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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Topics - nathan67003

Pages: [1]
Modding / Rich presence
« on: June 30, 2024, 06:34:04 PM »
Recently SimCity 4 got a DLL mod that enables Discord rich presence for the game and it got me thinking: would it be possible to have similar rich presence guffaw for Starsector?

Suggestions / Allow a player to hire/assign an escort fleet
« on: June 07, 2024, 03:52:52 PM »
Basically, the player would be able to have a fleet follow them around (you can tell it to "follow" or "standby" but nothing much more precise).

Such a fleet would require an officer to lead it (at the very least) and would either be hired as a mercenary fleet (some limits to what they're willing to do, upkeep is wholly monetary) and could therefore not be changed or fiddled with in any way or would be made up of elements of the player's faction (and BE of the player's faction), resulting in a fleet that you can customize to your liking but need to supply with fuel, supplies and credits to keep running.

The goal of such a feature is to make late-game threats more approachable (for late-game players) at a cost. Notably, one wouldn't be able to bring along an escort fleet on 'special outings' - into the Abyss, transverse jumping, having it keep up with the player's abilities, etc.

A dedicated tab in the fleet manager would probably be the easiest place to put everything about it.

Pretty simple: allow the player to choose to keep D-mods/exclude them from auto-repair (and if possible, shipyard restoration).

Allows one who wants to micromanage them to do so, pretty much.

Suggestions / Increase maximum possible number of stable locations
« on: February 09, 2024, 06:26:36 PM »
With the recent addition of key items/features, which require stable locations to use, it's no longer possible to have a system with all stable location structures (sensors, nav, hypercom, [REDACTED], [REDACTED]) at once.

My suggestion consists of allowing random generation to rarely create systems with more than three stable locations. For instance, systems with 4 locations would be a single digit percentage (in other words, <10%, likely far less) and systems with 5 locations would be so rare as to have one or two per sector at most, possibly none (albeit plz no, at least one T_T).

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / [SPOILERS] Relative ship sizes in Starsector
« on: February 03, 2024, 07:46:57 PM »
Pretty much what the title says. What are the relative/vague sizes of ships in Starsector?

For instance; how large is the Invictus compared to a Paragon? Is it volume (Invictus is one square boi) or is it the longest measurement (so for a Paragon, front to back)? What's the average longest measurement of frigates, the average longest measurement of destroyers, etc. Nothing precise; just some ballpark numbers.

How do those compare to large structures like stations (star fortresses, abandoned stations, Remnant bastions, etc.)? How about cryosleepers or Guardians? How large is a gate in comparison and by extension, how large is the gate hauler relative to the average capital? Does the gate have a smaller diametre while being hauled and deploy into a larger form?

While this may seem like idle thoughts, I have a genuine use for such knowledge. If I want to implement a ship in a mod that throws expectations to the woodchipper, I need to know what sort of sizes would have such an effect on in-game characters. I also know that sizes are intentionally vague in-game so ships are fun to use and confront in battle, but having (vague) info on how sizes differ in-world would also help me determine how large a sprite for a ship I'm making should be given an in-world size of a given order of magnitude, more or less.

Suggestions / Overhaul colony-related Industry skills
« on: December 13, 2023, 01:24:21 PM »
As of now, there aren't really any viable reasons to take them. An Alpha core will always (unless you can't handle the interest of fleets loaded with fuel, in which case you probably don't need the skill anyway) be a better choice, systematically. Because of this, they're more like skill point sinks than anything else at this point, unfortunately.

Maybe making them either more situational (if X then Y bonus) or universal (players' skills apply to all colonies regardless of governance) would make them worthwhile again, but at time of writing I can't see any reason I'd ever invest in those skills apart from having skill points I don't want to spend anywhere else.

Suggestions / Orbital solar array maintenance cost
« on: October 09, 2023, 05:50:42 AM »
I remember, Alex, that you've said that orbital arrays are cost-free for now. So here's my (very unoriginal) idea for a maintenance cost: metal.

It would work like the fusion lamp, but with metals as required commodity instead of volatiles; this could be worked out in-universe as micrometeorites, solar flux etc. doing one hell of a number on immense, ultralight metal constructs hanging around in space entirely unprotected. As supply becomes insufficient, the market condition would increase hazard back to about half-way of what it would be without it. Metal is also (relatively?) easy to get a hold of in sufficient quantities provided you have a catalytic core (unlike transplutonics). Possible reasoning the hazard wouldn't go past 50% of what's offset: the more holes there are in a thing, the less stuff can hit it.

The only issue I can see arising here is that some core worlds markets may get an increased hazard if there's no pre-existing market capable of supplying 10 metals, which could have knock-on effects throughout the sector's base economy.

Suggestions / Forum suggestion: timestamp consistency
« on: October 06, 2023, 11:28:03 AM »
Not sure how hard (or not) this is or would be to implement, but I've noticed that the timestamp on posts marked Today does not match the other timestamps (which match the settings I have in my profile). Specifically, the display is always AM/PM despite me running settings for 24 hour timestamps.

This is an extremely minor nitpick, to be clear; I expect that it won't be addressed due to its comprehensibly very low priority level.

Modding / Many, few or one hullmod(s)?
« on: October 06, 2023, 07:27:55 AM »
Suppose a ship with many, many unique properties. What would be better? One hullmod to pack all the properties under a single roof, with a less detailed description of what's going on? A few hullmods, one per ship system (shields, engines etc.) with the relevant properties packed together and slightly more precise descriptions of how the systems operate? One hullmod for each property, each with a detailed description of why that property exists?

General Discussion / A few niche questions
« on: October 01, 2023, 08:12:47 PM »
1) You can't go back during save creation - to change something previously selected, you need to start over. Is that intentional?

2) Will Abyssals (name I have for them atm, what with lack of official designation apart from [COMSEC DISPATCHED]) function normally regarding sensors? By this, I mean that as long as you remain outside their sensor range (fleet sensor profile pending), they won't aggro.

3) Tried (and failed) to find a conclusive answer to the following: does the Stabilized Shields hullmod also affect the hard flux generated by Fortress Shield ship systems?

A few disclaimers:
1) I do have mods but since they're the Console mod and the New Level mod, I don't think they're related to the current issue I'm having.
2) I've personally modified the settings file to allow the player character to administrate 600 colonies because AI inspections are pain.

After I land myself several dozen (like, literally over a hundred) colonies (almost all of which have at least 2 special items), the game hangs for longer and longer whenever:
- opening the cargo screen/colony screen
- opening the command screen
- confirming or cancelling item or AI core management in an industry or structure
- adding an industry or structure to the build queue
- upgrading an industry or structure
- confirming a change of cargo
- scavenging for cargo or scuttling ships
- (may have missed some other triggers)

The time it hangs seems directly proportional to the amount of colonies in my possession.

General Discussion / Economic perspectives in a single-market sector
« on: July 20, 2021, 07:47:22 PM »
I was wondering; if I make all other factions bite the dust one way or the other, will I still be able to make a profit off of exports? Or does conquering/colonizing the whole sector inevitably makes you wind up as Debt Incarnate?

Modding / How to declare blueprints?
« on: July 14, 2021, 02:51:33 PM »
I've used a small portion of a tutorial and was able to do the mod_info.json easily, but I want to make a bunch of blueprints (not blueprint packages) for a dozen or so items and I can't figure out how to do it from the tutorial. Could anybody point me to (or show me) an example?

The tutorial showed how to do it for a blueprint package, which involved a settings.json to point to the package graphics and a specialitems csv to set up the package's properties.

EDIT: Just checked the wiki and it only talks about ship, weapon and fighter wing blueprints (and mentions industry blueprints, but says nothing more so I don't even know what those are), which doesn't really help in my case (I want to add blueprints for alpha, beta and gamma cores as well as for all special items (ex. soil nanites)).

Modding / Modding idea: utter luddite needs some guidance
« on: July 13, 2021, 06:31:09 PM »

I want to create a (probably small?) mod. The mod would allow the player, at the (temporary) cost of one Alpha Core, a Special Item and a cycle (365 days) to reverse-engineer a blueprint for said Special Item at one of his colonies that has Heavy Industry.

Is this even possible? How would I get around to it? Where do I even start? (I checked the modding resources and some linked tutorials, but they basically all focus on ships, so I'm still at a loss...)

Thank you for your time!

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