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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - nathan67003

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- You can probably tell how self-sustaining a faction is from their levels of production and consumption of the ship parts resource. About the XIV, afaik they're not exactly a ubiquitous sight within Heg fleets; they're most likely kept for when most needed. (Incidentally, you can compare the manufacturing costs of a normal ship with its XIV variant to have a guess at how much harder they are to manufacture)

- Missions are definitely considered non-canon nowadays, iirc. As for fleet sizes, it's intentionally left vague (there's no real way to tell how many ships are under maintenance or just simply parked at any given time) but you can have some idea of how significant the total military arm is by the amount of time it takes to assemble a strike force against player colonies. Depending on how significant said strike force is, it could well be anywhere from under 2% of total faction ships up to 50%, depending on the faction.

-  The amount of resources necessary to maintain and create fleets attached to the player's bases is reflected in the amount of ship parts required to maintain their operation. The player's custom production orders can give you a good idea of how expensive a given ship is to manufacture brand new; consider the difference between that cost and the cost of recuperating a derelict into something that can at least fly without falling apart, then restoring it in port. Wanting to restore instead of create new ships is likely a purely economic reason; afaik, the Heg is already stretched bloody thin as it is so every bit counts.

Suggestions / Re: Restart/Retry Button for Battles
« on: November 07, 2024, 05:40:40 AM »
Why would someone use a story point to retry an encounter when they can do the same at no cost with good save/load discipline?

Cybernetics are shown to be relatively commonplace if you can afford it, as evidenced by people like Gargoyle and Kanta herself (very obviously cyber'd up). What makes it actually rare isn't that it's impossible to reach, it's the fact that the Sector is an eminently dangerous place and that anyone who's likely to be able to afford harvested organs, cyberization, longevity treatments etc. is also very likely to have a target painted on their back - the tricky part isn't the aging, it's the surviving.

Which, incidentally, makes Kanta's bicentennial reputation even more impressive since piracy isn't exactly a place where lifespans, on average, are measured in decades - let alone centuries.

Y'all are forgetting about the harvested organs. With that + cybernetics + anti-senescence medicine that's probably commonplace in colonies (helps offset genetic damage etc.) and far from lost, as long as you're not one of the poor sods in the dregs of Chicomoztok, living over 150 probably isn't a long stretch at all.

Modding / Re: I'm a writer, not a programmer! (some confusion)
« on: October 26, 2024, 07:02:00 AM »
I love phpBB and SMF but also I can't upvote stuff on here so I need to actually write up a post to express my appreciation for someone or one of their posts.

Which is what this is.

General Discussion / Re: Ok wtf happened to the game?
« on: October 25, 2024, 10:10:35 AM »
What's your fleet like? I know I was constantly struggling to not go into the negative until I had several colonies in 0.95a because I found a derelict Paragon very early on.

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Re: Lore Query: What is a Drive Bubble?
« on: October 11, 2024, 06:31:12 AM »
Unlikely to be an Alcubierre drive's effect since iirc, only the Gate ship carrier thing has an actual warp-based drive. Probably some equivalent that works on hyperspatial manifolds or something to that effect instead otherwise you wouldn't need to jump to hyperspace to actually go FTL.

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Re: Lore Query: What is a Drive Bubble?
« on: October 10, 2024, 07:50:23 AM »
So consider that a ship's speed in the non-combat map is absolutely not achievable with chemical or even fusion or antimatter reaction engines; the accelerations are incredibly powerful and a significant fraction of the speed of light. This must mean that the ships are using some sort of device that allows such feats.

Personally, I'd think they use a low-power mode of the hyperdrive to do this; the hyperdrive affects spacetime in a ship's vicinity instead of just the ship itself, meaning it creates a 'bubble' of modified spacetime. Since the fleet keeps close, the bubbles could potentially merge and become a single bubble.

Since the outside of the bubble is different in configuration from the inside, it's likely there's an 'edge' to the drive field and that this edge can sometimes redirect incoming debris due to, say, gravitational shear. But since that means extra mass, it slows down the whole fleet while the asteroid is getting violently and suddenly redirected. Or maybe it's too massive for that and one of the ships ends up grazing it, getting damaged.

To note: smaller fleets have a higher chance to have no damage when going not-slowly through asteroid belts. Individual ship sizes, iirc, do not matter.

Modding Resources / Re: [0.97a] Ship Editor v0.7.6
« on: October 07, 2024, 11:37:57 AM »
Don't even worry about Java here! The .command is closer to Bash than anything else, you only really need to know how to write out a path (which you can get by dragging a file or folder onto a terminal window). Once that's written there should be no issues - I probably just did something wrong with the Bash scripting on my end that ended up borked on yours.

As for the file loading error, that is WELL outside my area - I'll leave Ontheheavens or other users to that. But as long as you've indicated where Starsector is installed with the first-run prompt, there should, in my experience, be no issues...

You can always try starting from 0 if you haven't invested much time in anything but I honestly can't guarantee that anything would be different.

Oops! All [Harbinger]!

Modding Resources / Re: [0.97a] Ship Editor v0.7.6
« on: October 05, 2024, 10:14:01 AM »
Hmmmm, not sure why it would be doing that. I don't have the new mac security stuff so I can't test against it, either.

At worst you can change the variables in the .command (easily identified with $CAPITAL_LETTERS) for the true location paths for your install, which should fix the "no such file or directory" error.

Could maybe try altering the wing size?

Modding Resources / Re: [0.97a] Ship Editor v0.7.6
« on: October 04, 2024, 08:58:26 AM »
You didn't follow the instructions in Terminal; pretty sure those tell the user to input a specific command, not anything about ship_editor.command...

The thing the .command does is just input the right command to launch the editor. However, since it ships from outside your system, it gets assigned default permissions on download.

To fix this start by doing cd <ship editor folder>, replacing <ship editor folder> by the location where you've installed the Ship Editor folder (you should be able to drag the folder onto the Terminal window to auto-fill that). This will move the Terminal's active directory to the Ship Editor's folder.

After that, do ls -l. This will list all the files and folders within the active directory alongside their permissions (and more details that aren't useful here). Look for ship_editor.command and look at the permissions (the string of letters and dashes at the start of the line); it should go something like -rw-something. In this case, if the permissions don't have "x" in them anywhere, it means you don't have execution permission on it.

To fix that, you'll need (while still in the same active directory) to input chmod +x ship_editor.command. If it says "permission denied" or something like that, add sudo before the command; sudo chmod +x ship_editor.command. This will prompt you to type your password and if you have admin rights, you should now be able to just double-click the .command and it should start up the editor correctly.

General Discussion / Re: any way to reduce UI lag?
« on: October 03, 2024, 10:01:03 AM »
Another solution is upping your RAM. I know I had issues with the default values but it vanished when I upped it to ~6 GB (see instructions in modifying allocated amount somewhere else on the forum or on the wiki)

Modding Resources / Re: [0.97a] Ship Editor v0.7.6
« on: October 03, 2024, 09:56:47 AM »
Okay so, first off, the download page: (this is for Canada but it should either ask to redirect to the proper country or it doesn't matter; in any case, it's this page (country optional) you're looking for)

On here, select the JDK 21 tab, then the macOS tab of that one. It gives you 2 versions depending on your CPU architecture - to know which one you have, just go t the Apple menu > about this Mac and the processor will either say Intel (x64) or not (in which case, ARM64). Get the compressed archive for the correct architecture.

After that, did you download the most recent version of the ship editor? Iirc it doesn't ship with a bundled jre so you have to create the jre folder yourself. The folder should be on the first level of the Starsector Ship Editor folder, in the same place as the readme.txt, ship_editor.jar, etc.

At this point, you should be able to follow the instructions once again and everything should Just Work(tm).

You're probably not missing anything obvious; unless you have some good amount of programming experience and/or fiddling with a lot of stuff, most people wouldn't really be used to these kinds of procedures.

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