« on: July 14, 2021, 02:51:33 PM »
I've used a small portion of a tutorial and was able to do the mod_info.json easily, but I want to make a bunch of blueprints (not blueprint packages) for a dozen or so items and I can't figure out how to do it from the tutorial. Could anybody point me to (or show me) an example?
The tutorial showed how to do it for a blueprint package, which involved a settings.json to point to the package graphics and a specialitems csv to set up the package's properties.
EDIT: Just checked the wiki and it only talks about ship, weapon and fighter wing blueprints (and mentions industry blueprints, but says nothing more so I don't even know what those are), which doesn't really help in my case (I want to add blueprints for alpha, beta and gamma cores as well as for all special items (ex. soil nanites)).