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Topics - SeriousWays

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Effect of selling ship blueprints
« on: December 20, 2023, 02:13:31 AM »
Some time ago, somewhere I read that if you sell blueprints, the faction you sold them to starts producing these ships.
As an example, you find two blueprints for the DOOM-class frigate. You learn one and the other is useless so you sell it at a pirate station. After some time, you notice that pirate fleets now have doom ships in their fleets.

Is this true, or did I misunderstand something about it? Now I am completely paranoid about selling blueprints and just hoard them on one of my planets like some stash of peanuts.

General Discussion / Gifting Ships to Defence Fleets?
« on: October 31, 2023, 07:23:47 AM »
Hello, guys!

Is it possible to gift ships to defense fleets to make them stronger.
Just to buy a bunch of capital ships and gift them to my systems' defense fleets to bolster their power.

I got pretty lucky with systems and have a few great planets. This means that big raids are inevitable and just relying on the available fleets is not enough.

General Discussion / Endgame Suggestions?
« on: July 03, 2023, 04:09:59 AM »
Hello, guys!

I have built colonies that are successful. I have a big fleet. I have more credits on my name than I know what do with.
With the exception of the unfinished storylines, what is there to do in the endgame?

You cannot conquer other systems, so war is out of the question. Settling more worlds and expanding my colonies feels like a waste of time, as it will turn around and bite me on the back with colony threads and lowered colony profits.

Hunting [REDACTED] can just be summed up with locate [REDACTED] bases, destroy a few [REDACTED] fleets, destroy the base and that is it.

So, what is your endgame strategy? How do you keep yourself entertained after the early and mid-game struggle has passed?

For the first time in my life I got a great run at the game, where I was practically drowning in Alpha cores at the early game.
I decided to put them to good use in colonies so I can maximize profit while occasionally bribing Hegemony scum to leave me alone.
Then I noticed the new Colony Threat system (used to play an older version prior to a few weeks ago).

Now instead of dealing with the occasional Pather base and ridding myself of most Pather activity, I have a constantly running clock which is set to drive me out of my mind through constant stability drops, raids, and other problems.

How do you circumvent these drawbacks?
Also, how do you use cores on your colonies?

I am looking for some fresh opinion and maybe a new tactic to try out.

Bug Reports & Support / Mising Ship Lock-On Scematic During Fights
« on: July 01, 2023, 05:53:35 PM »
While I am in battle, when I click R to lock on someone, the small schematics of the ship, which show where it is damaged, do not appear.
The only time I manage to make it appear is when I click R, then I tab to the battle map, then I zoom on the ship again. This method too only works in a few cases. Usually when the ship I am zooming in on is near the ship I have locked-on to. This also only works when it decides.
The problem appears on single and multi-screen systems. I did not have it prior to updating the game to the newest version.

General Discussion / Automated Fleet Additional CR
« on: July 26, 2022, 09:52:19 AM »

I just captured a couple of [REDACTED] battleships. I was quite happy with having one, so the logic was, why not add a second one.
Then I got hit with the "Automated Ship" penalty.

I do not like this, I like being unkillable too much.

I tried going through the settings file, but did not find anything about AI combat readiness.

Anyone have an idea which file and where exactly can I tweak in order to give myself a bigger CR pool for AI ships?

General Discussion / Is the game story concluded?
« on: June 25, 2022, 09:20:01 AM »

I am not sure if the game story is concluded or if there are more updates to be expected about it.
Currently I finished
the Ziggurat
quest and I have no idea if there is any content more available.

Could anyone, please, clarify this issue for me.

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