35:00 PM »
I have some ships I only want to bring out when I'm heading for combat but every time I store them at my base their officers of course get unassigned and when I later pull them out again for the next use I have to assign officers again. Would be nice if a ship remembered the last officer it had assigned and if that officer is free when that ship is retrieved the officer automatically captains it.
Another nice thing would be having "fleet loadouts" that let you quickly stash and unstash ships for different mission profiles but I suppose that would be a lot more work.

Suggestions / Re: Derelict autoresolve
« on: June 13, 2023, 12:31:11 PM »
"auto resolve" is only for retreating enemies. Remnants are suicidal and never retreat, therefore you can't auto resolve them.

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